Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Approved Character Adrik Aldaraes

Manifest Silver

Inactive Member
Character Name: Adrik Aldaraes

Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Creator/Parents: Unknown

Faction: None
Occupation: Freelance Bounty Hunter
Rank: n/a
Current Assignment: Awaiting Clients.

Hair color and Style: DarkBlack Hair, Slicked Back and Pulled Into a short ponytail. Usually Wears an Old Style black leather Cowboy hat, low enough to constantly cast a shadow over His Strange glowing eyes.

Build and Skin Color: Well Built, Broad Shoulders and Strong arms. Not built like a bodybuilder. He is more like a Lean Athlete.

Face and Eye Color: Has what many would call an Attractive face. Nothing else stands out about his face besides the small goatee on his chin, and his Sharp Peircing Eyes. His Eyes are givin a dark grey color by his Optical implants( This gives him Exellent NightVision, and Allows him to remotely gather information on Visible Targets. His aim is also enhanced by this Augmentation) He has had the Optical Implants as far back as he can remember.

Distinguishing Features: Eyes that Glow a soft silver color in darkness.
Adrik Aldaraes is usually seen with a lit (or unlit, in a nonsmoking area) cigarette hanging from his mouth. He is often seen wearing a Black Trenchcoat with tight black undergarments, Black SteelToed Combat boots and Shin Armor is also worn , along with gloves. He also wears the dogtags of a lost Comrade around his neck. His Favorite Custom Rifle is usually Carryed on his back with a strap

Personality: Adrik keeps an aura of Mystery, Strength and Hardness about him. He comes off as an Overall Hardass, Badass. But he is a friendly guy if you are on his goodside. Beware being on his bad side. There isnt many on his bad side, partly because he ends up killing them.

Likes: Women, Smoking, The Hunt/Chasing his Prey, Gambling.
Dislikes: When he runs out of ammo, Ignorant fools, Losing Bets.
Goals: To Live life, to discover his past, and his purpose.

Class: Ranger
-Sniper- 5
-Detect Conceilment-3
-Weapons: Rifles -5
-Interrogation - 3
-Weapons: Enviroment - 7
(Basically Items found in and around the setting ((ex: Chair , Iron Pole, Glass Bottles, ect...)) ).
-Wilderness Survival - 4
-Climbing - 3

Inventory: 1 Old Style .50 Calibur Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle.
2 extra Five(5) shot, Clips.(.50 cal)
1 .45 calibur Pistol
1 Box of Matches
1 Pack of Adriks Favorate Brand of Cigarattes
Facepaint for Camoflauge Purposes

Also- - The Clothing he wears on him. - -
Black Trenchcoat
Black Undergarments
LeadKnuckled Leather Gloves
Black CowBoy Hat.
Steel Toed Combat Boots
The Dogtags of a Lost Comrade

History: Adrik grew up on the Streets of one of the numerous MegaCitys. Adrik has no memory before the age of 12 he has no idea how he came into existance, who his parents are, or why he was living the life he was. His living was tough, and was forced to fight and steal to stay alive. He was one of the smarter and more athletic of the StreetKids. He Developed skills to help him survive his enviroment , such as Skill with Weapons laying on the ground or in the current setting(Adrik survived because of this skill). He also learned to survive by living off of native creatures and creating his own fires from scratch. One day he got word of one of the governments Cash Drops in the city from one of his Comrades. He was 17 at the time, and decided this was his moment to shine. He thought of a Grand Scheme to claim most of the money for himself. Because only him and one other person knew of this Cash Drops Location they had a very large advantage. They waited and when the money was released they grabbed it and decended into the Anceint Sewer System. They both Got away with minimal injuries. They Split the money, and that is when Adrik decided to part ways with his life-long friend and try to make money from his childhood skills. He started training as a BountyHunter, and purchased the nessicary Clothing and Items Needed. Most of his Current gear was bought with his captured fortune.

Adrik Aldaraes now wanders the Planet and Stars Looking for Purpose and Love. Clients and Targets. Money and Happyness. He Seeks to fill his empty past with a vivid Future of BountyHunting.
The only real thing customised about the rifle is how the Multi-range scope works in unison with adriks Optical implants, Allowing him to gather various data on targets and it helps to increase his shot-kill ratio.
Well, that's a customized scope, unless the size of the scope is something different and the rifle doesn't have adjustable sights. But it's fair enough.
Character approved.