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Aether Gatling Rifle

1. Make it cost more. Much, much more. At least 10x more.

2. Channeling rods?

3. Pink burst of light? Not white for the muzzle flash?

4. Is the rate of fire for this weapon (1200 rnds/min) for one barrel or all four at once? (All four at once = 4800 rnds/min).

5. Check the types of fire on NSP mode. They don't jive with "firing mode."

6. For attachment hardpoints, just say "accessory rail" beneath the weapon?

7. That gravity manipulator can run for how long before battery is exhausted?

8. Going backward ... Is there anyway to use the current batteries for the aether rifles?

9. Ummmmm ... made of Zesuaium? That needs to be put higher up in the description, first of all, but second, why Zesuaium for most of the weapon? Only the barrels should need it.

9a. Couldn't you change out the channeling rods at least, in case they are damaged? And the battery? Maybe tweak the beam emitter of the NSP mode?

10. ... It still seems like you could just have KZ look at the "tapes" of the battle and have them determine a gatling weapon would be useful. Miles doesn't have to do everything.

11. Going backward ... the mission profile seems limiting. Wouldn't this be an excellent anti-starship tool?

Otherwise, terribly interesting weapon. As Nene would say, "Damage DAMAGE DAMAGE!"

1. If you say so.

2. Such rods have been refered to before. In this case they're used to focus the aether energy down the barrel and project it at a small size.

3. Thought aether energy appeared as a pink. But I'll change it to white if need be.

4. The rate of fire is meant to be for "Full auto single barrel" mode.

5. I'll double check that.

6. Eh... I'll consider re-wording it.

7. I'd say about 12 hours if the weapon were to become weightless. 24 or so hours to reduce the weight by half. When the weapon is in use by a power armor, the gravity reduction device would of course be turned off. There would be little need for it due to the strength increase given by the armor.

8. The current batteries are too limited, but I suppose they could be connected by the use of an adapter.

9. The weapon itself could be used as a means to protect the user from harm, also the Zesuaium is meant to contain the heat of the aether reaction.

9a. I'll think that bit over.

10. Its better for Miles' pocket book.

11. Each beam is only 1cm wide, thus it won't inflict much damage on a full size starship. Plus, I'm trying to tame it down, at least on paper. It is up to the pilot how to use it.
One big one: Why do we need a gattling aether rifle? Are they not already sufficiently broken that we need to make them more so?
Vesper said:
One big one: Why do we need a gattling aether rifle? Are they not already sufficiently broken that we need to make them more so?

Its not really making them "Broken more so" it is using the technology in a different manner. Aether beam sabers tend to produce a much wider beam diameter, thus causing a much larger area of damage. that is why they're functional for anti-starship operations. But, the aether beam saber is not ideal for multi-target engagements, or situations where multiple shots within a short time on a small target are vital. Thus, the aether gatling would fill in the "Anti-armor" role. To balance the aether gatling's power, the beams have been reduced in size to make the overall damage that would be caused to full size starships negligable (Unless used in mass numbers).
Personally, I find the weapon redundant. the aether saber-rifle is plenty powerful enough.
Wouldn't the Kylie's forearm guns be basically the same thing in a more compact form?
Wes said:
Wouldn't the Kylie's forearm guns be basically the same thing in a more compact form?

You're scrapping the Kylie, remember?

But still, the forearm projectors are indeed fine and dandy, but not every armor has them. The aether gatling would be able to be used by any power armor. From the Demon to the Daisy, and each inbetween.

Also, in the event of a dampening field, such as the situation in PNUgen, the forearm projectors of the Kylie would be rendered quite useless due to having to pull energy directly from the armor. Thus a weapon such as this aether gatling would come into play.

Edit: Oh, and Kotori, the weapon is not redundant in comparsion to the aether beam sabers which are commonly used. The recharge time on the weapon is far too long, and the beams from the weapon are a bit much. The aether gatling is meant for the role of anti-armor, simple enough. Meanwhile the existing weapons are intended for putting holes clear through starships.
Scrapping the Kylie doesn't mean leaving all the weapons it had on it go to waste.

Also, recent power armors have made advances in regard of their generator and capacitor systems. When we were in the field inhibiting our power generation, we were moving with minimal power because we were saving the energy we had left - we had energy left; possibly enough energy for one minute of continuous use from our aether weapons (if you refer to the teleportation unit, it seems the Mindy's capacitor batteries could store that much... which is the equivalent of the power stored in a aether saber-rifle battery - the M2 and M3 can probably store a bit more).

In a way, you contradictoed yourself. The weapon is indeed redundant: it's a weapon NIWS units can generate for themselves, but for us power armored pilots... it's not really necessary to have around or even desirable since our hardware is already better than this one.

Sure, the NIWS can make one, but it is a product pulled from thin air from the minds of mad machines. There has also not been a standard design for such a thing pitched. (I hate how that goes.) But no, the function of the aether gatling is not reduntant in comparsion to current systems, there is a severe lack of weapons intended for armor to armor engagement, or the engagement of large numbers of lightly armored combatants.

Yes, the aether beam saber is indeed formidable, and quite strong, but we have seen the most it does is punch a hole clear through the enemy armor, wounding the pilot. Then, after that shot, there is the time to wait for the weapon to build another charge (Thus Kotori's constant dual weilding of beam sabers). Meanwhile, we've seen the NIWS nearly cleave a Mindy in half from a distance, meanwhile, to get the same results from a beam saber, the pilot would have to close the gap between themselves, and their target (Not an easy or safe thing to do).

The Aether Gatling is simply meant to provide an alternative to the slow (but strong) beamsaber, and provide the pilot with the ability to engage other armors with increased capability to inflict large quantities of damage within a short time, but within reason. In truth, this weapon has been designed around the recent urge to tone down the level of technology in use. The Kylie forearm projectors and the beam sabers are indeed strong, but they're also overkill, the aether gatling would indeed inflict heavy damage on power armors (Thats it's job afterall), but it would also lack the heavy firepower that would be needed to cleave a hole through a gunship, which the forearm projectors and beam sabers are able to do (With the same ease that a NH-17 eats her rice balls.)

Either way, the aether gatling is intended to give all makes of armor increased armor to armor combat capability. It would serve as a useful upgrade for older armors, or a rather handy but reasonable boost in firepower to armors such as the Sylph, which is intended to fight inside of starships, where the collateral damage that would be caused by forearm projectors or beam sabers would be unwelcome.
Approved, but I think think it'll ever see mass production.

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