Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [AdVenture Capital] 11 : B7R-604

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


The Mega-Annum Dove, Flynn Blackburn's transport ship

"So. Thanks for coming on such short notice everyone,"

The job had been very short notice, giving everyone only about an hour to prepare before Flynn took off. Everyone was gathered together in the main area on the ship, while the ship itself was in deep space. Mecha, tanks, and assorted vehicles were all stored either inside or strapped to the outside.

"Jason had setup this little trip, but I paid Flynn to bring us along too. We're getting paid to destroy a shuttle that was stolen from Van-Banning and drag back the guy that stole it.

The thing has a transponder on it so it'll be easy to find when we arrive.

Unfortunately, the planet has a bunch of Rixxikor ships in orbit which is why we'll be using Flynn to get us down to the surface. We are on the clock here, and we don't have a lot of information about the surface of this planet. There's one big city, a colony setup by humanoids that passed through the area a long time ago... and some terraforming stuff. The Elysians tagged the planet as B7R-604 back in the day.

I'm hoping between the Mecha-Team and Corgan's armor we should be able to get in and out before anyone can really respond. Hopefully that'll give Flynn plenty of time to complete his little drop off.

Any questions?"


The Mega-Annum Dove itself was in deep space, a short FTL hop away from the star system. Uso had already sent a small drone in that was able to pinpoint the planet itself, as well as the forest and easily hidden landing points in the wooded canyons surrounding the main city.

In orbit was a pair of Rixxikor colony ships, that had been spending all day sending shuttles down to the surface.

The Dove would be easily destroyed if it approached the planet while the Rixxikor were watching.
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Mega-Annum Dove- Cockpit

For a moment, Flynn had thought his days of flying into dangerous space to slip past armed patrols were over. He found it hilarious that his first stint of legal work in five years involved flying into dangerous space to slip past an armed patrol. Not that he was complaining. He was addicted to the buzz of adrenaline building up in his gut as he studied the star system's layout for the umpteenth time. Chuck sat on the floor next to the helm, peering out at the stars and panting up a storm, obviously excited by having so many new guests aboard. He gave the dog's head a reassuring pat and reached out on the comms.

"Errowyn, how're things on your end?" he asked, eyes scanning for the running lights of her Kawarime in the surrounding star field.

"Wild Rabbit, you ready?"

As soon as they dropped the hammer on this, the clock would be ticking. Any delay could mean death. Once the enemy started shooting, they ran the risk of reinforcements being called. Everyone involved needed to have their head in the game, know exactly what to do and when to do it. Flynn loved that kind of rush. There was nothing sweeter than the feeling of flawlessly pulling off a complex mission.

Errowyn maneuvered into position in her Kawarime as it was rigged maximum stealth amidst the stars. Her normal flight running lights were extinguished to blend even more with backdrop of stars. She stayed in the sensor shadow of the Mega-Annum Dove, invisible to enemy scanners.

= "Hellcat in position." = Errowyn replied back as her tone was laced with duality of mechanical undertones from the Spine immersion she had with her ship. She drifted in a controlled manner to respond when needed. Her weapons were armed and in stand-by mode, ready to switch to a more active mode by mere thought.
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Alex was still a little shaken since the last mission, where he had accidentally hit his clone Jason with a torpedo, and presumably killed him. This mission a new module had just been developed for his craft. The U-1bm boost module, which would allow him to be much faster and more maneuverable, in addition to giving him two highly destructive energy swords.

He selected for his weapons, a single 25mm machine gun with five extra clips of ammunition, as well as two smaller head mounted point defense lasers.

He climbed into his mecha, which was in fighter form and taxied to the entrance of the cargo bay.

He spoke briefly over the radio, the fact that the loss of his friend apparent because of his uncharacteristicly terse speech.

"Unicorn ready for launch."
"Calm down Alex,"

Uso responded over the all hands channel,

"Flynn's the smuggler here. He's the one with the plan for getting us to the surface. If that plan involves you I am sure he will let you know... otherwise sit tight and don't do anything to get us in trouble...

... You do have a plan, right Flynn?"
Cockpit - Mega-Annum Dove

"I do. When both Hellcat and Wild Rabbit are in position, we'll make the short leap in system, but still remain far enough to prevent making a large bleep on their sensors." Flynn called back, also speaking on the comms to the two other ships. "From there, we will burn full throttle towards the blockade. Once the Dove matches the velocity of a rogue asteroid, say fifty-five thousand miles an hour, I'll shut down all power and let us drift on a vector that'll take us past the blockade and into low orbit.

While we drift, Wild Rabbit and Hellcat will light up whatever ships are in range to prevent them from paying too much mind to us. Once we have achieved orbit, they'll break off and rendezvous with us, and we'll head to the surface and hole up while everyone accomplishes their objectives. When all objectives have been completed, we meet back aboard the Dove and fly out as fast as we can, and make the jump to hyperspace before the Rixxikor can get a bead on us."
"Speaking of... Vier... are you in position yet?" Uso asked over the all hands channel.

White Rabbit - The other side of the star system

The White Rabbit was a small freighter that Uso had used before to distract the NMX at I'ee. It was remotely piloted, so losing it to enemy action wouldn't be too big a deal. Even so, Uso would prefer if it came back in one piece.

The ship itself was tucked away on the other side of the starsystem, outside of the range of where people would normally be scanning.

"The White Rabbit is in position, and ready to start operations."

Vier would respond with a simple text message, having only a simple computer cluster on the White Rabbit to run the whole operation... though she expected it to be more than enough.
'5' :: System B7R-604

Errowyn waited for the others to get into position and the signal from Flynn to go hot. With a short micro-flt jump that jump generator capacitors had built up in a short time from the ftl jump to this system would put her right in the guns of the Rixxikor ships, drawing their attention to her to allow Flynn to slip by unchallenged.

She smiled as she had already sent the message she was in position for this fiasco to begin. She diverted power to the Secondary Jump Generator Capacitor to charge them up for the second jump out of system. Hoping that 18k Nexus Station techs knew what they was doing when they installed the small craft Ftl Jump generator and capacitors.
"And my job?" Alex asked, now chastised by Uso.

"I'm hoping you all have some other task to occupy me, and I guess it might do me a bit of good to keep my mind off of the last mission."
"And my job?" Alex asked, now chastised by Uso.

"I'm hoping you all have some other task to occupy me, and I guess it might do me a bit of good to keep my mind off of the last mission."

"Actually, I might just have something," Flynn drawled. "If you know how to operate the nav console, it'd help me a bunch to have an extra set of hands in the cockpit. You'd help chart a course to the planet and keep an eye out for additional enemy ships."
Mega-Annum Dove Common Area

Before Alex could respond, the other U-1 pilot spoke up with an enthusiasm she seldom showed for most other topics. "Oh! I know how to navigate a starship!" Not that she didn't have her own reasons to want to distract herself, but avoiding her own mecha's cockpit trumped them all. She still found it surprising that not everyone else was on board with the idea.

As much fun as it was to be part of a real mercenary company on a real mission as a pilot, it seemed worth putting off that part of it. Besides, she was rather certain her 'family' would laugh at her if she ever tried to brag about it. There was a lot of work to do. "...Or I could take some time off while Alex does it?"
"Chill out Alex," Uso said over the all hands channel, "People die, and people get put back together. No point in worryin about it. I'm sure you can help Flynn pilot things remotely from there if you like. We're going to be needing you on the ground so don't blow your load early by flying out there."
The Eternal Pilgrim, Bridge

Standing on the bridge Spacecase was looking over what was going on through his long range scanners. "I'll be here to pull you out if things get too dicey, just to let you know. Until then however I'm just a merchant ship trying to get through to the next system if anyone asks."
Flynn smiled.

"Alright, gang, it looks like everyone's in position. You ready to do this?" he asked over the all-hands channel. As soon as everyone gave affirmation, he would make the short jump in system.
'5' :: System B7R-604

Errowyn watched the progress of Mega-Annum Dove jumping into the system. She followed a much a slower rate as not to draw attention to herself. She kept an eye on the those that were doing the Blockade Duty to see how they responded to the approach of Mega-Annum Dove.

Her Kawarime showed every thing to be within normal operating parameters as she increased power and thrust to slowly build up speed for the first jump into the fray.
Alex remained on standby but radioed to Flynn, "I can help pilot remotely from here, but I need to be in my fighter for when my job out there starts. Anything else you need me to do?"

In the meantime Alex reached out and connected to the Dove's Navigation computer and began to chart a course to the planet, his mind working in tandem with the ships systems.
Mega-Annum Dove - Cockpit

"Nope. You're doing just fine." Flynn muttered in reply, coming out of hyperspace. Ahead, but still very far away, sat their destination. He saw dark silhouettes crossing the day side of the sphere, obviously Rixx ships by their ramshackle appearance. A navigation vector appeared on his HUD, and he muttered a quiet "thank you" to Alex. While gently slowing the craft, he altered his course to match the vector. He then held the ship at a constant velocity of 55,604 miles per hour. Once he was confident that he was heading in the right direction at the right speed, he reached over to the kill switch.

"For the next ten minutes or so, everyone stay where you are and don't open anything. I'll be shutting off life support in all unoccupied areas of the ship. Also, I've never confirmed if it works, but you might want to keep the chatter to a minimum."

Then, Flynn hit the switch, and all lights aboard the Dove went dead, including the exteriors. The loud hum of the reactors, that most people didn't notice went dead as well, truly emphasizing the word "dead". In all areas of the ship save for the cockpit, the main hall, and the cargo area that Alex was in experienced a massive temperature drop as the life support went dead and atmosphere was vented. Flynn used the docking thrusters to make a few, minute changes to their course, then sat back and calmly stroked Chuck's flank. The animal seemed relatively calm, as a ship dog should be in such situations.

"Hellcat, Wild Rabbit, we'll be going dark until we're clear of the blockade. Monitor their chatter and only start shooting when they begin to suspect something. See you on the other side." Flynn whispered and shut off the communication systems as well. Now, the Dove was truly "dead", at the mercy of the laws of gravity and inertia, and whatever cover Errowyn and Veir could provide. Flynn's mask of easy calm masked his unbridled excitement at being back in the action.

Okay, not entirely. If one listened closely, they would be able to hear the smuggler/classical music fan quietly humming "Ride of the Valkyries" to himself as he casually leaned back in his chair and rested his hands behind his head.
B7R-604 - On the other side of the star system


That was the sound Vier imagined a space ship made when it appeared out of FTL. Of course, there was no sound outside of the ship since there was no atmosphere... and the sound inside of the ship change based on where you were listening... or what you were listening with.

In an instant, the White Rabbit had finished entering normal-space on the opposite edge of the star system.

Time for Vier to get to work.


The White Rabbit would start approaching the system, its Subspace Radar and communications gear blasting at full strength.

B7R-604 - Rixxikor Colony Ship

*pew pew pew*

The Rixxikor at the sensor console deftly manuvered a small starship through a densely packed asteroid field, its small cannon blasting away at the larger rocks, reducing them to two rocks of smaller size with each blast.

*pew pew pew*

The screen slowly starting to fill with the smaller rocks, The rixx only taking one eye off the screen long enough to grab a box of ChocolatePuffs, taking a bite right out of the whole thing without bothering to open it!


*pew pew*

The Rixxikor kept playing his game for a solid minute... before finally finishing the level and switching back over to the sensor screen.



A flurry of communications would pass between the colony ships, each one yelling at the other to go deal with the intruder. The pair wasting another few minutes of time before one of the ships fired a small missile at the other, the heavy blast blowing a large chunk off the opposing ship...

The (now) smaller of the two ships would turn away from the planet, and start heading towards the White Rabbit... leaving just one ship by the planet.[/B][/B][/B][/B]
Mega-Annum Dove - Cockpit

"...Like I said: Dumb. As. Bricks." Flynn chuckled lowly, recalling his earlier conversation with Errowyn.
The Eternal Pilgrim, Bridge

Coming through FTL on the other side of the planet Spacecase would hail the other Rixxikor ship. "Hello I am Spacecase. I am a merchant looking to conduct business on the planet below."

Spacecase would sit back and kick up his feet. "I've been here before if you will remember. I hope you can show me the same hospitality as before."