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RP: 188604 [AdVenture Capital] 1: Nath Tower



[After Star Wasp 9]

Aashi had the wherewithal after the battle to bring herself to introduce herself to the newcomers to the planet, specifically one that had helped greatly in defending the I'ee. She was more than excited to get to know anybody coming aboard Uso's team and was even more excited to get the opportunity to work alongside them in the future. As such, she wanted to make the first meeting the best and had skimped on the crop tops and shorts she had started wearing on the planet and had worn the clothes she had arrived on the planet with, her violet dress and dark blue jacket that both reached past her knees. She wore tan ankle boots and her forty or so gold chains around her neck and her pale blue tattoos glowed as they peeked out from below her jacket's cuffs and the slits in her dress along her thighs.

As the White Lament hovered down towards the surface of the planet, she stepped back and raised a hand to her brow to shield her eyes from the kicked up dust.

The new arrival who approached from the cloud was clad in a Voidwalker suit, which would have left her difficult to identify if it wasn't the only one worn by a 'spacer in this star system that had a pure grey-and-blue colour scheme, with no other accents. This on its own was almost enough to broadcast that she wasn't affiliated with the Free State, though the proof was a subtler message. She approached Aashi wearing a frame backpack, itself plain, grey, and stuffed full to capacity. It didn't seem like a light load even in the planet's somewhat lower than standard gravity, but 'Queenie' made no complaint about the lack of robots to carry it.

Even from just a few feet away, there was little to see inside the reflective visor of her Voidwalker suit but for a vague silhouette. She looked almost as tall as she stood in front of Aashi, her greeter, to size her up; horns not included. The 'Hmm' she reemitted through her helmet's speakers was almost under her breath. For an alleged diplomat, she didn't seem the type to be quick to make friends. "I'm trying not to be surprised," she finally tried, as a joke.

"Try not," Aashi said, a quick smile on her face as she stepped towards the Voidwalker suit-apparelled Freespacer. "On 188604, you don't have to try at all. Things sort of just... come to you. I'm happy to welcome you to the planet. Are you..." Aashi was afraid to ask if the civil engineer was comfortable, as the suit made it apparent she was in a grey area of comfort. After a pause, she said, "...happy to be here?"

A chuckle came from Queenie's visor, followed by a moment of stark silence, before she answered. "I must be desperate for work, if I'm looking for it on a planet. So it must be. I would still say this is better than optimizing a mining fleet, though we'll see how long that survives the blowing sands. I should not discuss much else of how things are proceeding, beyond that conditions are still within tolerance. Though, I would give more credit to the tolerances than I would to the conditions."

Knowing not about the mining fleet, Aashi instead looked to what she did know about, asking quite point-blank, "What is it you are going to be doing on the planet?"

"Construction work," Groundbreaker Eight-Four answered just as bluntly. "I learned that the local leadership still operates out of a ruined palace. That doesn't seem to send the right message." She observes another strict period of silence. "Regardless, I've been surveying the location. With the labour and materials, I should be able to start renovations, soon. It's a simple project to soak my socks, or however that saying goes. More likely, I should be working on infrastructural projects." She took a look at the horizon, but didn't seem to find what she was looking for, shaking her head before long.

"We have a lot of those," Aashi said, knowing there was a real need for a civil engineer around 188604. She was thankful to have Groundbreaker and said as much. "It's good to have you here. Want me to show you what you'll be working with?"

"Sure, why not. You might want to introduce yourself at some point, however, even if my reputation seems to have preceded me. It might also be worth mentioning, I doubt I can walk ten kilometers in these conditions, so I would hope your plan does not require that."

"It's not more than a quarter of a mile away," Aashi replied. "Shouldn't be too hard on you. Besides all that, I am Aashi Nath, a captain and creator of things such as the hotel on this planet. I'm trying to bring some Iromakuanhe technology to the planet and, thus, I wanted to see what you would need from me to make the new Palace all that it could be. The Freespacers have continually had a good relationship with the Iromakuanhe," Aashi said. "I'd love to see that relationship continue."

"As you wish. Let's start walking, then." Groundbreaker Eight-Four gestured for Aashi to show her the way.

When she had begun on her way, Aashi made mention of the Palace again, "When you get started on the Palace, what kind of help do you see yourself needing? For today I can help you design what additions need to be made, but there may be other things that will come up in the future that would be easier to go over now rather than later."

Groundbreaker trudged ahead with short steps, careful to balance her load. "Designs are simple. What I don't have is construction workers, or resources. It's not as though sun-dried mud bricks are suitable for a palace, and the original quarries are mined out. Whether it's concrete, green glass, or whatever other shoddiness one might concoct on this backwater, it still has to come from somewhere, and we need robots to lay it out. Rebuilding the palace to its previous state could take years by the means that are locally popular. Though, I've considered that glass and concrete designs might be rejected. You would know better, having lived here and met with the Empress before."

Aashi began explaining with a sigh and a shake of her head, "Well I have three molecular furnaces that can churn out just about anything, not to mention her fabricator. To expound on that, we also have a scaly race of diggers that punch holes in the planet and with the dirt they dig up, we can feed that into the furnaces and fabricator and get what we need. She has junkers that do most of the nitty gritty work and Ragnarok's men help out a lot. It'll take weeks, maybe months depending on what you're planning to do. Years? No, no. Not at all."

"Junkers and... mercenaries? Sometimes I shouldn't ask questions. I normally work with metal foams, ceramics, and polycarbonates. If those aren't a trouble for your fabricators, even for many tons of material, I suppose our bottleneck will be the labour supply, assuming our goal is to just put the walls up, again. Naturally, I haven't been given any details, I presume the Empress only expects us to rebuild the palace somehow. That was how it went with our last attempt at an alliance. I don't intend on doing anything fancy, like pressurizing the building and adding climate control. The locals aren't fond of airlocks, I know."

"Well why not add those things if we can?" Aashi asked quizzically.

"Increased cost to build, more safety tests, higher maintenance... and at some point we'd have to evacuate. Keeping things simple means the palace stays open from start to finish. If I had my own manufacturing plant, I could produce my own workforce. I wouldn't be concerned about blow-out or maintenance, then, though I couldn't say Uso wouldn't have any cause; in the long term the repairs are for her benefit, and come at her expense."

"The expense is nothing," Aashi said, knowing enough about Uso's finances to hand wave the problem. "Is that your end-goal, to have your own manufacturing plant?"

"Of course not. The purpose of a manufacturing plant is to produce things. I'd be producing construction robots, my goal is to build. There is no end to that goal in sight."

"I can understand that goal. Relate to it, even. Speaking of build, this is what I have created," Aashi said as they came much more into view of the Nath Tower. It was a many-multi-storied cylindrical shape that tapered to a point at the top of it. Shining panels of reinforced glass echoed the sun's shine towards them and outwards. It had a cool, metallic blue color to it and the windows wrapped around it so that they were each curving slightly, not set at perfect ninety degree angles, but ones much smaller and wider the standard that would make up a square or rectangle. At the base was a pair of double doors from which a foyer came sprawling out of, in the center of which was a clear, open space meant for a fountain or mini-monument.

"That's where we'll put a statue of Uso," Aashi said to Groundbreaker. "Please, come with me."

The innards were only bare insofar as the fish tank was left empty and there was a certain lack of smell to the air beyond the ones that come with a newly created building. Besides that, the place was busy with a concierge, a bellhop that came forward immediately to take Groundbreaker's extremely stuffed bag, and a front desk woman, who looked extremely disappointed when she came forward and Aashi spoke tersely to her.

"She's here on the house," Aashi said. To Groundbreaker, she asked, "What floor would you like?"

"...No, thank you," was the Groundbreaker's reply to the man at her backpack. "I'll unpack it myself." It was less her attachment to her toolkit and concern for her microbot hive than for the extra life support systems she'd rigged to her suit to process the local atmosphere. She didn't want to deal with a breach to the tubing right here in the hotel lobby. "Less medication for everyone, that way." She answered Aashi, "Whatever floor would best accomodate my pressure tent."

"I think the top floor would be where I'd most like to put you!" Aashi said ecstatically. "But, first, let's get to business. Follow me." Aashi took her through a hallway that gave a peek of the pool outside and then brought her through a large, formal room and into a back room. She entered a code into the door of that room and they were in a massive space, with overhead lighting, a large closed garage door to one far side, and where three molecular furnaces sat. She trotted over to them, happy to start a new project with them.

"So," she said, inputting a long series of codecs before finishing her statement, "this is what we have now." Out from the machine came a printed version of the ruined state the Palace was in currently. "What do you want to see happen to it? I can input what you desire into a machine and it'll spit out what it will look like. It makes the process smoother, in my mind. I hope it will help you."

The Groundbreaker walked around the device, examining it--or the fascimile of the ruins--very carefully. "I suppose it might help those without mindware. Mouthing is not a good way to convey building designs, however. Is there some higher-bandwidth interface I might have access to, to submit my designs as they are?"

Aashi handed over her data pad and hoped that that would be enough for Groundbreaker.

Queenie poked at the device for a few moments before declaring in a bored tone, "This is not compatible. I am not on any linked network, and they are all encrypted. Only to be expected, I suppose. We'll do this the hard way, it's that or go back to the White Lament. As I mentioned before, I'm not looking to do anything fancy. We can produce better glass than this world ordinarily has, so we could open up the facade with larger windows while restoring it. I don't see much point, I would just as soon fortify it and they could likely benefit from barred windows if they need them at all. I would rebuild the walls to conceal the old facade and add metal doors to the exterior."

Aashi drummed her fingers against the data pad that had been handed back to her and then set to work creating a miniature version of what she thought Groundbreaker meant on the molecular furnace. She held it up to the Freespacer and asked in a lilting tone if it was correct.

"Like this?" Aashi asked. It was a pyramid design of glass and fortifications that covered up the existing walls by having a solid bottom two stories of concrete, while the rest of the pyramid was built with steel piping and glass walls, with exposed floor joints and metal beams under each floor of the six-story palace. Each glass pane was triangular in shape and glossy, meticulously placed in the whole of the pyramid.

"No," Queenie replied. "That seems more like a grand expansion than mere rebuilding. Of course, that doesn't matter if the Empress approves the design. I haven't been given directions, after all. I suppose I could leave the architecture to you, seeing as I'm out of my element by many degrees, here. Freespacers don't build palaces, and we don't build on planets, or try to impress low-tech, baseline human aristocrats. It's quite out of my field of expertise, I would just as soon use the existing walls and lines to convert this 'palace' into a simple fortified bunker, with some allowances for the local urban aesthetics. Windows and an upper floor, those sorts of things."

"Well since you want to leave the architecture to me, we should go ahead with this design. We don't want to include local aesthetics, we want to include USO aesthetics. Which seem to be less bunker-ish and under-done and more sleek, over the top, and grand," Aashi said.

"Fine. For that, it's common to put the tallest possible tower on top, rather than simply a pyramid, but what cause should I have to complain? I'll get no satisfaction from this, but so long as the Hive profits from my service to our ally, that's all I can expect." The Groundbreaker turned back away from the new model to examine the original. "For future projects I will need a way to present my designs, if I must work with others instead of having my own labour force." She traced a finger along the foundation in front of the model. "I'll need to perform another survey now that the footprint has expanded, after that I'll start telling you how we can build this without it sinking, falling over, or spilling mud from the faucets. I'll leave it up to you to decide what all the new space inside will be used for before I work out the details of the plumbing and wiring."

"I'm ready to finalize these details with you soon, then. For now, I'm going to say that we've come to a conclusion on what this will look like and will wait for you to survey in order to know what it will take to build it." She outstretched her hand for Groundbreaker to shake it and said decisively, "USO thanks you."

Queenie returned the shake, in the manner of someone who'd never shook hands before. It was more like the motion one would use to drop a power tool onto a workbench. "We look forward to having the chance to thank USO. Shall I be off to the worksite, then?"

"Yes, yes. I'll show you the way there." Her Matai Skyfish dove out from behind her back and flew forward, out of the room as they exited the hotel. "That," Aashi said, pointing, "Is Osman City, where you'll find the palace nestled somewhere towards that area," she said, pointing again, this time to a more specific area in a sharp, jabbing motion. "There are street gangs and you should avoid Akemi's if you don't want to be roped in to-" She cut herself off by walking forward and saying, "Oh, I should just take you."

"Yes, I daresay the natives aren't likely to admire my countenance, otherwise. I have been to the palace, before, though with your Codebreaker, last time." Indeed, she could see the radio navigation beacon she'd set up there. It was not going to tell her much about roving gangs outside the palace, even if 188604 had a basic satellite network that wouldn't provide much comfort. "We're walking, then? Hmm, I'm sure we can come up with a reason to give the hotel and palace a train route."

"I think there is plenty of reason to undertake that venture," Aashi said, ankle boots hitting the ground as she walked forward.
Osman Palace, Through Day and Night

Surveying a building site on an alien planet was hard work. Not because she had to lug around a hundred pounds of gear time and time again, though that hardly helped. Not due to the hideous climate, her Voidwalker suit was prepared for that. It was more comfortable than the void. Not even the local inhabitants were the issue, most of them stayed well away from the palace grounds, and the remainder scurried about like a ship in orbit was still pointing lasers at them. The non-locals weren't much of a problem, either. They seemed so absorbed in their own business that someone in a spacesuit walking around in the yard setting up sensors and markers, digging holes and setting off explosives at various depths to create a sonar map was not something they found noteworthy.

No, the problem was the data. None of it made sense until passed through the filter of knowledge that of course it wouldn't make sense. The planet was marginal, yet it had been inhabited for millennia. The people living here had regressed to the point where piling rocks on top of each other was considered an elite trade that only the most skilled and wealthy could practice. And here, at Osman palace, were their greatest achievements... piled one on top of the other, because none of them had enough steel to build a foundation to bedrock. They were all stone boats on an ocean of sand, each one left to burn and sink as the ages passed. More relevant to her current task of fitting the new pyramid into the scheme of things, the present-day palace was supported on the rubble of three previous palaces, but the pyramid would crush them, and have nothing else to support its weight.

That night, she settled into the tent she'd set up in the palace attic, open on a hole with a view. It was a ruin like the rest of it, the priceless treasures that had been stored here forgotten and scoured by sand, the dust of centuries that lay over them replaced by a layer a thousand times as thick that had been swept in during the past months. She was the only one there, and that was fine.

Queenie had some tasks to take care of before her business the next day. She analyzed the pathogens trapped in her suit's filter, and sent the data home. A few more days, and she could dispense with the Voidwalker suit, program a tailored defense, and put on some more stylish duds. Who was she trying to impress, though? It didn't seem this lot could agree on what was in fashion, if appearances counted for anything, she wasn't sure how to do the accounting in a place like this.

Oh, the pyramid. She knew how to implement it, in the morning. If she did it properly, it would take months, the old palace would be damaged (or, to save time, demolished completely), and the building could last for a thousand years or more. That wasn't what she'd been asked to do. To keep the old palace intact, she'd instead set it up much as the old builders had done, only bigger; a great pyramid-shaped, concrete-hulled sand-boat. Within a generation, she estimated, it would be buried up to the fourth floor. Within a century, there'd be no trace of it. Would that affect USO? She suspected not.

By resigning the Osman palace to the fate of all Osman palaces, it would save her attention for something she knew much better--recycling systems. On a boat, it was easy to make all the water and power systems self-contained. Yes, even the atmosphere; though it would vastly increase the expense to pressurize the whole building with its many windows, and the airlocks would be inconvenient, it was not her concern if her 'employers' preferred she include the feature. She wondered if they'd at least want pressure doors, and the interior divided into sections, in case of a blow-out.

Requesting an escort from Arccos, this time, Groundbreaker Eight-Four trekked back to the Nath Tower with all her kit, thinking over her design and the seismic data she'd uncovered along the way. As the tower came into view, she sent a message to Aashi, also relayed through the White Lament. "Job's done and I have the plan for you! Sending it your way, now. I've got two hulls with some estimates for the size of the engineering compartments. Do you want it pressurized, or unpressurized? The latter gives you a more freedom to get decorative with the windows, the doors, and the superstructure, but I can work toward your goals for those while still making them functional, if you like."

The preliminary designs she sent were just pyramids with a generic internal structure, and space for the old palace inside, both almost matching the model Aashi had shown her, at least outwardly. Her intention to make the pyramid self-powered and watered was apparent, though her reason for that wasn't. The foundation seemed solid enough, at twenty feet deep, even though it truly wasn't.

That wasn't the job, after all.
Nath Tower

Aashi got the plans and sent over some requisites of her own, saying to Groundbreaker, "On further thought, I want to add a Biomass Harvest System, if I can get my hands on one on Hlarai. An Organoid Life Support System would be nice, but it also seems to overlap on the installations you have added, so it would be redundant. I'd also like to think about creating solar panels on the top two floors of the pyramid with the molecular furnaces and some help from the junkers. I am pleased to meet with you again, soon, Groundbreaker."

She got up from the pool chair and draped her clothing back over her polka dot bikini, pulled her blue shorts on and stepped into her sandals before walking through the lobby and to the concierge desk. She sat there and struck up an idle conversation with the man there, ever aware of the doors, waiting for them to swing open.
To the Tower

Queenie continued her calculations, after a failed attempt to find any information about Iromahuanke technology within the Hivemind's databases. "I don't work with such... divergent... technology, nor does my equipment. I could install it, but not network, maintain, or adapt it. If water and air recycling isn't enough, I could install a grinder, though I don't see the need for it, unless the empress is expecting to endure a siege many years long.

"The solar panels should be simple enough, though the sand is a hazard for them, and the planet will be in the way at least half the time. They'll be mostly cosmetic if we can obtain a fusion reactor. I don't think I can use solar to power the whole building unless we either spread them over more area than the entire exposed surface or make some cutbacks on the utilities." She broke off her nay-saying as she stepped onto the grounds of Nath Tower. Oblivious to Aashi's location, she headed straight to the lift to the top floor.
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Nath Tower - Lobby

By the time Aashi had gotten inside to the desk, she had been joined by a shorter figure in a relaxing sundress. Despite the bright clothing, the woman's mouth was a narrow line, her eyes carefully roaming the public space around her leggy Iroma boss.

Satisfied with the security for the time being, 46 finally joined Aashi. She cut a very different figure from when she had arrived on 188's surface. Not the least because she was clothed. Or that her arm wasn't ripped open to expose her metal skeleton. 46 was back to looking almost-Yamataian normal. To figure out what was off would take a more intense exam then most guests would ever have the chance to perform.

"Meeting time, ma'am?" she asked Aashi, pushing sunglasses up into her hair with a brush of the hand.
To the Top

"Meeting time, indeed, 46. This should be pretty standard stuff. Boring to you, maybe. We'll see, won't we?"

Aashi checked with the concierge what floor the lift had gone up to and smiled at him before leaving his company.

She made her way up there, to where the special penthouse suite was. It had an open floor plan to make sure the occupant could have a 360 degree view of the entire planet, from the ocean, to Osman city, and beyond. The only thing that really stood in the way of that was the bathroom, which was nestled next to the lift in the center of the large suite.

The suite was one that didn't have a hallway or door that came from the lift, but one that the lift opened directly into the suite. She could have used her keycard to enter, but instead buzzed on the intercom to get Groundbreaker's attention.

"Groundbreaker? It's Aashi Nath. I've brought my bodyguard along with me, her name is 46. Would you let us in?"
Penthouse Suite

Queenie had barely had time to begin unfastening the straps holding her frame backpack together by the time Aashi arrived. The question puzzled her. What sort of custom was it to ask a visitor for permission to enter one's own room? "Of course."

She could hardly tell the suite apart from the lobby, they were both unimaginably alien, even compared to the planet itself.
The Top of Nath Tower
Penthouse Suite

"Thank you," Aashi said before entering.

When she was inside and after looking over what Groundbreaker had begun to do with the place, she spoke with a smile on her lips.

"Did you get my message for the plans for the Palace?"
"Yes, I did. And responded." What was it about these places that was so alien? A waste of space, a lack of function, dead atmosphere. Nothing human... nothing Deoradh, at least, and yet it had been built at great expense, for a purpose. Queenie glanced toward Aashi's neck, where she'd worn what looked like a pound of gold ornamentation the day before. It was hard to believe such things were real, not just slander.

"There is still some uncertainty about our design objectives."
The Top of Nath Tower
Penthouse Suite

"Illuminate me on the questions you may have. I am here to learn from you, as well, and would like to hear what you have to say instead of taking the opportunity to come up with answers to your questions away from you," Aashi said, taking a seat on one of the chaise lounges in the room. She beckoned for 46 to take a seat on one, as well.
Penthouse Suite

"There's no question of what we must do. Empress Uso does not like to get bogged down in details, and so all we have to go on regarding this project are a few off-hand comments and a thumb-drive of speculation. I find it wiser to substitute answers than to ask for them. I imagine you do, as well."

Given the strain of standing under such a load, Queenie turned her side toward Aashi and resumed disassembling her backpack. Among its contents were a large egg-shaped device with struts unfolded and splayed out like chicken legs, a shining, hexagonal package with many extendable features, including a dish, all folded up and retracted, rolls likely representing her tent and bedding, food and water supplies, and four non-descript cases; two with handles, made of titanium, one gleaming, one painted; two with none, made of composites, one maroon, and the last glossy black.

"I'm not here to teach you, though I wonder what you want to learn."
46 hung back when they entered the room, warily watching Groundbreaker. Despite the incalcuable aide rendered her such a short time before by another Freespacer, a stranger that could possibly pick apart your very essence wasn't someone to just leap towards. Not that she would probably appreciate that either.

When beckoned, though, she joined Aashi in the seating area in the middle of the room, sitting and crossing her legs before politely nodding to the engineer.
The Top of Nath Tower
Penthouse Suite

Aashi liked what Groundbreaker had to say and replied, "Well we have the Biomass Harvest System, which will take waste and produce consumables with it. We don't need solar power, apparently. We have your water system and pressurization for the doors going for us. The interior should be segmented and the foundation solid. There are answers to our problem of creating a building that will last into the ages. I want to go for longevity here and would like to secure that."
"The mandate I was given was to rebuild the old palace, not to replace it. How does it fit into your design?" The Groundbreaker had essentially left it untouched inside her own schematics, as if it were a museum piece... or a fly encased in amber.
The Top of Nath Tower
Penthouse Suite

Determinedly, Aashi said to Groundbreaker, "We fortify the pyramid in ways superior to the design we have now. I want to see this last forever, not just a few lifetimes."
Penthouse Suite

"That says nothing about the old palace, but if it's irrelevant..." Queenie stopped unloading and turned fully toward Aashi once more, straining to convey the gravity of the problem though the dark visor of her Voidwalker Suit. "...I would suggest abandoning the Osman Palace entirely and building the new, 'Uso Palace' on exposed, solid rock.

"There's no such site in the city, so if it must be here and in public view, perhaps you can use your fleet's weaponry to excavate as much sand as possible, glass the rest, and compensate for what remains of the poor building site by importing some large, sturdy, high-quality metal helical piles to anchor the concrete base as deeply and solidly as you can. Then, all you'll need to do is keep the foundation dry, not the worst problem to have. At least this planet doesn't have serious earthquakes, hmm?"

So much for getting this over with quickly. Though it was hardly visible through her visored helmet, the Groundbreaker shook her head as she sorted her gear and took down the frame of her backpack around her improvised life support pack. "I don't mind doing the job right, but given that it still takes an order of magnitude more of my time and effort to do so, my need to learn how my people will benefit from my assistance to this project becomes much more pressing. This is no longer a goodwill gesture, it's become a major task of its own."
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Top of Nath Tower
Penthouse Suite

Avoiding any kind of responsibility on USO for Groundbreaker's potential need to be compensated more for her efforts than was necessitated originally, Aashi backtracked.

"Then what you originally planned to do is fine, we'll work with the plan you've got. We will not try to make something that costs you extra effort when it doesn't have to. In a dozen years we'll build something three times the height and sunk deeper into the earth than fathomable. But, for now, we will have to make do with the effort you're willing to expend. Unless you're willing to reconsider based solely on the fact that I am asking you to," Aashi said before her lips grew tight in anticipation and one of her eyebrows threw itself up on her face while the other sunk low.
Penthouse Suite

Queenie's own eyebrows moved to make a mirror of Aashi's expression, not that anyone outside her helmet could tell, except by her tone. "I don't see why you would ask me to, given that the alternative you just presented would be a wiser course, even if I were foolish enough to say yes.

"Forgive me for saying so, but the time is not yet ripe for Empress Uso to build such a monument." She switched eyebrows. "By the time this pyramid needs be abandoned, she may not even consider this planet worthy of being home to her imperial seat."
Top of Nath Tower
Penthouse Suite

It made Aashi uneasy to switch motives, but she was willing to in order to save USO whatever it was going to cost to coerce Groundbreaker to do the job of many lifetimes. Instead, she would have to settle.

"It sounds like we've come to an understanding," Aashi said. "46, if you wouldn't mind escorting me down the lift? Unless you have anything else to add?" She directed the latter question to Groundbreaker.
"Not pertaining to the pyramid," Queenie responded stiffly. She looked to the bodyguard named '46' with some interest, it was an unusual name for anyone not a Freespacer, and showed a sense of humility that seemed more precious than uranium in this wasteland. Unfortunately, their wireless signals sounded like absolute garbage to each other, and it seemed inappropriate to ask Arccos to set up a relay just to let Queenie talk to Aashi's bodyguard. "I have what I need, for now."