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ADN Inhibitor,ADN Negator, ADN Disruptor, ADN Penetrator


Inactive Member
As their names imply, all of these devices are designed to defeat or counteract ADN devices and their relatives (PSCs, etc.). They differ in that each of these devices is designed for a slightly different purpose, with its own uses, strengths and limitations.

ADN Inhibitor (or ADNI device):

The ADN Inhibitor is identical to an equivalent class of ADN device except that it nullifies all unauthorized ADN fields, rather than all unauthorized psionic activity, within its area of effect. Prominent psions, such as politicians or crime bosses, often use ADN Inhibitors to prevent woulld-be assassins or kidnappers from using ADN devices against them. The primary limitation of ADN Inhibitors is that they are only effective against ADN devices of equal or lesser power.

Note that an ADN device within the Inhibitor field will be completely neutralized, while an ADN device outside the field will only be neutralized if more than half of the area/volume of the ADN field lies within the ADN field (this is quite possible, since placement on ships would suggest an ADN device need not be exactly at the center of its field), or if the ADN device is an ADN projector (a variant of the ADN device which creates an ADN field at a remote location, such as another ship

As noted previously, the strength of an Inhibitor field (or an ADN field, at least as I am assuming/defining it here) is a function of power density, not of raw power. In other words, the strength S of an ADN or ADN Inhibitor field can be determined by S = P/V, where P is the power used to generate the field and V is the size (volume) of the field, or to find the power needed to generate a field of a particular strength and size, use P = SV, or P = ESV where E is the efficiency of the device. This means that a personal ADN device using a backpack generator may or may not still work in an ADNI field powered by a big starship's correspondingly big reeactor, depending on the numbers. The reverse is only true if the ADNI device is close enough to the ADN device to affect it in the first place.

Strength doesn't have to be linear, it could be exponential or logarithmic or whatever would be most appropriate for game balance, but the P/V side of the equation should remain as is. Seriously, I'm a little new to this place and could use some guidance on this.

ADN Negator (ADNN device):

The ADN Negator negates the effects of any ADN fields within its area of effect. It creates a bubble fron which any ADN fields are excluded. This means that a psion can, for instance, telekinetically pick up an object (if such were permitted in the RP to begin with) and move it around, but the moment the object leaves the Negator field the psion would instantly lose his or her telekinetic "grip" on the object. An ADN Negator only negates (within its area of effect) ADN fields from ADN devices outside the ADN field, while an ADN Inhibitor only inhibits ADN devices inside its field. However, the two systems can be used together, and are often combined in a single device. There are no known side-effects from these devices, other than an increased electricity bill.

ADN Disruptor:

The ADN Disruptor is an offensive device that is used to prevent a target's ADN device from creating an ADN field. It differs from ADN Inhibitors/Negators in that these devices are installed to counteract ADN fields within a certain area, such as a ship or a building, whereas the ADN Disruptor is designed to counteract an ADN field from a remote location, such as another ship or outside an ADN-projected building, and is mainly used for psionic attack of targets protected by an ADN device. A favorite strategy is to use the ADN Disruptor to allow a psion to whatever-o-kinetically destroy the target's ADN device. The ADN Disruptor has to be able to match the strength of the ADN field it is intended to disrupt, which is why it is often used to disrupt small regions of an ADN field rather than the entire field as a whole. Non-GM-powered ADN Disruptors of course cannot hope to disrupt GM-powered ADN devices.

ADN Penetrator:

The ADN Penetrator is a modified Psionic Amplification Array that allows a psion to peneterate an ADN field with their psionic abilities. As always, the relative strength of the Penetrator and the defending ADN field are critical to the success or failure of this device in performing this task.

The term "ADN" a used here also includes devices such as PSCs (newer-model ADNs by another name), Lorath Psi Scramblers (there's only so many ways to scramble psi), and the like.

As always, a "GM-powered" ADN device (that is, one which a GM makes undefeatable or uninhibitable) cannot, obviously be penetrated by the ADN inhibiting, negating, disrupting or penetrating hardware of "mere mortals", and vice versa (I know this would be true whether I included it here or not, but I want to make my purpose clear - I am trying to add depth to the ADN device concept as a serious technology.)
I'm not sure I like putting more detail in the ADN/PSC devices and allowing for things to serve a a countermeasure for it because: 1) the PSC is already flawed and not quite able to totally block psionic attacks as advertised; 2) It would encourage the use of psionically gifted race in offensive roles, which is really not a good idea considering the new psionic rules.
I can see how the ADN Disruptor/Penetrator could have problems there if people are opposed to such things (although, couldn't "psionic races" include, say, a Neko using a Psi Amplifier?).

On the other hand, I don't see how this is a problem with the ADN Inhibitor/Negator, as these are "Defensive" systems.
My point simply is that putting emphasis on this might be an indesirable thing since we want to tone down the psionics. I'll explain were my opinion stems from:

My character, Kotori, began as a NH-22M nekovalkyrja. These rare experimental nekos had most of the capabilities of the different NH-17 variants all rolled up in one package and were, despite their rarity, quite powerful. They had the a NH-17 strength and agility, the 17S's stealth and the 17T's telepathic attack and defense capabilities.

I was all for playing this psionic capabilities to the hilt (I mean, mental attacks are cool), but they proved cumbersome in actual play and hard to implement for either the players or game masters involved: there was simply a glaring lack of balance and unfairness inherent in it for player character use... making this only useful as a plot device for a GM to use.

Seeing the 'hotness' of the NH-22M telepathic/stealth neko was overated, I decided to allow my character to be toned down to the more fair and intuitive-to-play NH-29 type nekovalkyrja. I do think, however, that even while lacking the psionic warfare capabilities of the NH-22M neko, that despite that, Kotori's familliarity and training with psionics still allows her above-average resistance to hostile effects such as those employed by NPC Mishhuvurthyar antagonists - but then again, I'm the GM of my own plot, so, that's pretty much my perogative now! XD
Psionics is basically down to low-level communication right now. There's not a lot of point to this, other than to jam communications, and there's more effective ways to do that.

Or so it seems.
These devices aren't there to jam the use of telepathy or psionics, they are there to prevent the jamming of telepathy or psionics. A ship crewed by a telepathic "hive mind" race, such as the Pozarids, would probably mount ADN Inhibitor/Negator devices, since for such a race, an ADN field practically doubles as a paralysis field.
The shit you're digging up here is blowing my mind. You've poured 70+ hours into finding all this out, yet you think you don't have the info to create a character ... ? I dunno whether to laugh or to cry. This is impressive.

If I may ask, why are you even worried about this tech? I'm sorry, but the OOC curiousity I have is too strong to not thrust this question into the public board. You almost seem to be filling in gaps no one's ever cared about simply because your research found. Why the trouble?

Kotori has suggested that these gadgets might be used (perhaps exclusively, perhaps not) by NPCs (especially invariably hostile "monster" NPCs like the Misshu), especially against PCs. As I stated in an earlier post, the more defensive-oriented devices might be useful for races with telepathic hive minds, like the Pozarids.
1. How would you remotely amplify a radio signal (which is essentially what psionics is in the SARP?)

2. I don't really like the idea of the submission because PSC were put into the game to create areas safe from overpowered psions or telepaths in general. Although psionics has been nerfed due to player demand, the PSC's role is still important.
One could remotely amplify a radio signal by boosting and retransmitting the signal, though this only applies to the penetrator. The negator operates by creating a field which is 180 degrees out of phase with, and equal in magnitude to, the waveform of an affected ADN field, and the two fields cancel each other out, with the result being the same as if the ADN weren't there in the first place. The inhibitor puts out a field that creates a negative feedback loop between an affected ADN device and its ADN field, causing the device to negate its own field. The disruptor could work along either (or both) of these lines.
Lady Xerena said:
Did you miss the part about "real-world responsibilities", meaning that I spent most of those 70+ hours attending classes, doing homework, eating, sleeping, etc. and I've only spent about 18, at most, on this site (about 6 since I joined the forum)?

No, but I did misread it. If you've only put 18 on this site, I'm very sure I'm going to cry.

Exactly. Pozarids, which we don't even mention anymore in the SARP because we've pretty much moved on from them. That's part of why I'm questioning all the background work you're doing -- it seems a little pointless now. Again, that doesn't negate the soundness of the tech -- I just wonder why you're bothering.
What about the next race someone creates with a hive mind? Or are you just going to assume that there won't be one, and when someone creates one indivicuals of that race are just waiting to get severed from that hive mind the moment they visit a station with an ADN device (or some unscrupulous character decides to attack or trap them with one)?
Don't mind hive minds operate on pheremones anyway? I'm serious. I mean you're assuming that races with "telepathic hive minds" are some sort of requirement for sci-fi RPs. I know Derran's got his Pozarids (who, by the way, have never actually appeared in the SARP), but still, there's plenty of communications methods usable instead of telepathy - and even if a race was telepathic, I don't see why we should alter the current balance of telepathy and telepathy nullifiers.
A hive mind based on pheromones wouldn't work very well through walls, floors/ceilings, environmental suits, or any number of other commonly encountered non-porous objects - and a porous buikhead, starship hull or spacesuit would not be a BAD idea.

Since the usefulness of these devices would depend entirely on what is and is not allowed in terms of psionics, they might not be as useful now as they would have been a few years ago, but things can always change, and it seems to me it would be kind of hard to rationalize IC why, unlike with every other form of defense (ECM, shields/armor, interdiction fields, etc.), nobody would try to find a way to defeat ADNs.
Because ICly, no one has a reason to, and until you came along, I don't think anyone really cared. *shrugs* Besides, when psionics is for communication only, and it's very limited in scope anyway, why bother?
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