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ADN Weaponry


Inactive Member
This is loosely related to my previous thread, but these devices are really a separate category (at least in my opinion - maybe I should add these to the other thread and drop this one?)

ADN Projector:

The ADN Projector is a variant of the standard ADN device which creates an ADN field in a remote area (for instance, a starship other than the one on which the projector is mounted). It can be used to prevent telepathic communications or psionic attacks originating from the targeted area, person or ship, as well as preventing reception of incoming telepathic messages.

ADN Blaster:

The ADN Blaster (a.k.a. the Crazy Gun)is a kind of pesudo-psionic weapon, consisting of an ADN Projector which has been desiged to project a field many orders of magnitude more intense than is used by defensive ADN devices, and to maximize the occurrence and severity of the "weird psychological effects" caused by older ADN devices. The field, which usually takes the shape of a beam or a cone, can only be maintained for about 5 seconds, once every 10 minutes, but even passing through the field for a split second will reduce the average person to a drooling, convulsing lunatic, a paranoid, homicidal maniac, a brain-dead vegetable or a still-twitching corpse. It should be noted that active ADN devices offer no protection and actually make the effects (slightly) even worse, however ADN Inhibitor devices can project against this weapon. Alternatively, an ordinary ADN can be reconfigured to protect against this weapon, but will offer no protection from psionic or magical attacks in this configuration. On a smaller ship, it offers a new way to even the odds against bigger ships, and on a bigger ship, it can be used to quickl y "pacify" (read: render terminally insane) the population of an entire planet. A word of caution is due here, though: if sabotaged, damaged, or inexpertly operated, the weapon can end up affecting the ship that is using it, and friendly fire, especially on the "cone" setting, can be a bit of a problem!

EDIT: I have copied the ADN Projector into another thread, on the assumption that, based on the replies I've gotten so far, it is more likely to be approved than the ADN Blaster. I have not removed it from this thread since it would be logically difficult to have ADN Blasters but not ADN projectors, since the former could probably act as the latter if used on a low-power, continuous-output setting.
I do not recommend the use of psionic-related weaponry seeing that the SARP sort of tried to mostly drop that, given the new psionic rules.
Psionic weaponry?
Do you mean that in the sense of "weapons that mess with the target's mind" (hallucinogenic gas also falls into this category), or in the sense of "weapons used by psions" (which the ADN Blaster is not), or some other definition?

I see nothing wrong with the ADN Projector by your argument, which is primarily intended as a telepathy-jammer rather than a weapon. It could also be a secondary mode of an ordinary ADN device rather than an entirely new system.
Psionics are supposed to be communication only in the SARP. Why not create a character instead of doing tech stuff?
Doshii Jun said:
Psionics are supposed to be communication only in the SARP.

This is exactly why the ADN Projector exists - to block telepathic communication. If ADN evices can be used to block unwanted telepathy to (or from, or within, IE a spy onboard your ship telepathically sending information to the enemy) your own ship, why couldn't it be used to block incoming/outgoing/intra-ship telepathy aboard another ship, assuming the device were properly modified or configured to perform this task?

As for the ADN Blaster, as much as I like the idea of a gun that makes people lose their marbles rather than their limbs, I may have to drop it, or at least seriously modify it. I will point out that there are precedents for weapons that can cause insanity or neurological damage by a non-psionic means (such as SA's scalar weapons). Also, this idea could be used as a failure mode (or a form of sabotage) of an ordinary ADN device.

Doshii Jun said:
Why not create a character instead of doing tech stuff?

Actually, I'm working on that. Keep in mind that I only found this place like 60 hours ago, and have real life responsibilities.
Most people create characters first, is what I'm getting at. Instead of lots of tech.

And I would like to see how this ADN "blocker" works. Most telepathy is encrypted around here, and any that isn't is essentially a radio signal (a concept you've probably read about already). Blocking the regular stuff I understand, but encrypted stuff?
I have copied the projector version into another thread, since it is probably more likely, (and perhaps more reasonable) to be approved than the blaster, however I don't see how the blaster can be allowed without implicitly allowing the projector (since the blaster could act as a projector when on a very low power setting, which would also allow for continuous use, but would not produce "wierd effects" any faster than an ordinary ADN). I suppose the powers that be could, in theory, approve the ADN Blaster and not the ADN projector, but I'd guess the reverse (or approving neither, or even approving both) would be far more likely.
So if an ADN or PSC cancels out the EM waves (telepathy) being emitted by people, how is your device going to undo/prevent that?
If you're talking about the "wierd side effects", it will prevent those in the same way newer ADN and PSC devices do (my devices are modifications of these devices).

If you're asking "how will they prevent ADN and PSC devices from blocking telepathy/psionics?" the answer is: they don't (the ADN Inhibitor, Negator, Disruptor and Penetrator do, but those are in another thread). The ADN Projector is just that - an ADN that projects its field to another location, such as another ship, to block the use of psionics and telepathy (including incoming, outgoing and intra-ship telepathic communication) within the ADN field, just like an ordinary ADN does for its own vessel. The only difference is that the ADN normally leaves open your own communication while blocking everything else, and affects your own ship, while the ADN Projector affects someone else's ship, and is usually set to either block their telepathic communications or other psionics while still permitting yours, or to block all psionics indiscriminately (IE if they have psions on board and you don't).

The ADN Blaster is an ADN Projector using orders of magnitude more power and designed to maximize, rather than minimize, the occurrence of "wierd psychological effects" among the crew of the affected ship - these "wierd psychological effects" (or more preciselly, causing them) are the entire purpose of the device.