Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [AdVenture Capital] 6: Play Stupid Games

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


ON> Ice Queen Casino

While the rest of the group was busying itself with watching the fight on the main stage, Aashi was being approached by quite the stand out.

The man was wearing a suit, with subtle pin stripes, well tailored... but certainly the most normal thing about his outfit. His fedora was hovering nearly a foot off his head, his red tie was cloth, but it remained perfectly still hovering just about an inch or so off his chest with a clearly glowing, volumetric, loop connecting it to the collar of his shirt. Even his watch was flying, pinned about 3 inches up above his wrist rather than on it like someone had horribly mis-matched the configuration files for some video game.

"Ma'am! You look quite familiar! Would you happen to be the Pirate Queen Aashi? Scourge of the Commonwealth? Tamer of Nepleslian Sky Marshals?" He said, his voice fast, not waiting for a response, "I mean, of course you are! How would someone like you manage to come here without being seen? I was hoping I could interest you in a little game. You see, this whole place here runs on entertainment and I think I have just the thing to draw in crowds. Of course you'd be compensated, doubly so if you win!

Would you care to make this night even more interesting for you and your crew? Of course if currency isn't what you're looking for I'm certain we can find something that you'd want. We have treasure from all over the sector here! Slaves and sex if you prefer! Whatever your heart desires!"

Aashi wasn't hesitant, she was game for a game. She wanted to win, but more so, she wanted to enjoy the ride to victory that this gravity-defying ensemble'd man was about to set forth for her.

She looked to him and nodded steadfastly, saying aloud, "I'll do whatever it takes to win, my good sir! Be it plunder or patience, I can do it all! What do you have in mind for me?"

She had not stood from where she had been sitting, eating a quiet snack, but instead, parted her legs and pushed her palms against her thighs, readying herself for whatever would transpire.

"FAAAAN-TAS-TIC," He responded, clasping his hands together, "Now let me just reassure you right off the bat you are not in any danger, and your opponents will be purely robotic however our arena in there is state-of-the-art, the volumetric projections will give the illusion of danger! You can lop off a limb and the crowd will see a gush of all too realistic looking blood! However you will be totally unharmed!."

"You see..." He said, turning and waving his hands over the crowd, "... Fights are all good and fun, but these people want more than a fight. They want spectacle, they want STORY! They want a reason to cheer and boo... Which is why I want you and your current crew in that arena. Picture this:

Aashi, the pirate queen, the best modern pirate that the Kyoto sector has to offer!

But who shall she fight!?

Well in the other corner will be the ancient pirates of old! No less than 6 of the worst pirates of history! Brought back through the trickery and the best science has to offer! I was thinking of Legends like the infamous 000000 Beard that used to terrorize the ancient home world of the spacers! Standing alongside the ancient Nepleslian pirate Jack Spadgick and the speculated to exist Captain Morgana!

Old School vs New School in a fight to the death using period accurate weapons!"

He would raise his hands up as he reached the end of his little speech, pause, and then clasp them together again, "So what will you be fighting for? I would hope that you have a good story, a reason for being here at the Casino?"

Aashi had prepared herself to go round up her team, but was all of a sudden, taken aback by the question. How much did he know, she wondered. Did she dare tell her story, lest she face the consequences of the humiliation of it all.

She stood up and spoke to him sternly, resolute in her decision to be forthcoming, "While pirating space, I ran into a problem. I found myself without ship or crew and needed a way to get myself back on track. That is when I found my current standing in life, as--"

"AS SOMEONE IN DESPERATE NEED OF GETTING BACK TO HER CREW!" He practically shouted, "Would you accept if I pitch it that way? Win and we'll put you intouch with your old crew again, maybe some money to get where you are going? The crowd will love it!"

"If that's what you want to do, and it's your job to do it, then do it!" Aashi said emphatically, hands on her hips. Inside, she was overjoyed at the mere prospect of getting back to her old ship, her old crew. She didn't know how he thought he could do it, but she was more than intrigued. "Let me get my group together and meet you... Where?"

He would reach into his pocket and produce a business card with his contact information, "As soon as you are ready, just come on down to the lower levels, any elevator or staircase will take you down there. The guards will wave you on through to the ready room where we can get started with makeup and outfitting. I will see that you reward is ready when you are. As for your opponents? I've had this idea for quite some time... they are already prepared and waiting!"
Looking in the mirror after having had her makeup done by the team of artists, Aashi realized that this was all wrong. It was the last way she wanted to find out about her ship. She didn't want to have a crowd of onlookers be witness to her struggle to get it back. Rather, she wanted to do it on her own, in her own way.

She left the changing room with a flourish of her long draped jacket and pushed the door out of it with a clunk of her heel on the floor. She went up and out of the Ice Palace and back to the ship, plotting and planning there until everyone was done having their fun.