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Abwehran Star Empire's future


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Alright I was thinking about making a poll but I don't think that will get the best results. So I'm doing it as a discussion thread.

Originally I took on the Abwehrans in sort of a custodial role, I didn't want them to go away, and I didn't have the resources to run them as a full on faction. They've been around a while without getting a huge amount of interest, but there's always something here and there that people are interested in. However I am also finding less and less time for SARP as things go on. So with all things considered I wanted to ask the community, what do they want to see done with the ASE? I want to know the level of interest in the faction and it's future so I can start figuring out where the most effort needs to be placed to get them where they'll fit best in the community. (I'm talking about things like, do people want them as a full faction, NPC, or getting absorbed, or what?)
I believe they should be folded into Yamatai. Abwehrans can Yamatai have had good relations since before Star Army even had a wiki, and I know them pretty well. The purpose of this would be to allow them to stay around in use in the RP and to allow people to make Abwehran Star Army of Yamatai characters in the main faction.

Some people might not like this idea because Yamatai is already big and doesn't necessarily need another culture in its mix or more star systems but I'd rather see them be part of the core of the site instead of seeing them swallowed by another faction that might be just doing it for their wiki numbers when we really makes factions great is the people/players. As always when someone joins Yamatai I would try to preserve their individuality to the most reasonable extent.

Star Army is not as large as it used to be and we're overstretched on factions. We simply can't support more playable factions and have them all operating healthy. We need to cut back. Additionally Star Army's activity is getting hit by Coronavirus. This is the amount of active players per day visiting the forum:


It's my feeling that we should try to focus on the Star Army and while this won't give Yamatai a rush of new players, it does give people more options on making an SAOY character. I considered Nepleslia as a destination too but Nepleslia is really struggling right now and this would mean more wiki work when they already have so much wiki work to do (for example their occupations are missing except for the ones I wrote) whereas Yamatai has a core team of wiki editors that could make the appropriate updates.
I’ve not jumped in fully to the Abwehran and I love reading articles as much as I can. But time restraints me to do its on my list. Aside from that I take the global overview of the situation at hand.

While I think the offer is appreciated, I would rather want to see a more balanced universe. It is as you said, Yamatai is already big as it is and to pour another into the mix would not go well. Another issue that pops up is that Yamatai dominant standing within SARP is getting ridiculous big if it adds this faction to the list.

My personal opinion is to see the Abwehran with the Nep or the NDC to balance it out better. Wiki articles can be edited and updated and if the respective FM needs help, I gladly help.

I got no hatred to Yamatai, I run a plot in it and love the stories. But I do notice the other factions struggling bad to keep their heads above water, and making yamatai bigger would only cause for these factions to struggle more and that is in the end not in any favor I hope.
There is no history between the NDC and the Abwehrans, it just doesn't make IC sense like it would with Yamatai. The Abwehran homeworld is literally in Yamataian space already, too. I don't see how Yamatai having another species is going to hurt other factions because it's an IC change and the problems the alternate factions have are mostly OOC in nature (player count, plot count, post count), and adding Abwehrans to those factions isn't going to solve any of their issues either.
If I were to look at it from the lens of RP and how nations might react, I would imagine that if the Abwehran Star Empire were to collapse in-universe, the two nations that tended to have the closest ties, even if only by virtue of proximity, would both try to take the remains under their wing. While this might be controversial, I think perhaps the most interesting and RP conducive way to handle it would be for Yamatai and Nepleslia, who both (to my knowledge) have fairly close relations to the Abwherans to both try to claim some of the worlds, and RP the conflict/disagreements between Abwherans who might feel more loyalty to Nepleslia or to Yamatai.

Just my two cents.
Fair point in NDC not having made contact, like I said I didn’t dive into it yet. Yet I did made the point in my previous post that Yamatai is to big, a point that you yourself made as well. It might hurt other factions as they got not so big line of options as what Yamatai has. I just plead that there is a certain balance because if this faction becomes folded into Yam it kinda comes over as if Yam has a monopoly position.

If nep is an option then it certainly should be considered, whether their articles need help is atm not the question. The question is if this faction can fold under flag or not.
That's an interesting thought, I could see the homeworld joining Yamatai and the colonies up North deciding they'd rather be independent or join Nepleslia. The cool part about that idea is that Abwherans could then be easily made in multiple factions. Very smart, Alex.
...I have an idea? I know I'm new here and all and probably shouldn't be discussing a faction's future...

But what about making the Abwherians do an exodus from their homeworld? The Kuvexians make a biological weapon, and turn the planet into a wasteland, thus forcing the populace on the planet to flee and scatter?

I didn't really factor in colonies, though.

While the majority would migrate to either the colonies or Yamatai, it does provide the ability to move to other nations, thus allowing the Abwherians to be largely more available to anyone. Furthermore, it emphasizes how evil the Kuvexians are. Why the biological weapon? Shrugs. I just remember a discussion about Kuvexians potentially using a bio-weapon in the Discord.
The balance behind adding an existing species/faction that is struggling for RP to a bigger faction like Yamatai and/or Nepleslia means that it's not more work for a smaller faction with less resources OOCly. The addition will not be a boon alone, but will be a responsibility that I do not think a developing faction should be burdened with in fairness- especially when it's not fair imo, it's work.
I think it makes sense to leave them as an independent nation-state or the majority not so much join nepleslia but become one of its pseudo protectorates like the lorath, freespacers, some of the jiyyuu, etc.

That way the homeworld join yamatai since its location makes sense or we can just kind of move the planet somehow, and the rest can be protected until someone comes by with that german aesthetic drawn to it and take over with the drive to do what sage and Andrew are currently doing with the lorath again. Im just not a fan of annexing a faction for OOC reasons is all like them bein underplayed. And in the past the Neps/Abs where close before Ab-commander left and nepleslia doesn't annex but more befriends.

And if i can say anything about that its that like with the lorath coming back into the fold now the faction doesn't belong to nepleslia so much as is just IC protected until they re-emerge someday compared to just being annexed by yamatai or folded in, or somehow absorbed into the much smaller and weaker NDC which wouldn't make sense as the Abs have a larger and stronger population.
Yamatai makes the most sense to me from an in-character standpoint. Abwehr already sort of functions like a Yamataian world with its own flag in the middle of Yamataian space due to the treaty arrangements. If it’s a location going into maintenance mode then why not make it like the Separa, Phods, Elysians, and other minor species and safeguard the location in the Empire?
I think it should be left indi if it just comes down to one of the two getting it.

Like i said on the discord its nice to have RP elements that dont belong to the factions.

They dont have to be used today or even tomorrow. But having indi worlds and factions on the map to go to stuff in should be an important RP tool than just Join the big war.

Theres practically no indi anymore and so little room to do indi stuff unless you wanna bend over backworlds to make your own little world to do it on that will one day likely just get removed from the wiki or absorbed by Y/N.
So the options so far are...
  1. Fold into the YAM
  2. Fold into the NEP (or get protective status like Lorath)
  3. Be split (homeworld goes to YAM and the rest goes indy or perhaps join NEP)
  4. Or go indy in totally
As a nep i vote for remaining Hindi completely. Yamatai loses nothing by just having a world in their borders that's not theirs.

We lose nothing by simply having them stay where they are and someday being an RP element for someone as compared to someday being an RP element to someone but with a different flag.

and if anyone says that by them folding into nep or yam they'll take over or give them RP. Then they should want to do that without needing them to go green or blue first.

*edit. This is my opinion not the general consensus of my faction
and if anyone says that by them folding into nep or yam they'll take over or give them RP. Then they should want to do that without needing them to go green or blue first.
Honestly, this situation is why it seems like putting them with a faction (in this case Yamatai, which surrounds their territory) would help protect against a stream of would-be caretaker FMs who gain the title and then do little with the faction.

I am generally a proponent of not putting everything in a faction. But the site has subjected the Freespacers to the endless FMs game, likely because they’re very iconic and endear people to the setting. The Abwehr, being much more minor and generally overlooked, are probably best served being taken care of by a faction that will just let them be.

Would we see the Kodians in use today if they weren’t a Yamatai world? Probably not. Like the Kodians, Phods, Elysians, and Delsaurians, though, the Abwehr should be given the same opportunity to be a backwater system where they can exist as a free place from which to join any RP on the site.
Syaoran asked: "I want to know...where they'll fit best in the community. (I'm talking about things like, do people want them as a full faction, NPC, or getting absorbed, or what?)"

We still have a p cool option there of NPC. An NPC faction can be a background faction that can be played in and can be managed OOCly by an existing FM or something, but then it won't be swallowed up. It's a cool niche culture and keeping it as its own power ICly as it has been for many years without much use besides Syaoran's plot and wouldn't be hard for us. It's an option, does anyone else like it?
Is it not currently the policy that a player is going to the staff and make known to take up the reign of an FM position and that the judgment of that staff makes it clear if the person is or is not suited for the job? (I am talking about factions not claimed, so not active factions).

It is another good option Ame
No that is not at all the current policy. Something like an FM being made FM is up to all staff and Wes, especially. There are very few times where a player can go to a staff member and one staff member's judgement alone can bequeath them a "job"/position. It's about the whole panel of staff with Wes making the choice together.
Honestly reading this I think dividing it up amongest Nep and Yam would be the best choice. Though I would also like to add ASE-006 to be a independent made world. Only reason why im saying it is due to allowing that area to be more explored, and even some NDC possible future expansion or allow another world to explorer as a independent .

Looking at the map, what makes sense to me is:
  • Neu Jaspis and Himmel go to Nepleslia since they're right next door (in particular there's Relay Moon in Neu Jaspis so this is in their interest)
  • Meltra and Shongbiet go independent
  • Jaspis and ASE-006 go to Yamatai (Yamatai expands its military protection around ASE-006 but doesn't claim the actual system, like with Valaad and Darso).