I've recently come into a problem with a current system of DR, that can be easily fixed without doing any major changes or even changing the mechanics. it is a problem that can be fixed with a simple addition and would help to balance out gameplay and make certain things more viable in combat, that once may have needed ridiculous values, would now only need average values to do the exact same job.
What I'm talking about is adding a 'Mechanized' scale to the DR system.
The current Scale does not properly cover a certain size category of craft and vehicles which are currently suffering because of a lack of foresight. Armor DR includes everything from powered armor to tanks to even some of the smaller shuttles. However, a shuttle or tank is built considerably tougher and stronger than their powered armor counterparts, and yet are only marginally better, even with somewhat ridiculous values.
The current system goes as such:
Personal - Small arms, body armor, clothing
Armor - Powered armor, Tanks, Anti-armor weapons(PA rifles)
Ship - Shuttles, Starships, starbases
This obviously leaves out proper room for larger vehicles, and the best way to deal with this, in my opinion, is simply adding in another 'rung' on the 'ladder'
Personal - Small arms, body armor, clothing
Armor - Powered armor, Anti-armor weapons(PA rifles)
Mechanized - Tanks, Shuttles, Fighters Anti-vehicle weapons
Ship - Starships, Starbases.
I feel the addition will be a simple process (many wiki articles simply needing to change one letter) and that it will serve to make the current system more complete without making it complex. The rules work exactly the same.
So, My proposition is this: If the GM's can agree that this would be helpful, I would like to post this up to the community as a whole to see their take on the idea, and then we'll see about getting it approved.
That's my two cents, thank you for your time.
- Kai