Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [AdVenture Capital] Hero Mode

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


ON M.A. Dove, Hanger, Nepleslia >

Flynn had managed to smuggle the group back to Nepleslia, and there wasn't much time left before Uso launched the attack. While Uso continued to hash out her plan, Wazulie had snuck out to the hanger, taking some of Uso's supplies with her. One of the top pannels on the U-1 had been removed entirely, and Wazulie was busy trying to stuff what looked like a hiking back-pack into the avalible free space while Vier talked her through how to make adjustments to that area of the craft.

Alex had come down to check on his craft before the attack, and choose a load out as well as figure out what to do with Sarena. To his surprise, he caught sight of the two.

"Hey, what're you doing?!"

The sound of tools being dropped was easy enough to hear, the small girl stumbling a bit before griping the edges of the U-1 to steady herself.

"I am putting this thing into this thing," Wazulie said, looking up over the edge of the U-1 to see Alex, "You are the pilot right? I heard you also designed this one?"

Alex ruffled his hair. "Well, I had a lot of help. I only came up with the concept, but I am the pilot."

Wazulie laughed a bit, "Want to know a secret? No one designs things all by themselves anymore. Software does a lot of the work for you these days. This whole thing looks needlessly complex... did you use software from the Lor to design it?"

"No, I came up with the shape and transformation, but someone called Aiesu helped a lot with making it work in practice."

"I see." Wazulie said, "... Quite the speech you gave back there. How did you end up mixed up with Uso?"

Alex sat down on the floor nearby. " Uso found me floating out in space. From what we can gather and my recovered memories, I was a part of a program in Nepelesian space that abducted children and used them to create super soldiers. I was a little different though."

"Not much of a choice then... why are you sticking around with her?" Wazulie asked, the small girl ducking back down into the U-1 and once again making 'adjustments'.

Alex stood back up and stretched. "Because this was the first place anyone had ever tried to keep my best interests in mind. Even when I was born, it was because a company wanted to make the best pilot possible. Even after I was taken away by my parents they tracked them down and took me back. After ten years of torture and training, she was the first one aside from my parents who tried to help me live a life I could enjoy."

"..." Wazulie got up out of the U-1, and started reapplying the external panels. "... Uso... she may have some fondness for you... but you should be careful around her. Did you ever stop to ask where she got this thing? NMX phase organs are not easy to get ahold of."

"What's a phase organ?"

"Its like a small, quasi TTD that uh...." Wazulie looked up for a moment, focusing on Alex for a second. "... you know how the NMX can ghost through walls sometimes? That is the thing that allows them to do that."

"We fought a ship that could do that a while back."

"And hopefully this ship will be able to do that for a little while." Wazluie said, having finished reattaching the plate she started sliding down the side of the craft until she was dangling off the side... falling the short distance down to the floor. "...The point being... she may not be as interested in that... save everyone stuff that you were talking about earlier. Uso is... well... when she says she is going to do something she will do it. But beyond that? Do not expect her to stick her neck out for you if she does not have to."

Alex shook his head at Wazulie. "I believe in her. I believe that she will do what she thinks is right, and that she will try her best to look out for me."

He looked around. "So aside from this phase organ thingy, what else do you plan on adding without asking first?"

"Well... we have a bit of Zesu... but I am not sure I have time to line your cockpit and engines with it." She said, looking over at the U-1's cockpit. "I mean... the Zesu is all old KS from back when they used Zesu to print money. With the proper tools and anti-matter Computer Aided Cutting machinery we could put a single-layer of Zesu all over. But in a day? Maybe some Zesu chainmail..."

"I think chaimail plates could work. Can we make those and armor the outside of it? And what kind of protection will this give me?"

"Not much more protection honestly... A zesu layer with Yarvex backing would be optimal, and we really should trade out some of the materials in here for anti-radiation composites... but it would be a step up when everything is all done. I gave my specifications to Vier and if you survive this you could have her help you finish it up.

I actually am kinda impressed you did all of this... even with help."

Alex ruffled his hair again. "All I really did was provide the concept. Also, what did you mean by layers and cutting?"

"Zesu does not really get stronger. A one molicule layer thick piece is just as unbreakable as an inch thick... or at least very close to it. Uso also does not have the stuff to manufacture the material... just these coins. However, there are a handful of people who specalize in taking small pieces of Zesu and slicing ultra-thin pieces off, and then reassembling those pieces like a puzzle to create something new. We could cut up this coin and make a bunch of zesu pieces to coat your craft with." Wazulie explained

"I suppose that and this yarvex stuff would make for pretty good armor. I'll see if we can try to make it after all this is over."

"Vier can help you with that as well." Wazulie said, "... how do you think she has been doing?"

"Vier? I'm not really sure. I'm not exactly an expert at... whatever it is she does."

"I see... well... she may not have Uso's particular talents... but I do hope she has been effective. It is weird seeing something you have worked on but have no memory of doing." Wazulie said, "... and if you do find yourself in need of a hand... reach out to the original me sometime. People like you tend to find yourselves in need of people like me..."