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Adjusting old equipment...


Inactive Member
I want to modify the Kirie and Keiko's built in armaments to be modular. I don't want to actually change the function of the armaments aside from DR version 3 inclusion. It would require no new art or technology for the existing weapons.

Is it possible to simply upgrade the equipment to be modular and leave them in the same nomenclature rather than making a brand new page for effectively the same thing? I used the nomenclature as the wiki page name back then.
What would actually physically change on the equipment?
The only change would be that it would be removable rather than fixed. Just that and DR version modernizations, but that's not really an equipment change.

For the Kirie and Keiko themselves, the formerly hard-mounted equipment would become hardpoints that other things could be installed onto in the future. The Kirie and Keiko themselves could be changed more easily into a 1B variant if desired, due to the wiki namespace used.
You could just update the leading header to reflect the current nomenclature then outline all of the revisions like the Mindy M2-2 series article does.
Reactions: Wes
I agree with the 1B idea.
Yes, but the difference is that the nomenclature for the individual weapons I seek to make modular includes a year.

While I could easily just make a new revision to the Kirie and Keiko page, and intend to do that either way, the individual weapon pages would also need changed.

I can't, for example, easily turn the Ke-M12-W3300 Forearm Weapon into a Ke-M12-W3300A. It'd be the Ke-M12-W3900 for a very minor change. The nomenclature for the individual weapons are also in the actual page namespace, because I didn't expect to be making this adjustment. -_-

That's the heart of the issue.
Well, just edit the page to say that after YE 39 a kit was introduced to make them modular and after that all new ones were premade as modular.
Reactions: raz
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