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Advancer to the Senate of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia


Inactive Member
RP Date
25 August, YE 41
From the desk of Berhane Ezana, COO of Advancer Enterprises
25 August, YE 41

It has truly been a long time coming, this message. As a Nepleslian citizen and longtime resident of La Hanya, the Hanyan Continent, and Nepleslia, Let me be the first to congratulate the Senate on the strides it has made in my lifetime in building a better future, where the battles over the direction our nation takes are fought with ballots and debate, not guns and starships. This is the Nepleslia that truly, we all deserve.

I also hope, as COO of a Nepleslian Corporation that was forced out by the previous administration for shady reasons, that Advancer Enterprises will be allowed to fully relocate our operations from Tatiana to where they truly belong: On Nepleslia, in my home town of La Hanya. It only seems right and just to return home and help my nation with everything this corporation can do, with our expertise of biotechnology and cybernetics.

To help prove our honesty, Advancer is offering 5000 units of its Homeostatic Nanite system to the entire Star Military of Nepleslia, with government and military observers giving the system a thorough check over to ensure its safety for military use. There will be no charge, and Advancer is willing to provide medical professionals to teach the medical staff of the Navy and Marines how to properly install and manage the system. The unit's safety shouldn't be in question- my own son, a Marine himself, is installed with it and our TIN system.

Naturally, if the Star Military does not trust this system, we are willing to donate it to Nepleslian workers who function in toxic or otherwise dangerous environments, as our duty to the state.

Berhane Ezana, COO of Advancer Enterprises.​
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