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RP: Abwehrans [-Abwehran-] The Occupation of Khorovarolor

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Inactive Member
Second Quarter, AF 260
2600 Hours Abwehr Standard
AAF Khorovarolor Staging Area 03

The natives had proved to be uncooperative, following the end of the Plague nearly two years ago. With the simultaneous collapse of their government and destruction of their military forces at Abwehran hands, it was only natural that there would be resistance against any foreign power trying to keep things under control. But somehow, it was still a surprise to people who were paid more than William Harke.

The young Leutnant currently had his arms folded, one pair atop the other pair, as he watched his platoon slowly wake. It was mostly a male platoon -- which reflected on the AAF in general -- of forty-eight... no, forty-seven strong. His eyes rested on the only empty bunk in the Platoon's small barracks. On top were the goggles belonging to what had been the only Nightwalker among them. She must have felt out of place among so many Surfacers.

Sarah Merkov hadn't returned from the last patrol. William thought he was lucky -- if that bomb hadn't gone off so early, he would have lost the core of his platoon -- even if he cursed the Khorsoi to hell. Why couldn't those ungrateful bastards see that they were only trying to keep the peace? Why couldn't they see that they were only trying to help? But, again, it was only natural.

When the Khorovarolor Government had collapsed, the Abwehran Star Empire stepped in to stop the chaos before it could start. Marines were landed, and temporary bases such as the one his platoon's barracks belonged to were set up. In the eyes of the Khorsoi, it was an occupation. Many blamed the plague on the Abwehrans too. A good portion of what amounted to the Khorsoi's Army vanished around the same time, and used their training to good effect. There was still fighting in some of the more wild areas of Khorovarolor, on top of the urban insurgencies and riots.

"Chief." William's quiet voice carried over to his senior NCO.

The man looked up from where he sat reading an electronic letter -- probably from Home -- and stood. "Yes, Herr Harke?"

The man's four arms were large and toned. His brown, flattop hair only added to his image as a body builder.

"Chief, assemble the Platoon. We're going out on another patrol in the Refugee camp. Assemble them quickly."

"MARINES! ASSEMBLE!" Chief shouted at the groggy faces.

The platoon moved to file into their four squads, and then lined up by fire team. There was Stabsbootsmann Erikk, Heinrich, Toam, and Dillzbee with their squads.

William stepped in front of them -- only a meter away in the cramped space of the barracks -- with the Chief on his left. "I want this Platoon prepared for a patrol of the Refugee camp. Standard kit, but I want the Medics -- " There were only three, now, with Sarah gone from Erikk's squad. " -- to carry an extra kit in case we need it. We're doing a long circuit, so bring some rations along. We'll eat while we move at 3400 Hours. Any questions?"

"Sir," A lowly Maat asked from the back of the formation, "are we expecting an attack? This is our second patrol in a day. In two days, if you want to use the damn Khors' time."

"You'll know when I know. This is just business as usual, Marines. Now get prepped. We're moving out in thirty minutes."

As one, the platoon shouted "Jawoll!" and rushed to obey his orders.

William desperately hoped there wasn't something in the works by the Khorsoi. He hoped that it would just be a boring patrol. He hoped that no one would get hurt.

He should have know he would be disappointed.

3200 Hours

The Platoon was spread out in a lumpy line. At the head, Heinrich's squad moved in pairs as they picked their way through the general trash and chaotic 'streets' of the tent-city that made for the Refugee Camp. Tall tents, short tents, shacks, shelters, and even large boxes made homes for the Khorsoi who had fled from their small towns for the 'safety' of the bigger cities. A child drew pictures in the dirt, happily humming a song. As the Marines of the Abwehran Star Empire passed, a female Khorsoi picked the child up and vanished into a tent with a furious glance at William.

Other Khorsoi civilians acted much the same. An older one even spat on the boots of Heinrich's point-man as he passed. But usually, it was an angry look, muttered curses or avoidance. The latter behavior made for clear movement, and was the most common.

As they slowly came upon the center of the Refugee Camp, the numbers of civilians seemed to thin, until finally there were none left. At that point, in the dead-center of the Camp, William called a halt to his makeshift column.

His squad leaders gathered 'round while the enlisted formed a tight perimeter around them on the street.

"What's wrong, Herr Leutnant?" The Chief asked.

"Something's up. Where are the civvies?"

"The Plague? Violence? Maybe they finally decided to go home." Erikk supplied.

"I hope for the Plague. Fewer Khorsoi makes for a better day, I say." This, from Dillzbee with her arms resting across the rifle slung across her chest.

William shook his head. "Erikk, I want you to have three of your marines double back and around the other side of the center, and if they see anything suspicious I want them to report in."

"Jawoll." Erikk inclined his head respectfully.

"I want everyone else to eat and rest for a few minutes, then we'll start moving again."

With that, William turned away as a clear sign of dismissal. He had to think for a moment.

Anything could be up ahead, and he didn't cherish the idea of 'finding' another bomb. Worst still would be an Ambush, which was why he had sent those marines to double back on the other side. If they saw those Marines, though... It would cause a panic in the insurgents, force them to either attack or, better yet, disengage and wait for someone else. Fight or flight, and William knew which he would choose.

Once satisfied that his platoon was well rested, William gave the order to advance once more.

The first few minutes of the renewed patrol went by peacefully, moving through a 'street' amongst the tents. It was hardly comfortable, with the Abwehrans forced to walk closer together. Elbows bumped, and the stench of sweat and excitement filled ones' nostrils.

Then, when they exited the small street and entered a large open area, all hell broke loose.

A bomb exploded from beneath Heinrich's point-man. The poor Maat disintegrated into a mist of blood and shattered bone. Behind him, most of his squad were swept off their feet and hailed by shrapnel.

Then, sounds of gunfire came from the next street over. William saw Erikk move his hand to his radio before the next bout of gunfire erupted from across the clearing. The Stabsbootsman collapsed with several holes in his chest, and someone began crying out for a medic.

The Marines who were still standing hit the ground, or ducked behind any cover they could find. William chose the space behind a tent to hide. The chatter of a machine gun filled the air, and bullets ripped into the ground or stitched across jerking bodies.

"RETURN FIRE!" The Chief roared at the dazed Marines. The ones who hadn't before now brought up their rifles and fired wildly at the now-visible Khorsoi.

William brought his own weapon to bear, and added his fire to the rest of his platoon's.

Suddenly, the unfairness of it all struck him for the second time that day. What had his marines ever done to deserve this? They hadn't pulled the trigger. They hadn't killed anyone who hadn't attacked first. So why did his boys have to suffer for something that had happened two quarters ago? Why?

Then the second bomb went off, and the thoughts of how unfair things were vanished forever from Leutnant William Harke's mind.
>Incoming Message...
>Encryption Detected!
>Assessing Encryption...
>Attempting Decryption...
>Decryption Successful!

FROM: Vizeadmiral Alexander Stommerman
TO: Imperial Palace
SUBJECT: Operational Outline

It has long been known that the Insurgency on Khorsovarolor is the remaining portions of the local Self-Defense Force and portions of the civilian population.

It is a clear and present threat to AAF security and authority here in the Khorsovarolor system. In the past week, the Khorsovaroloran Marine Expeditionary Force (Hereby called KMEXF) has reported an increase in activity, and a raising of the attrition rate.

Intelligence analysts say this spike in activity could be the beginnings of a full uprising, and widespread dissent and violence across the planet. Such an event would cause the KMEXF to snap under the pressure, and as a result we would see entire units be cut off and destroyed or for our influence over the planet to be reserved only to a few select and besieged areas.

We already have difficulty controlling the cities as is, with the riots both inside and outside in the displaced refugee camps. It's common for insurgent fighters to engage patrolling Marine units in the streets, and even for bombings to occur within tightly-held areas such as our staging grounds. Riots happen so often our junior marine officers have created a schedule for "taking turns on Riot Watch" in some areas.

Were an uprising to occur, the KMEXF is too spread out and demoralized to be a potent threat to any remaining Self-Defense Force units coming out of hiding.

And therefore I have deemed it necessary to present before you, Your Highness, the outline of Operation Broken Martyr.

Operation Broken Martyr
There are two phases to this operation designed to finish the operational parameters of effectively neutralizing the Insurgency and the Self-Defense Force of the planet as threats.

Phase I
Phase I will take one week in length. The KMEXF, working in conjunction with the necessary Ersteflotte units, will complete the following tasks:

  • Find concentrations of Insurgent forces outside of urban areas.
  • Find the Safe Houses, meeting areas, and armorer/ies of Insurgent forces inside urban areas.
  • Summarily execute all Insurgent prisoners currently in custody.
  • Gain general intelligence of the remaining Self-Defense Force units operating with Insurgent forces.
  • Bring all KMEXF units onto full Combat Alert status
  • Consolidate all Marine forces into striking formations

Once the Phase's time limit is up, Phase II will commence.

Phase II
Phase II will have three months to complete the rest of the operational parameters. Working in conjunction with the necessary Ersteflotte units, the KMEXF will perform the following tasks:

  • Orbital Bombardment of all Insurgent concentrations outside of urban areas.
  • Commence raids of all Safe Houses, meeting areas, and armorer/ies of Insurgent forces inside urban areas.
  • Deployment of all KMEXF combat units against remaining SDF units.
  • Summary execution of all Insurgents. No prisoners.

Phase II will be the effective end of the Insurgency and all remaining SDF units.

Your Highness, I truly believe that by taking these measures we may finally bring peace to Khorsovarolor. We may finally be able to rebuild here.

Vizeadmiral Alexander Stommerman
Commander of the Ersteflotte in Khorsovarolor
Acting Commander of the KMEXF
>Incoming Message...
>Encryption Detected!
>Assessing Encryption...
>Attempting Decryption...
>Decryption Successful!

FROM: Emperor Eckert Rosenthal I
TO: Vizeadmiral Alexander Stommerman
SUBJECT: Operation Broken Martyr

We of the House of Rosenthal are saddened that it has come to this decision, but we would be fool hardy to ignore such a threat to the people under our charge. Thus, it is with deep regret that we authorize Operation Broken Martyr. To aid your troops in this trying time, we have also authorized transports to deliver the newest model of armor and weaponry to outfit them, extra rations, and some Kaplans to console their weary souls.

We, as Emperor, must reiterate, however, that casualties to non-Insurgency civilians must be minimized at all costs. We, as a people, have all ready caused great harm to this society and have tried our utmost to help them rebuild. This Insurgency, on the other hand, seems to lash out at us even while their own people try to rebuild. It is a cancer that must be removed before the patient can heal.

May the Universe watch over you.

Emperor Eckert Rosenthal I
Emperor of the Abwehran Star Empire
Protector of the People
>Incoming Message...
>Encryption Detected!
>Assessing Encryption...
>Attempting Decryption...
>Decryption Successful!

FROM: Vizeadmiral Alexander Stommerman
TO: KMEXF Unit Commanders
SUBJECT: Operational Orders

Broken Martyr is a GO. Open your operational packets and execute your orders.

May the Universe watch over us all.

Vizeadmiral Alexander Stommerman
Commander of the Ersteflotte in Khorsovarolor
Acting Commander of the KMEXF


Second Quarter, AF 260
0324 Hours Abwehr Standard
Outside Staging Area 03

The black of night, with the light breeze of the coast unfelt. The unheard rustle of leaves.

The countryside of Khorsovarolor was breathtaking in the day. But beneath a moonless sky it offered no comfort. Only the looming feeling of impending violence. The silence of a predator on the hunt.

Beside the paved road branching from the near highway, a forgotten motel hoped to wait out the storm of the Occupation. An impromptu barricade blocked the parking lot off from visitors, and two figures patiently sat until the coming of dawn's light.

Unseen by the bored guards, shifting through the shadows, seven four-armed figures approached.

Leutnant Mikael Steiner made a short hand-gesture to his soldiers.

Weapons came up, with the figures dropping to one knee.

A Khorsoi guard at the barricade turned on a light, eager to read the next chapter of the novel he had brought to duty tonight.

Mikael made a second gesture. Silenced weapons puffed, sending both guards toppling. The Abwehran Marines moved from their cover, vaulted over the barricade and approached the motel. Two went to either side of the door while a second pressed a breach charge.

From the darkness surrounding the motel, other Marines approached and surrounded the building. The rest of the Motel's doors received a pair of marines and a similar charge.

Hand gestures were exchanged between Mikael and a second Abwehran. They stopped, each sidling up to a wall. Then, as if by some unspoken word, the door charges blew. Abwehran Marines rushed in and easily subdued the few Khorsovarolorans within.

As they were being dragged outside, Mikael made his way into the office of the Motel. He sifted through the documents filled with the crude text of Khorsovarolor, and suddenly cursed.

He picked up a rather simple document filled by a list: Times depicting troop movements followed by dates. They all were part of the same week.

They told Mikael all he needed to know.

"Night Six to Blue Eagle."
He said, breaking his night-long silence. "The Martyrs are on the move. We were too late. I repeat, the Martyrs are on the move. We need immediate extraction."

Blue Eagle would send the extraction of Mikael's "Night" team within the hour, but moments after his message, all of Khorsovarolor began its descent into chaos. Soon, it would be consumed in the flames of war.
Operation Broken Martyr
+7 Days

Battle wasn't glorious. It was dirty, and vicious, and cold. It was fast and deadly and loud and horrid.

Shouts that every Boot Camp-Green Marine was trained to react instantly to became common and dull. Their importance was lost in the repetition. Marines didn't react any less quickly -- but soon they became callous and uncaring of those calls.

"Incoming!" Came before the earth-shattering noise of artillery, and "Medic!" came after.

Three days prior, the Insurgency of Khorsovarolor had launched their little crusade to remove the Abwehrans off the face of their planet. Two days prior, Staging Area 08 had collapsed in upon itself within hours of engagement. The countryside air base of the Khorsovarolor Marine Expeditionary Force (KMEXF) was lost, and news of any survivors on the Abwehran side were nonexistent.

Maat Josef Griene found himself in a foxhole ten Kilometers distant from the nearest town, surrounded by other Marines holding a simple skirmish line until the Insurgents decided it was time to strike. The KMEXF stood still, and when it moved, it moved only to retreat. Always in retreat. Josef had been in twelve engagements with Insurgents since the beginning of Operation Broken Martyr, four for each day. Sleep was snatched when possible; but his platoon had to keep moving.

As his most recent nap came to an end, he stood and stretched. Flexed all four of his arms, made a rather high jump to make sure his legs were still functional, and then collapsed back down again with his friend and partner in the foxhole, Maat Sean Werrim.

"How's it lookin'?" Josef asked.

"Gray. It's cloudy. The Hauptbootsmann was saying that it's definitely going to rain today. But it's quiet -- which is good." Werrim replied.

"Any word about moving?"

"No. The Leutnant was actually saying to dig in deeper. Said the 5th Panzer Unterbrecher is going to be moving up soon. Also said something about fireworks."

"Fireworks? That doesn't sound good. We're probably going in for a fight." Josef grimaced.

Another engagement. How many today? Two? Three? More, maybe. The Insurgents were rolling them up, and there was nothing to be done about it. The 5th Panzer division had been forced into a retreat before -- the city they were based at had fallen in the first two hours, or so he heard!

"Well. Let's clean our rifles. I don't want to jam in the middle of a firefight."

"Agreed." Sean said, and the pair went to work.

Two Hours Later

"INCOMING!" The dull word carried itself across the air with ease. Floated into one ear, and by the time it was lost to Josef, he had curled up in a ball next to Sean.

The world erupted into arcing dirt, and rolling thunder. The earth shook, and Josef screamed. He didn't know how long it lasted -- minutes, or hours -- but when the noise stopped, his voice carried on until he was out of breath.

Shouts of "Medic!" and "Oh, Void!" intermingled and coalesced into one high-pitched droning sound. The screaming of the wounded, as always, fell into the background after only a moment. Then Josef was up, rifle ready for the oncoming Insurgent horde.

"Here they come!" "Contact!" "GET READY!"

Off in the distance, across the cratered landscape and out of a blurry green treeline, shapes emerged. Large shapes defined as tanks and combat trucks, small shapes as infantry fanning out. Everything fell silent, and for a moment perfect peace reigned across the newly-christened battlefield.

Then hell let loose. An Insurgent tank, clumsy and slow, bellowed its anger at the Marines. Dirt arced fifty meters to Josef's left, and then the entire line of Marines replied in its own anger.

LANCE Launchers spewed streaks of smoke trails and spawned the terrible squeals of Shriek missiles. A moment later, missile met vehicle and trucks flipped and tanks stopped. Flame erupted amongst the infantry and the screams of burning soldiers carried the hundreds of meters out to the Marines.

A moment later, Khorsoi dived down behind a small rise in the ground for cover, and began trading shots with the Marines. A Squad Automatic Rifle opened up, to be joined by others and the rifles that the rest carried. Khorsoi pitched over, slumped, screamed, died, and cried.

Many marines did the same.

Josef ducked down into his foxhole, reloading as a tree exploded up and behind him and toppled over. Then he pitched himself back up and pulled the trigger methodically.

Very few of his shots hit, and he didn't care if any of them did. At that range, he wouldn't be surprised if he cleared Insurgent bodies by feet. But he did fire to hit, and what did land tossed and jerked bodies around to crumple into bloody heaps.

The cycle of firing, reloading, and firing some more continued for some time. At the center of the line, Josef couldn't tell if there was combat on the flanks or jabs by the Insurgent's armor at the soft spots. All he saw was fire, and blood.

The number of Marines falling down wounded or dead increased as time went, and he and Sean waited for the call to fall back at any moment. To his right, he noticed a SAR operator pack his weapon in and begin to crawl away. Rifleman ducked down to join him, and soon on every side there were holes.

"HOLD THE LINE!" A voice cried, and Josef found himself ducking to reload again.

"Running low on ammunition!" He told Sean with a nudge to the top shoulder.

"Yeah. Me too. I think we should pull back."

"HOLD THE LINE!" That voice shouted again.

"We still have tuh-" Josef noticed the Khorsoi standing. The little bastards were going to rush them.

"Dammit!" His rifle came up again, firing into the sweeping crowd.

An Insurgent tank rolled out of the treeline to join its fellows. Its cannon fired, taking out another SAR team in a flash of steam and exploding dirt.

A Marine began shouldering a LANCE, only to be cut down by oncoming fire. The horde was getting closer, and closing the distance. For every body that fell, another replaced it.

"Scheisse! Sean -- we're going!"

"Yeah let's go!"

The pair stood up, ignoring the buzzing drone of bullets. They fled into the treeline, until that terrible shout carried itself above the din of battle. "INCOMING!"

Josef hit the dirt, covered his head and prayed to the Void.


"Coordinates confirmed. We have a lock."

"We're firing a precision strike. Load on my mark. Mark."

"Loading. Ten seconds."

"Check those coordinates again. I don't want to hit the Marines on the ground."

"Aye, aye. Confirmed. Five seconds left... Loading finished. Ready to fire on your command."

"Lock in those coordinates. Fire on my mark."

"Coordinates locked!"



Behind Josef, the world ended. Like the flame of a candle, life was snuffed out for hundreds of Khorsoi.

Dust leaped up into the sky, and air rushed out in every direction. It wasn't a nuclear weapon: there was no flame. But it did the same thing for a smaller area, and the crater would be etched into the surface of the planet for decades to come. It would likely be filled with rain water. Beginning with the droplets that now fell with wild abandon upon the bloodied battlefield.

On the ground, curled up into a ball again, Josef wailed like a child. His ears rang, and his back was scored with small pieces of shrapnel.

Next to him, Sean gazed through his helmet's visor into the sky, locked forever on the dark clouds above.


All over Khorsovarolor, similar engagements were abruptly ended with summary execution of orbital bombardments upon the surface. Insurgent divisions were ripped apart by heavenly wrath, and oncoming spearheads of armor were stopped in their tracks.

The bombardment didn't end the war -- it merely stopped it for a moment.

Both sides would take a breath, calm themselves and rethink their plans of attack. Then, as before, they would fling themselves at one another yet again.
>Incoming Message...

FROM: Vizeadmiral Alexander Stommerman
TO: Imperial Palace
SUBJECT: Operational Status Report

After two and a half quarters, the guns on Khorsovarolor have fallen silent.

The Insurgency is crushed, and Khorsovarolor no longer requires the Empire's presence to safeguard their rebuilding. Within two months, the last officials shall be elected and the Khorsoi's government will be fully operational. Their police forces are ready to take up the responsibility of protecting the planet as well.

As per instructions, we have also made the new Khorsoi government sign a legal Non-Aggression Treaty with us.

The final stand of the Insurgency was held at an old Missile Silo. Their plan was to fire fusion warheads against our staging areas. We were lucky to find out about this attempt, and deployed the closest units with the new Achtung Assault Shuttle designs.

Special mention should be made of one specific enlisted Marine whose heroic action deep within the enemy-held facility disabled their control systems and stopped their missiles from firing.

His name is Kris Black, and not only do I plan on honoring his request to join the Foreign Service as an NCO, I am recommending him for a Rosenthal's Star Award for going far and beyond the call of duty: He saved billions of lives by heroically going behind enemy lines and disabling their command structure to buy his peers time to disable the Missile Silo. Elisa Rosenthal herself must have smiled upon him.

Within the next few days I will take the bulk of the Expeditionary Forces here on Khorsovarolor back to Abwehr, where they can finally rest and where I can report to you directly.

Vizeadmiral Alexander Stommerman
Commander of the Ersteflotte in Khorsovarolor
Acting Commander of the KMEXF
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