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Approved Submission Aegium

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I looked it over and it is a very nice first submission. Just waiting on Zack, now.
Good, well, you just need to add a paragraph underneath the "More About" header. See below.

More About Aegium
I missed something. Since this is my fault I'll fix it, so, do you mind if I add links such as YE 39 and USO? You can also add these things yourself if you so choose.

This is how you add a link to the wiki:
See how it is the last part of the url for the page you are linking to?

For DRV3 you can go to this page (scroll down to materials) and decide for yourself what it would behave like, but most materials do not have DRV2 or 3 on their wiki. Did anyone tell you to put DR on it?
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