This is a fight of GM rights to his setting, which in more ways is highly complicated since you have to licence your rights (unless its cluster flux).
Mind you I am a newer GM.
To make an Abwehran plot, I had to ask the FM and tell him the details.
To make any plot, I most likely be sending an Audit to Wes.
In the end I realize that anything in my plot can be interfered by Admin (the ruling senate body) or by the FM (who owns his house).
Remember who enforces the rules? Admins. They can break the rules if they wanted to, they can make more rules if they wanted to, we react by leaving or joining the site.
If rules mattered in the way you say, the only players in the end on this site would be you and your posse.
If players began flying ships into planets, Wes would most likely start wondering why all the lights on his map are falling off the map, which would launch an investigation causing a time portal causing those plots to be in the Cluster flux.