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Additional Mindy Items


Inactive Member
Additional Mindy Items

Backpack Items

Ke-M2-W3003 General Equipment Pack
Based off the Gauss Cannon Backpack Extension, the General Equipment Pack is a more modular, more general pack designed to hold a variety of ammunition types or basic gear with minimal fuss. A durandium-sheathed module, it has several configurations that are set as the pack is attached to the Mindy.

- Gauss Cannon Extension: Holds 60 additional rounds for the shoulder mounted Gauss Cannons. Can be attached to either or both shoulder mounted cannons and will auto-load when synched up.

- General Equipment Pack: Provides a large storage area for mission specific equipment that is required to be transported in a secure environment. The option to equip this with stasis-like additions or other enhancements is supported.

- Missile Pod Reserves: For shoulder mounted missile pods, holds 40 additional MSAP or 30 additional SOOW rockets. Missiles can be manually removed to rearm leg mounted launchers.

- Weapon Storage: In situations where the shoulder mounts are needed for other duties, it can still be advantageous to carry around additional handheld weaponry. This backpack module provides rack space for any two weapons in Appendix D.

Ke-M2-E3000 Leader Support Pack
Realising the need for some Mindy to be dedicated team-leader models on the fly, the Leader Support Pack (LSP) is a valuable piece of equipment for squad commanders and other support personnel. Housing a miniaturised CIES computer and boasting a more comprehensive sensor and communication suite, the LSP can turn a Mindy into a centre for coordinated operations

- Compact Integrated Electronics Suite

- Hyperspace Communication Unit
The LSP contains a Hyperspace Communication Unit to compliment the Mindy’s onboard Subspace transmission system. This allows faster than light communications over a great distance and is perfect for allowing a Mindy squadron to remain active and operational far from Star Army territory.

- Quintessent Wave Differentialometer:
This device, created with both back-engineered enemy technology from the debris 2nd Battle of Ralfaris and the already advanced understanding of aetheric energy, gives the Mindy an extra edge by calculating the shape, mass and velocity of objects by looking at the ripples the objects make in the seas of energy. The QWD has a range of 400 miles (643.738 km), and is an additional sensor system that is invaluable for detecting stealthed or phased units – in addition to providing additional target information.

Leg Items

Ke-M2-G3001 Leg Capacitor
By itself, the Capacitor has little value – serving only as a source of emergency power. However, when coupled with energy intensive equipment like the Barrier Shield Module, the Hyper-Space Fold Drive or the Teleportation Unit, the Capacitor proves its worth. Providing a massive surge of power, it allows such modules to be recharged instantly. After which, the Capacitor itself must be recharged before being used again. The leg-mounted version requires both leg slots to function properly.

Ke-M2-P3002 Leg Energy Cloak Shield Projector
Comprised of two matching projectors that mount onto each leg, the Energy Cloak Shield Projector produces a tight-fitting energy "cloak" over the armour’s surfaces to protect it from energy-based weapons. The shield is not as powerful as the Barrier Shield Module (which offers superior CFS-style protection), but still soaks up to about 300 megawatts of energy damage. The shield recharges after about 15 seconds and, like the Barrier Module, it does so progressively.

Extra shield projectors do not increase protective strength due to the additional drain of more units decreasing the efficiency of the first. Also, the Cloak Shield Projector cannot be used while energy intensive backpack equipment (like the Barrier Shield or Teleport Unit) is actively drawing power – the energy drain is too great for the Mindy’s power plant to handle.

Leg NSB Launchers
The PANTHEON's Nodal Support Bits (NSB) are finger-sized self-recharging multi-function drone units under the Mindy AI's control. Launched by the Mindy power armor during combat, these bits (up to 6) will form a small cloud around their host Mindy and correlate targeting data. The NSBs are good for poking around corners and getting alternate points of view. They can also or act as countermeasures and even shoot at the enemy. The NSBs are stored in small, rounded modules that sit flush against the Mindy’s lower legs. There are three bits per leg module.

- Nodal Support Bit: Ke-M2-W2704-NSB
- NSB STL speed: Equal to the Mindy’s Speed
- Purpose: Anti-personnel, Anti-missile
- Damage: Lethal or stun; damage is light in all cases
- Range: 500 meters. Max 750 meters.
- Firing Modes: Single/Auto.Stun
- Rate of Fire: Individually, or in volleys of 3 or 6. Each bit fires at 150 shots/min (auto)
- Payload: 6 Nodal Support Bits, each drone can support 200 shots without recharge from the Mindy's CFS - contact with CFS restores 100 shots per second. 1 second of operation out of the Mindy's CFS bubble expends 10 of those shots to power movement.
- Notes: Automatically programmed to attack incoming missiles if no countermeasures are being used (or depleted).

Shoulder Items

Ke-M2-W3004 Aetheric Pulse Cannon
Created to compliment the Offensive Missile Pods and the Shoulder Mounted Gauss Cannon, the shoulder mounted pulse cannon was designed to offer the Mindy a viable shoulder option for mass space combat. Feeding directly off the Mindy's power reserves, the pulse cannon fires small aetheric pulses in quick succession though its compact nature lacks the proper focusing hardware to make it effective for atmospheric operations.

- Primary Purpose: Anti-Armour for space operations
- Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile
- Damage: Kills by high energy discharge
- Range: Up to 294,000 miles (473,177 km) in space, 10 meters in atmosphere
- Rate of Fire: Rapid Pulse (three rounds a second)
- Payload: Effectively unlimited so long as the Mindy armour has power.

Ke-M2-G3000 Shoulder Capacitor
By itself, the Capacitor has little value – serving only as a source of emergency power. However, when coupled with energy intensive equipment like the Barrier Shield Module, the Hyper-Space Fold Drive or the Teleportation Unit, the Capacitor proves its worth. Providing a massive surge of power, it allows such modules to be recharged instantly. After which, the Capacitor itself must be recharged before being used again. Like most shoulder modules, the Capacitor fits onto one shoulder and two may be equipped if the situation warrants it.

Ke-M2-P3001 Energy Cloak Shield Projector
Built into the shoulder pad of the armour, with a projector facing back and front, these produce a tight-fitting energy "cloak" over the armour’s surfaces to protect it from energy-based weapons. The shield is not as powerful as the Barrier Shield Module (which offers superior CFS-style protection), but still soaks up to about 300 megawatts of energy damage. The shield recharges after about 15 seconds and, like the Barrier Module, it does so progressively.

Extra shield projectors do not increase protective strength due to the additional drain of more units decreasing the efficiency of the first. Also, the Cloak Shield Projector cannot be used while energy intensive backpack equipment (like the Barrier Shield or Teleport Unit) is actively drawing power – the energy drain is too great for the Mindy’s power plant to handle.

Wrist Items

Ke-M2-W3005 Forearm Aether Glove
The standard Forearm Projector is a versatile armament – capable of providing ranged firepower, a solid defence and a short-ranged blade as well. However, sometimes a more constant stream of aether is required. Usually this duty falls to the Aetheric Beam Rifle, but those weapons are not always appropriate for the mission at hand. In such cases it is the Aether Glove proves its worth. Appearing as an elongated forearm projector, the Glove can maintain a stream of aether out to a distance of 2m with some measure of control. This aether is as dangerous as normal aether and is used for the same purposes.

- Primary Purpose: Demolitions / Bulkhead Cutting
- Secondary Purpose: Melee Combat
- Damage: Severe to unshielded material. Moderate to Heavy on shielded targets.
- Range: Touch to 2m.
- Rate of Fire: Constant Beam.
- Payload: Effectively unlimited as long as the armour has power.

Ke-M2-D3000 Forearm Eliptoid Shield
Replacing the standard forearm projectors when they may not be appropriate, the Eliptoid Shield is a 3-foot tall piece of solid metal built into a mechanism in the armour’s vambrace. It is essentially identical to the Daisy’s Handheld Shield and may also mount either additional ammunition, supplies or up to 2 missiles (any time available to the Mindy armour) on the underside. If missiles are mounted, they are triggered by remote activation from the armour’s AEIS.

Ke-M2-2902 Forearm Projector
The standard forearm projector – except now optional and replaceable.

Additional Ammunition

Anti-Matter Slugs
Designed to be loaded into the Mindy’s Gauss Cannon attachment, these rounds contain a core of compressed anti-matter. Unlike the regular, solid rounds, this rare and dangerous type of ammunition doesn’t just kill through extreme penetration and kinetic impact, but through raw, explosive damage. Easily capable of destroying an enemy armour with a single hit, or crippling key systems with a well placed shot the Anti-Matter Slugs are usually reserved for ace pilots and are normally in short supply.

- Primary Purpose: Anti-Armour and Anti-Fighter via anti-matter reaction.
- Secondary Purpose: Sniping of key systems.
- Damage: Kills both through the initial shock of impact and the resulting matter/anti-matter reaction.
- Range: 30,000m (18.6 miles)
- Rate of Fire: Single fire or three-round burst. 6 rounds a second.
- Payload: 18 rounds in helical magazine. Optional backpack extension increases capacity to 78 rounds (see Appendix A).

Space and Orbital Offensive Warheads (SOOW) Mini-Missiles
While the MSAP Mini-Missiles are excellent weapons, they suffer from a lack of range in space battles. The SOOW missiles are identical in function to their smaller cousins, but are larger to accommodate more powerful drives. Invaluable in lightspeed combat, they nevertheless suffer in close-range battles when compared to the Mini-missiles due to the smaller ammunition reserves.

- Warhead: Ke-M2-W3001-SOOW Space and Orbital Offensive Warheads
- Purpose: The SOOW is designed to take out small hard and soft targets at long range.
- Damage: One missile is capable of destroying an enemy drone, gun turret, or small enemy mecha.
- Range: 1,000,000 miles at 0.99c
- Rate of Fire: Individually, or in volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 5 from each pod. Volleys can be combined
- Payload:
o Shoulder Pod: 15 SOOW Missiles each (maximum of 30 for two pods)
o Offensive Augmentation Pods: 7 SOOW Missiles Each (maximum 14 for two pods)

Space and Orbital Sensor Misdirection (SOSM) Mini-Missiles
While the Countermeasure Augmentation Pods are useful for distracting enemy missiles or baffling sensors for a few vital seconds; a few vital seconds may not be enough in some circumstances. Misdirection Countermeasures take a different approach; they're decoys, small devices that emit a sensor signature on par with a Mindy armour. While less useful at close range (where visual confirmation can easily show the pods as false) when fighting at extreme distances, an enemy that suddenly sees two (or more) identical sensor signatures is suddenly far less likely to shoot at the right target.

- Warhead: Ke-M2-W3002-SOSM
- Purpose: Sensor baffling and false target misinformation.
- Damage: No direct damage.
- Range: 1,000,000 miles at 0.99c
- Rate of Fire: Individually or in volleys of 1, 2, 3 or 5 from each pod. Volleys can be combined.
- Payload: Countermeasure Augmentation Pods; 10 SOOW Missiles Each (maximum 20 for two pods)

Note: if loaded into the Countermeasure Augmentation Pods, there is space for only 30 missiles so some others (SDMM, MFMA, ARMA or a combination of them) must be removed to make room.

Subspace Detonating Mini-Missiles (upgrade)
- Warhead: Ke-M2-W3000-SDMM Subspace Detonating Mini-Missiles
- Purpose: Creates holes in shield systems, disables FTL flight, collapses wormholes
- Damage: No direct damage.
- Range: 1,000,000 miles at 0.99c
- Rate of Fire: Individually, or in volleys of 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 from each pod. Volleys can be combined
- Payload: Countermeasure Augmentation Pods; 10 SDMM Missiles Each (maximum 20 for two pods)
I will get to this later since it is a KFY submission.
There are a few elements in there that I like and a few that I don't.

I frown on the addition of sensor-boosting/computer-boosting/communication equipment since the Mindy II's sensors and computer suite are, I believe, already quite powerful enough. I feel these things should be kept off the power armor scale.

I'm not sure I like the additional replacable forearm-part as well: not all player might want to deal with the complexity of swapping around equipment part, which was why I left the Mindy II with a set of fixed default components which could always work if it needed to be launched in an hurry to fulfill its role. That why keeping the list relatively shorter was a good thing (Wes' main issue with allowing the Mindy II in over the Mindy 1F was the degree of increased complexity it demanded its player user).

I'm unsure of liking the missile pod reserves or weapon storage: it sort of clashes with my vision of the Mindy as the light skirmisher with a little extra resources to get by tough spots instead of the tough model with lots of stamina and staying power. Id leave that perk for Nepleslian armors.

The Leg Capacitors are a strange idea, but they seem workable - after all, power already goes down to power the NSDs, so, why not?

The Cloak-shield generators (something I view as more or less similar to the forearm energy shields) to blunt damage on possibly less protected parts of the Mindy II is actually relatively nice for a pilot looking for increased survival feature without going so far as wanting extra ammo. That's one I like. The name 'cloak' (from the Daisy) is a little misleading as it doesn't conceal but rather is more like a localized energy forcefield, but meh ^_^;

Your leg mounted nodal support bits need to be as powerful as nodal support bits and not Nodal Support Drones. Only drones can manage the heavy setting. Otherwise, NSDs on legs isn't so outlandish... though it means a lot of wee little zipping about needing an active CFS to be powered.

I don't like the aetheric pulse cannons mostly because I don't believe that the shoulders aren't such a great place to get a weapon on them and that I seriously don't think the Mindy II's energy load can really handle it. I'd also like to keep the more powerful beam energy weapon on shoulders part for the SARAH too. Also, I'd like not to make the Gauss Cannons obsolete : those were there because they were ammo-based and needed little energy and yet provided extra kinetic punch against harder nuts to crack.

Shoulder capacitors are still wierd too, but I can't raise a good point as to why not. It's more like a 'why bother' from where I stand.

Despite my opposition to replacing the forearm sections, I do acknowledge that some of my players might find the eliptoid shield, especially for dealing with positron weapons... so,you have me be ambivalent there.

The SOOW/SOSM missiles are not a bad touch, but I don't like them on a basis of me preferring to keep power armor from being able to actually battle against starships. I don't want to encourage it and these just go too fast.

The Subspace detonators are okay. I mean, they are already in another leg option, I think... but not at near light speed.
I'll address your points as best I can:

- The sensor pack was essentially an idea for a squad leader role on the Mindy to better able to coordinate its troops. You're probably right when you say the armour doesn't need it, but I thougth it was a nice idea all the same (backpack with ship whip attenna and such). It's easily removeable if the general concensus is against it.

- The Forearm replacement idea was simply to add a bit more variety, I will admit. However, that said, in most cases you'll want to keep the basic forearm projectors (and they would remain the default), but for some missions things like the Eliptoid shield are superior. And you can't have things like that without replacing the forearm parts. If the worry is increased complexity, people can still pick the recomended configurations (of which I'll probably add another couple for the new modules).

- The Missle Pod reserves fill the same function as the Gauss Cannon backpack storage. It doesn't make much sense to have one, but not the other imo. As for the weapon storage - it's like the shoulder racks (which the suit can already equip) but with the option of using your back hardpoint for that slot if you need your shoulders for something else.

- Yep, the Cloak Shield Projector was a direct copy over from the Daisy's profile more or less. I kept the same because it's essentially the same component (as for why it's called a "cloak" I assumed it was after the article of clothing - a sheath that wrapped around the whole armour).

- The leg mounted bits...I could've sworn I copied their stats from the Backpack NSB launcher but I could've got them from the Mindy's NSD's instead. I'll double check.

EDIT: It turns out I did copy the NSB entry from the Backpack NSB launcher. However! The backpack NSB launcher itself has the NSD's stats in its entry. I don't know if this was a mistake I made when I wrote up the Mindy's wiki article or if it was a mistake in the original website article. I've edited the Leg NSB Launchers (taking information from the Sarah's NSB entry), but I hesitate to touch the backpack because I don't know if it's supposed to be for NSB's (as its name suggests) or for NSD's (as the entry has it).

- The pulse cannons are....well, the pulse cannon idea originally stemmed from the conversation that you were involved in about Mindy players only picking the Sylph pack for space operations. I pointed out that they did this because the Mindy lacks any other lightspeed additions to choose from. These aren't meant to be uber dangerous (no where near the Sarah's positron cannons that's for sure) but a bit weaker than the drones on the Sylph Pack. Currently, the Guass Cannons and Missiles are useless in space (due to range) - this was meant to fill that niche. Would cutting their effectiveness in atmosphere solve your concerns?

- The shoulder capacitors are there for redundancy, yes. Just like their are both Leg and Shoulder versions of the cloak (which have the same effectiveness) there are leg and shoulder versions of the capacitor. If you want more than one capacitor, you can have it. If you need your legs for something else, you can stick the capacitor on your shoulder instead, etc.

- The SOOW/SOSM aren't designed to allow battle against starships - I'll say that right now. The SOOW, for example, aren't any more powerful than the standard MSAP missiles (meaning they're next to useless at damaging spaceships). What I was doing again is addressing the Mindy's lack of extra options in space combat. By bumping up the Missiles to space velocity and ranges (which atm is about 5 light seconds - Mindy could cross that distance in...~15 secs I think) they actually become viable options.
Idea for the pulse cannons: the design could be change them to an anti-matter based weapon (either positron or anti-neutron). This would give the Mindy the space capable weapon I'm aiming for, while making the gun all be useless in an atmosphere; letting the railgun keep the niche it was designed for without doing something silly.

I don't think we should waste the space and energy for anti-matter storage. There'd need to be a containment system constantly holding the anti-matter. That might be a bit much for a forearm weapon.
You could probably store it in a relatively low-profile space, although it would be relatively spread out. Although, this leads to the problem of rather limited munitions. And remember that SARP containment methods are exceedingly efficient (Do we use combination stasis/anti-grav fields or something?).
Aye, the storage is the only problem for an anti-matter sort of weapon (though this is a shoulder weapon - not a forearm one). I'm not versed well enough in aether mechanics to know if their range in atmosphere could be sufficently cut (without going against the technology itself) to keep the railgun attachment viable. Which is something I'm looking to do.

To sum the goals for the shoulder weapon it should:
- A) Be a near-lightspeed/lightspeed weapon with a good range to make it viable in space combat
- B) Not replace the railgun for situations where it was designed to work. I.E on planets; mostly in ground operations. Which a lightspeed weapon that draws ammo from the Mindy itself would do if it didn't have some sort of flaw preventing it from being used effectively in atmospheres.
And a timely bump =3

Also, the shoulder pulse turrets will remain aether based for the time being. However, due to their compact nature, they lack the proper focusing hardware to be fully effective in an atmosphere. Their range in such conditions is currently set at 10 meters.
Could you wikify these systems separately and then post links so I can review them one at a time? It would be faster for us that way.
I could indeed. Though if approved, they'd be condenced into the Mindy article anyway (which is why I didn't wiki them earlier). Anyways, it'll be done shortly.

EDIT: Sorry about the namespacing, Wes XD;;

Anyway, don't go to the trouble of fixing it all. If the items are approved, I was going to fold them into the Mindy article proper (which should be in the right namespace). Unless we're planning to seperate all the addons from the actual armour entry?
Oh noes, double post:

General Equipment Pack

Leader Support Pack

Leg Capacitors

Leg Energy Cloak

Leg NSB Launchers

Aetheric Pulse Cannon

Shoulder Capacitor

Shoulder Energy Cloak

Aether Glove

Forearm Shield

Forearm Projector
Doesn't need its own article as its already written up and approved. All it needs is the go-ahead that Forearms are replaceable and this'll be sorted.

Anti-matter Slugs

SOOW Missiles

SOSM Missiles

Subspace Detonating Mini-Missiles (upgrade)
Just needs approval for the speed boost necessary for the rockets to be used realistically at space ranges.
This is the list of KFY parts:
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... arts#ye_30

As each part is approved, its official nomenclature should be here, so no parts overlap.

Please note on the pages WHICH Mindy armors they can be used on (Mindy 1H, for instance, can't take shoulder attachments because it has little turrets there).

General Equipment Pack
AM Slugs
Shield (Use the Daisy nomenclature since it's the same)
Capacitors (Should be noted as rare - don't see many ships carrying them)
Leader Support Pack

Mini-missiles (0.99c speed)
Energy Cloak Shield Projector (No DR)
Leg NSB Launchers (No DR)

Aether glove (too much miniaturization??)
Aetheric Pulse Cannon (shoulder - not sure it needs another aether cannon)
- Energy Cloak Shield Projectors (shoulder/legs):
updated to match the Daisy's shield rating.

- Leg NSB Launchers:
set to DR 2 after discussion (same as NSP)

- Aether Glove:
Sarah has a handheld aether sword and this is a full gauntlet. Size should be fine here.

- Aetheric Pulse Cannon:
On the subject of needing another weapon, pulse cannons themselves can be pretty much found on the Sylph Wing Pack (the acompanying drones) except these can't fly around if you need them too, and have a much shorter atmospheric range.

- The Missiles:
Yes, I know they're fast for being so small, but they need to be to be used in space (and I like missiles...). In all honesty, I don't know how far I can push Yamataian engine tech - even though the missiles are currently set to fly for only 5 seconds before burning out. Perhaps one of the other tech-heads can help me out here?
The Mindy can already use its forearm projectors as "energy blades" without another weapon added on. I don't think we need it.
Aye, though the Mindy forearm blades are small (Kylie-sized unless I'm mistaken) whereas the Aether glove is almost identical to the blade ejected by an Aether beam rifle. So it's meant for the same types of hull-cutting duties and such that you'd use the rifle for rather than the anti-armour forearm blades.
While I am hardly an authority on Yamataian tech, I can't say I'm too keen on the virtually lightspeed missiles. An PA isn't supposed to actually function is a starship in its own right. C'mon, a PA instantly killing someone from 1,000,000 miles is learning towards powergaming, isn't it? There's a reason the Mindy 2's weapons are limited to <5km ranges, and why it's speed has been similarly reduced.

Also to Wes/Doshii/Andrew/Whoever: I noticed the ranges use the older, more extreme values (hundreds of thousands of KM) as opposed to the newer Mindy ranges. Won't having weapons with such high ranges kind of...well, imbalance the Mindy 2 line?

Edit: Whoops, I notice the Mindy already has one or two weapons retaining longer-than-5km ranges (gauss rifle and aether beam rifle are 30 km and 400 km, respectively). My mistake. I'm not sure if the 1,600,000 km ranges can really be considered extreme in light of this, but I still feel that's way too much range for a PA ... at least at this damage level. These shots travel virtually as fast as an aether beam, can unlike the aether rifle can be fired in very rapid succession, and are guided (and therefore much more accurate) weapons to boot.
You've got to remember, Jess that the Aether rifle's space range and these missiles are designed for space-combat. You above all people should know how fast .375c is and over fast beam weapons travel. Other sorts of weapons need to be vagugely equivalent (to both values) or they become very useless.

The missile (which you wouldn't be able to use in the atmosphere mind - lightspeed stuff generally doesn't work that way) has to be fast or it'll simply never make it to its target.

As to the aether rifle's attack speed, it does have a full-auto pulse setting FYI.

Actually, there's a question that I'll try to look up myself unless anyone on hand knows: how fast is an air-to-air missile compared to a fighter jet? That might give a good comparison benchmark.

EDIT: After a quick check if we assume most fighters can cruise supersonic at just over the speed of sound, then the average air-to-air missile is twice as fast as the plane that fires it. By analogy, would dropping the speed to 0.75c help any?

That said, this only applies to the SOOW. The SOSM and the upgraded rockets probably don't need to go that fast. 0.5c or less would be good for their purposes.