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RP: Second Draconian War Act V: Final Countdown

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Derran Tyler
Posts: 214
(2/3/04 6:36 pm)
Reply Act V: Final Countdown

Act V, Scene 1: The Road to Victory Begins

Red Star Citadel – CONSTRACOM HQ

Supreme Commander Nathan Rakuseki stood triumphantly before the rest of the Confederation Strategic Command as reports from the Eridanus ring of star systems came in. The combined forces of the Third Naval Battle Force and the 56th Draconian Navy had emerged victorious over the Jaaq'tah's Diamond Fleet in a battle that had looked hopeless from the very beginning. The heroics of Admiral Vladimir Ruzhyó and Radiel Falco would not go unremembered today.

"We're pushing back Jaaq'tah forces on all fronts!â€
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