Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [AdVenture Capital] 4: Meanwhile...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Psychopomp Headquarters

Glancing at his watch yet again Romanov rapped his knuckles on his desk. He was awaiting a certain woman by the name of Cassiel Castiel.

The Elysian woman who entered was quite well dressed, her body covered in expensive, ornate, fabrics that seemed to float along with her. Her shoes a perfect marble white, her hair pulled back, her teeth perfect. The woman's wings tucked behind her, and a rather large creature just a bit further back, dressed in an overly large hoodie, baggy pants, and very obviously carrying a weapon of some sort attached at the hip.

"Lets not waste time," She started, placing a datapad on the desk in front of her, not bothering to sit down, "We want to be able to procure 10,000 units by the end of next year, and take your existing stock of your hands now."

Romanov sat back in his chair. "If you didn't want to waste time you shouldn't have shown up 5 minutes late Ms.Castiel. I am a very busy man you know."

"Turning to the matter at hand the units are of no problem, so long as you can provide the necessary funds, however our existing stock is spread quite thin. A group has tried to overthrow my company, under the basis that our activities are, quote unquote 'inhumane'." Putting his hands together in front of him he leaned forward. "These accusations are of course untrue."

"You may be used to buying and selling people. But I am used to buying people who buy and sell people. Rest assured those five minutes of my time are far more valuable than yours." She responded. "I don't need to know about your own internal problems, I want to know if you will be able to expand production to meet our goals."

Romanov laughed. "There is no need to worry I will need to expand production yes, but I can meet you're demands."

Recollecting himself Romanov continued. "While you're 'sincerity' is appreciated I do have to remind you not to underestimate me and my people. We will have your toys ready by the time you require so long as you pay in full. If you do not mind me asking why do you need this kind of fire power at your disposal?"

"I mind you asking." She stated flatly, "We will need an invoice sent to our main address, and we can setup an appropriate payment schedule. I assume you will need us to front you the money for the each unit.

I also want you to understand this is a full tooth to tail purchase, and we'll expect the appropriate hardware and support elements be provided per unit."

Romanov smiled. "Oh of course they will have all the standard hardware and other elements. Now is there any preference for each unit, such as having them all be one type or do you want to split them up into groups consisting of different models?"

Pressing a button on his desk Romanov would call his assistant.

"My understanding is that your high end independent model is a young humanoid equipped with an Origin armored unit. High levels of compliance and relatively minimal living requirements considering it is nepleslian in base.

If you have further options regarding your for-ownership series of organisms I am willing to discuss a purchase order for them now." She replied.

Romanov would beckon his assistant over. "Bring the other series models here."

The assistant would then leave before quickly returning with a small stack of papers. "Miss Castiel we have a wide selection of units that we can make, each one is geared towards different tasks more acutely then our basic model. They are more costly but they are of higher quality so that is to be expected."

"What sort of trade offs are we looking at between product models?" She asked, "We are willing to buy your stock on hand now as quantity is more important in the short term, however we would prefer that further deliveries all be of the same type for logistics train reasons. In the long run we would prefer a smaller footprint rather than separate specialized sets of units."

"The only trade offs are that it takes longer to make the specialized units, they actually work well together, and they have a larger range of emotion since we can't make clones of them. That is actually a good thing for you since you want a smaller footprint, they can pass as normal people. For you I'd recommend the stealth, juggernaut, and ranger models."

"I will need more details than just names. Frankly clones sound easier to manage as we can expect them to have very similar requirements."

"The names of the models explain what they are geared for. Also while clones are all exactly the same they don't last as long."

"To elaborate the stealth model is geared towards missions such as infiltration and assassinations."

"And what is the expected lifetime of the clones? How fast should we expect turn over and replacement?" She stated, cutting right to her own interests over the sales attempts towards the other models.

"Well with each generation the clones get shorter life spans. We project that within the next 20 years the clones operational life spans will be around 5 years. Currently however it is 40 years of operation. We will be able to replace the units as they expire."

"I take it the current models will outlast the hardware they are provided with?" She asked. "We can talk about adjusting the clone age based on our logistical needs when the time arises... at which point we can move towards a managed service style role for you and your company. Rather than purchasing the units out right, we'll leave you to handle the logistical end of providing the numbers required.

For now, what other equipment will we need for your current stock?"

"You will need to provide them with mechas for the first 500 or so our stock is running low and one of our factories was blown up a few weeks ago. Other than that there is nothing that you need to provide other than your own mode of transport to transport them after delivery."

"Then there is not much more to discuss. Send us the numbers you have so we can start procurement of the additional walkers." She stated, "Then get your house in order. I will want an update on production for the next line of units as soon as you have it."

"Baring any unforeseen accidents I should get what you need to you by the end of the week."

"Then I think we are done here."

"My assistant will see you out."