Star Army

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RP: 188604 [Adventure Capital] 15.5 Catching up to do...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gunhand4171
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188604: Fort Gleipnir

The Fortress was a flurry of activitey as shuttles flew in from all directions, and Osman refugees began flooding in. It was a nightmare. Cyrus stood in the command tower, watching everything go down, sending out orders where he could.

With Raphael gone and the Necromancer destroyed, he was the current authority on the planet. Cyrus ran a hand through his hair and light a cigar. "Hell..." he finally muttered. "I need a minute, I will be in my office." He said to the other commanders in the CIC. They nodded and Cyrus walked off, taking the elevator to the top floor of the tower.

He walked in and plopped down in his seat. Things had gone to hell right quick. He was worried, not only for Raphael and the crew of the Necromancer, but for Errowyn as well. He quickly linked in to the bases comm's network and shot off an encrypted message.


You alright out there?


-Island Base-

Errowyn had done a quick stop over at her Island to check up on it and see how it had fared during the brief occupation of those that tried to musclew in on Uso operation here. The house had been blown to bits and her camogflaged netting hanger had been burnt to a crisp. The only dock to the place where the locals could tie up with their boats had been destroyed. She was sighed as she continued on her way in her Kawarime.

"I am fine. Is there a place I can secure my Kawarime while I do some minor repairs?" Errowyn replied back over the secured channel. Her Kawarime showed some battle damage that would hinder her space flight to 18k for the more serious cosmetic and overhaul to 5.

"Yeah. Come over to the fort. Already have a hanger quantined off and crews ready." He said after ordering the ground crews. "The runway is clear for you." He added as he stood and began walking out to the airstrip.

Within minutes of his reply a black dot appeared in the distance and grew into a her Kawarime. Soon she had the Kawarime settling onto the runway for a smooth roll out as she aimed for the hanger. Not caring if some local refuge gotten ran over. She spotted the :Follow Me : vehicle and followed it to the assigned hanger. She eased the Kawarime into the hanger powering down and raising the canopy.

Once the craft was stopped and fully powered down, Errowyn removed her helmet as she climbed out of her Craft. She dropped the helmet onto seat as she swung her remaining leg out from the cockpit of the craft and slid / levitated to the ground next to her craft.

Cyrus was waiting as Erowyn rolled into the hanger. He looked up at the neko and he smiled softly. "Hey there kitty cat. Long time no see." he walked forward and embraced her, giving her a quick squeeze. "I am so sorry about the Island... I will get it fixed as soon as I can." He said looking down at her. "Come on. You can stay with me."

Errowyn returned the hug/squeeze "I almost didnt come back after the last job. Needed to collect my money as was ready to tell Uso and Flynn to shove it and resume my journey back to Yamatai. Then ran into Julie.. The Princess that Raphael had a fondness for aboard the M-A Dove. Who ended up telling this world had been attacked by Elysian Rogue.. Or not. Had to see if you was ok. Or Avenge you if needed." She moved towards 5 to begin the postflight checks now that the 5 was cooled off from flight.

Cyrus walked over and began helping her with her post flight checks. "What happened to Julie? I hadn't heard about her in quite sometime. I had hoped that she would be livivng a normal life away in the mountains..." He said as he scrolled through reports for Errowyn in his eye, tagging them if she needed to see it.

"Apparently she got hit with a ST-Overwrite of her Psykie of some guy named Wazu." She glanced back at Cyrus as she peeked into various external ports on her craft. Making mental notes and sending them to the onboard computer to go over later. "Apparently had Usos panties in a bind." She moved to another section of her craft. "So you might want to keep everyone that isnt a Rag out of your Fortress compound. Incase one of these refugees has been STed and a sleeper."

Cyrus sighed. "Ahh hell..." He said rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. "That poor girl..." He turned and was silent for a moment before continuing. "Raph can never find out, or he would be crushed... that is if we can get him back..." He sighed. "Things sure have gone to shit... I am just glad you are okay." He said softly as he logged his own data for 5 and sent it to Errowyn so she could read the reports he tagged for her.

"Yeah they have." Errowyn fell quiet as she more intensly studied her craft after doing her walk around of her craft. She kept glancing at him, then away deep in thought. Finally giving a sharp long exhale, spoke. "I may be leaving 188604 permantly for a better assignment at 18k. If we are taking on the Elysians. I dont want to be anywhere near here. They will run over Uso, Rags anyone in their way if they desire this place. I had a run in with them at B7R-604. Didnt exchange shots with them, but flew through their attack force that were going after the Rixxikor."

Cyrus was silent for a moment, then released a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I knew this day would come... I just wished it was much much further down the line..." he walked over to Errowyn and cupped her cheek in his hand. "E... I want you to be happy. That is all I could ask for. I wish you would stay with me. Desperately I do..." He rested his forehead against hers. "But I know I can't make you stay here. And in the end, if leaving makes you happier than staying I guess I will just have to live with it..." He said softly.

"Why dont you just pack up the Rags, return to that Iceball? Or just turn them over to Corgan or one of the others and come with me to 18k? I am sure that Benjiman could use you as part of his stations Security force. I could squeeze you in next to my Power Armor for a 30 hour ftl jump." She flashed him a soft smile and then another sharp exhale of breath.

He kissed her. "As lovely as that sounds... I have to stay. They kidnapped Raph... And if I don't stay to get him back, then who will." He said softly, pulling Errowyn in closer to his body. "I can't run from this. I have to stand up for him... for them..." He said looking around at his teams as they worked. "I made a promise to them... I can't just leave them. I'm sorry E..." He said kissing her again.

Errowyn leaned against him, listening to him talk. "I am sure they understand. Raphael knew what he was getting himself into. They all do. Even I. I know when to cut and run." She shitfed and stepped away. Another exhale, but softer this time. "Damn it. They know you cant be there for everyone? And try to rectify everything. Even a rescue that may be suicidal." She moved to her Kawarime, then paused turning to look at him. "Okay, I will stay as long as possible. But if things turn to shits around here.." waving her hand to incicate the planet. ".. I will be soooo gone without a backward glance. I dont have my fallback like I did when I was aboard the YSS Heiten."

Cyrus's face lit up and he rushed over to her and scooped her up in his arms. "You are the best E..." He said giving her another kiss. "I'll have to make extra sure things don't go south anymore than it has." He replied with a smile. At this point, the Neplelsian was over the moon to hear that she would stay. He had been on an emotional rollercoaster all day... at least now it was at a high point.

"You have any leads on where Raph may be taken?" Errowyn wheezed out from being swepted off her feet by Cyrus. She wiggled free, showing despite her soft feminine physique, she had muscles equal to his.

"You didn't think I was sitting around with my thumb up my ass did you?" He said with a smirk. "I had to call in some favors, but you know me... I know everybody." He said smiling. "Those ships that attacked the Necromancer were on course to Nepleslia. If I had to bet, he's there."

"Probably.." She gave him a smirk, "Anyway. I am sure we can get a ship and go find him. Queens Slave should be okay, unless that one of thwe ships that been turned into scrap at the spaceport."

"Don't worry, it won't be." He smiled. "But for now, come on. I bet you are hungry and exhausted from all the shit that has gone down. The techs will take good care of 5 I promise." He said offering her his hand.

Errowyn approched him, handing over her Data jockey to be passed over to the assigned Techs to work on her Kawarime. She sent a mental command to her Kawarime to place security measures dormant for the duration. "Just make sure no Refugees enter this hanger." She spoke softly full of menace. "Otherwise anyone working on my craft will get a nasty surprise." And leave her stranded without a craft.

She moved to the exit as food, shower, relaxation in any order would be nice.

"Yes Ma'am! We'll take good care of her." The crew chief nodded.

Cyrus smiled and began walking towards the tower.

"Where can I get freshened up at?" Errowyn fell instep with Cyrus at his side. She had opened up her flight suit to remain cool for the walk.

Cyrus smiled. "Come on, you can use my room." He walked with her and led her to one of the multiple bunkers. As they entered, and decended the finally reached one of the rooms that seemed to be a ways away from the others. "After you." He said opening the door.

The room was actually fairly nice. The white stone walls had a few things adorning them, such as a flag for Ragnarock, a few scattered pictures and such. Off to the left was a queen sized bed. In the center of the room was a couch and a coffee table. and off to the right was a small kitchenet, yet it had a full stove, oven, and everything a cook would need. "The bathroom is right over there. Go take a shower and change while I whip something up for you. You can use these. to change into." He said grabbing some small Ragnarock fatigues.

Errowyn caught the fatigues and slipped into the bathroom. She set the fatigues on the sink, sat on the toilet with the cover down. She removed her flightboots, then shimmied the flight suit off when she stood up. She stepped into the shower as she got it going and removed the undergarments she wore. She washed them out quicky and then laid them on the toilet seat cover to at least dry some. She cleaned herself up quickly Starting with her hair and working down to her feet. Within a few minutes, she was stepping from the shower and grabbing a towel to dry herself off. She made a few funny faces as her undergarments were still too wet to be worn. She hung them up to drip-dry and then put on fatigues. They were a bit to big for her. But the shirt made a nice midthigh dress. She folded the pants back up and tossed them on the a nearby shelf out of the way. She finger combed her hair free of the major tangles. She sighed as she wished she had snagged her travel kit she always had when she flew her Kawarime for any length of time.

As she disappeared into the bathroom, Cyrus set about making Errowyn some food. He fired up the stove and began cooking her up some fish fillets. He was in the process of slicing the garnish, when she stepped out in only the shirt. Cyrus stifled a chuckle. "I'm sorry baby, I'll go get you some clothes that fit in a minute." He said as he finished slicing and poured a little wine into the food.

"No hurry." She got herself comfortable on the couch with her feet tucked up against her as she settled next to the arm rest. Her hair was loose and glistening a blue black in the ambient light as it framed her face. "Smells good. Whatcha cooking?"

He tossed the fish and caught it in the pan. "Fish Fillet with a white wine reduction." He said as he plated the food. He poured a glass of wine and smiled as he walked over. "Here you go. Eat up." he said sitting down next to her on the couch and passing the food to her.

Errowyn leaned towards him, letting him get a freebie glance down her shirt as she reached for the plate of food. She settled back once she had in grasp. She ate the food quickly, yet had time to savor it. "I just wish my place on the island hadnt gotten hit." She spoke softly. "I am gonna miss that place while it get repaired."

He grimaced. "I'm sorry E..." He said wrapping an arm around her waist. "I'll make sure that everything gets fixed up just the way it was and better. What do you want me to add to it?" He asked.

"The way it was nice. I would need a hardened bunker for the Kawarime. At least it can dual as a house. How do you stand living so far underground?" Errowyn leaned forward and set the plate on the coffee table along with eating utinsels.

"You get used to it." He said softly. "I lived under Ice for a good long while you have to remember. This isn't that big a deal for me." He said with a smile as he stood to clean up Errowyn's plate.

"True... Probably the only way to prevent Hypothermia. Is to keep out of the wind." Errowyn leaned back against the backrest of the couch and placed her feet on the coffee table. "It is soo nice to relax for a bit." She looked at him with a soft smile. "You need to get back upstairs to deal with ther efugees?"

"No, that is why I have suborinates. It's called deligating." He said returning the smile and moving to sit down next to Errowyn again. As he sat he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in close to him. "I could use a break."

She snuggled up against him, liking the feeling of being held. "This is nice to be able to relax."

He kissed her cheek. "It is, we haven't been able to do this in awhile. Just you and I." He said holding her gently yet firmly.

"Our paths havent crossed lately. Well till now as I need a really secure place for my Kawarime till I can get my Island rebuilt again." She returned the kiss and shifted till she was straddling his thighs, facing him. "I would say your overdressed. But with things being the way they are. You may have to leave quickly."

He smiled and kissed her deeply, throwing off his shirt. "They will just have to deal with out me. Right now, it's just you and me." He said kissing her again, pulling her closer.

She smiled as he removed his shirt, she undid the front of her fatigue shirt to let him see that she had nothing on underneath. She reached down and undid his pants. As her eyes half closed to give him that sultry look.

He smirked. "Wanted to go commando?" he teased. He smiled and shucked his pants, tossing them clear acrss the room.

"Well I needed to wash my underclothes and forgot to snag my travel kit." She teased lightly, running her hands down his muscular body as she kept him pinned to the couch. "Otherwise I would have been properly dressed."

"Yes... thats the only reasons..." He teased back, lifting his hands to her waist, and letting his hads roam across her mid section. "That's why you were naked." He laughed, as his hand roamed futher and futher up, coming to rest on her chest.

"What?! I am not naked... I am wearing this shirt still." She spoke in mock indigation. Shifting to make it easier for him to enter her while pressing her chest agauinst his hands.

"Well let's change that then." He said pulling off her shirt and exposing her bare body. "Much much better." He said with a grin as his hand continued to play with her chest, grinding his hips against her softly, not quite entering yet.

She leaned forward and gently kissed him on the lips as she settled him deep inside of her. Moving gently to bring him his and hers pleasure.

He sighed with pleasure as he entered her. He kissed her back deeply, his tounge playing tag with hers as he began to thrust against her.

She sighed contently as she needed this as much as Cyrus did. She kissed him deeply returning the tongue tag as she moved with him, letting herself go for the moment.

A few hours later...

Cyrus laid in his bed with Errowyn, at content look plain across his face. He looked over at her and he smiled, giving her a kiss on the back of her neck.

Errowyn lay snuggled up against him. She looked content and sated as she slept peacefully. Catching up on the much more restful sleep than being confined by safety straps, Flightsuit and zipping through space faster that light on a ftl jump. Her mind at rest along with her body, since it was free from external stimuli from being connected to a craft. She stirred awake at the kiss to the back of her neck. An emerald eye opening to look at him. "mmmmmm..." She purred softly. "Just what I needed..."

He smiled. "Mmm... I love it when you do that." he said as he heard, also felt, her purr. The low rumble across her body as he held her. "Have I ever told you that?" He asked as gave her another kiss.

"I dont think so." She spoke softly. A soft smile graced her lips. She rolled away from him, stretching out her limbs and wiggling her toes. "I should go check up on 5." She arched her back as she stretched to work out the kinks. "How did them Rogues get past our defences?"

He stood and stretched as well, beginning to get dressed. "I have no idea how the got at us so quickly, I think The Necromancer's own ships fired on it. After they took them out the skies were clear for them to slip in I am assuming." He replied as he pulled on his pants.

Errowyn left the bed, grabbing the shirt that was given to her. "I am glad you managed to avoid the worse of the assualt and had survived. And Gave us a foothold to work from." She padded into the bathroom to grab her now dried and clean undergarments. She got dressed again and carried her flight suit with her. She was wearing the shirt as a dress and flightboots on her feet. Her utility belt acted as a belt around her waist.

"And I am glad you made it off B7R..." He replied as he finished dressing himself. He grabbed a keycard and tossed it to her. "Here this will give you full acess to everything you need here. You can stay with me, and the quatermaster up top can give you some clothes too." He replied walking over to giver her another kiss. "I'll come check on you afterwhile. I should go make sure they didn't try burning anything down." He added with a grin.

Errowyn deftly caught the Pass Card that was tossed to her. She put it in a pocket. "Once I get my kit from my Kawarime. I will be fine. As for B7R... If things gotten too dicey. No matter how much I would be making. I would have cut my losses and retuned here to 188604." She moved to follow Cyrus from his quarters. "Thanks for putting me up here."

He smiled and placed a hand on her head, scratching her ears gently. "And leave my kitty high and dry? Never." He said with a smile as they walked.

Errowyn gave a soft laugh as she went her way, leaving Cyrus to fend for himself. She walked with an extra sway to her hips as she left the bunker for her hanger.