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Abwehran Merchant Guild

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
====== Abwehran Merchant Guild ======

A recent alliance between the major trade corporations of Abwehr, the Merchant Guild is a manner of democracy and group control over prices in trade and commerce. Sharing resources and ideas, the Merchant Guild makes smaller, weaker corporations stronger through numbers. This planned worked so well, that the Merchant Guild has become a psuedo-political body with lobbying powers within the House of Commons.

Because of their apparent skill and application of certain 'trades', the Merchant Guild has risen to prominence amongst the Triad of manufacturing corporations that apparently rule over Abwehr's economy. With their rise to infamy came contracts from all the manufacturing corporations and the government itself in all forms of trade, actually putting some of the old major trade corporations out of business and the others into obscurity. The Abwehran Merchant Guild now holds almost supreme power over all trade in Jaspis.

With the first contact of Yamatai and the thought of civilizations outside their solar system, the Merchant Guild has begun considering intersystem trade in their future plans.

==== General Information ====

**Headquarters Location:** Grosartige Festung, Abwehr, Jaspis System

**Employees:** 40.98 million


===== Current Member Trade Corporations =====

* [[Wagner & Puttkammer Firm]]
* [[Raden Trade]]
* [[New Commerce Inc.]]
* [[Bauer & Associates]]


===== Current Foreign Trade Partners =====

* Not Available
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