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Inactive Member
Sharpening my knife in case what happened last time happens again, but...I've been advised to move the World Building conversation to this thread. If people need my suggestion, viewpoint and backing reasons copied from there, I can oblige.
So...what's this thread about? Questions about aether?
Alright. Transcript for context, cut out off-topic conversation and the least helpful reply in the universe at the end.

So I get the idea behind not going super deep into the workings of things, but to have rp where something is scientifically deconstructed, it would be good for some groundwork of how something works. So, I was reading Aether weaponry and the description of it shredding atomic bonds, which was interesting. So I thought, maybe it could happn by inducting an artifical nuclear repulsion like Columb's Law, pushing atoms away from each other and breaking the bonds, causing matter to be disintergrated like that.


I think it's been described as being most/all types of energy simultaneously? I know it reacts really poorly to atmosphere. It's an infinite source of energy, but the energy itself doesn't provide infinite power. Still limited by what you can pull, etc

Given its effect on zesu, which is otherwise indestructible, something like what you described is a fair assumption but I don't think we have an IC answer

Jack Pine06/04/2020
It's the energy drawn from a newborn universe iirc
It's basically superheated superheated plasma

It's effects on Zesu could be explained by atomic disentanglement. Since you aren't destroying the "Chain" you are just unlinking one from the other. Making a cloud of indestructable but otherwise separated atoms.

Alex Hart06/04/2020
You should likely check with Wes

yeah, @Wes would be the best authority on the matter. Same for Zesu

Alex Hart06/04/2020
I just step back and accept that it's space magic

And if I wasn't playing a scientist, I would too.

The KrimsonWulf06/04/2020
Lol, it does make sense if you go the route of atomic disentanglement with Aether,as a description or the closest understand we can get to what and how it works other than of course, space magic. Which would be neat.
I'm all for keeping public perception of it as "Space Magic". Because my understanding of a lot of stuff is "Science" which is pretty synonomous with "Space Magic". But playing a Scientist, It would be cool if there was a deeper, actually scientific understanding of it to go into for imersive and realistic rp

Jack Pine06/04/2020
I did explain it earlier

If it was super super plasma, it wouldn't break down atomic bonds or effect something that doesn't melt at all.

Jack Pine06/04/2020
Apparently the problem with zesu is that it disperses all energies thrown at it, basically making anything energy based useless against it.

And considering projectiles and lasers are both different kinds of energy weapons, it stands impervious to pretty much everything

Jack Pine06/04/2020

It is the yam god metal

Kinetic force still gets transferred through it, so it's not invincible. Aether can cut it, too. Still very, very strong

The metal itself is invincible. Conservation Of Force doesn't change that. And Aether can damage it, so Aether can't be direct energy attacks

WanTheFloofYesterday at 11:43 AM
Yea. Aether is the only thing without a scientific real world backing. Hence why I need to give it one so my Scientist can do Science with it and not default to an extraordinarily vague "because it does"

AmethelianaYesterday at 12:44 PM
Well tbh

In our setting there is science to it https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=technology:aether

Some vets discuss it here, too. Second and third posts are my favs: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/threads/aethers-damage-effects.59226/
Star Army
Aether's Damage Effects
I was in the process of updating the Aether Flechette when I realized something: how does one actually describe the physical effects aether has on an object?

The Aether Weaponry article sheds some light on the subject and even has a section on aetheric detonators
WanTheFloofYesterday at 1:00 PM
From what I can gather, it is somewhere between "Space Magic" and some sort of Plasma that vaporises a metal that doesn't conduct any form of heat so can't vaporise.

AmethelianaYesterday at 1:00 PM
there was another thread on the color of aether that helped but I can’t keep looking for it. maybe someone else remembers and can find it
It’s not either of those things. Did you read my links yet?
weaponized aether is HOT

WanTheFloofYesterday at 1:01 PM
I did. Shuffling between the sly jabs and off-topic conversations, it being "New universe plasma" is the only coherent thought I can seem to pick out of the first thread. The second one just says what, not why.

AmethelianaYesterday at 1:03 PM
it is being pulled from another universe. plasma is ionized gas but aether is... the light/heat death of a universe
From my understanding too
Wes made up the laws
So some stuff does get lost in translation rn
the space magic ppl talk about is that it’s not wikified to everyone’s standards and it is IRL theoretical so nobody can lean on IRL fact
new universe plasma is close but plasma weapon and machinery is very different from our aether. It is more stable, less expensive, not restricted tech, and... hurts less
I hope I helped

WanTheFloofYesterday at 1:14 PM
Maybe I am clinging to this a bit hard. But, if I am going to pay a Scientist with any degeree of accuracy and do science lessons and science studies, then I need to get some basic understanding of the thing I am studying. Outside of it destroying Zesuaium, the "Plasma But Kind Of Different yea?" idea would be a solid one. But, Zesu isn't effected by the electromagnetic spectrum. In effect, it has a higher specific heat capacity than is physically possible to transfer, leaving it impervous to heat. And atoms packed so densely together that you suffer the same problem with kinetics. So it can't be that one. The only thought I can think of is that it's otheruniversal properties causes objects hit with it to lose the Strong Force that binds things into form, so it isn't interacting with a thing as a whole but rather on the atomic level, seperating atoms from each other and causing them to drive away now they are no longer bound together. Which additionally supports the description of shredding atomic bonds you can find in the aether wiki.
I'm not really sure what you want from me here but basically aether generators work by opening a portal to another universe with a very high energy density and through this portal comes out an energy plasma of stuff that immediately turns into matter and anti-matter. Zesuaium is basically a requirement to contain the stuff because of the forces and radiation involved. The resulting power can be harnessed for propulsion and power purposes.
The simple explanation is essentially if you transfer large amounts of energy to things they have a tendency to melt or explode.
So how does it effect something that has a tendency to not melt or explode regardless of how much energy you transfer to it? (Zesuaium)
Imagine for a moment giant "This is me theorizing and not canon" signs around this post.

Remember, Zesuaium can be eroded by Antimatter and Molecular disintegrators. Let's consider for a moment how those two interactions might work. Antimatter suggests that Zesu is made up of the components of regular matter that annihilate with the antimatter. Molecular disintegrators disrupt the bonds between atoms and perhaps Nucleons or even lower. Molecular Disintegration is less effective then antimatter.

I suspect that Zesu is some kind of 'normalized' degenerate matter where the high energy states are bound into the bonds keeping the piece of Zesu together rather than some sort of messy explosion of energy. This means that it's very difficult to transfer energy to it because it's already in a high energy state and energy prefers to flow into a low energy state.

However, because it's made of matter, antimatter is able to directly remove pieces of matter from it. Because it relies on some strong intermolecular or Inter-Nucleon bond, Molecular disintegrators are able to destroy it.

So what does this say about Aether? Aether destroys through shearing apart atomic bonds. I suspect that Aether is also an exotic degenerate matter that has fairly strong bonds with its self. However, they are not nearly as strong as Zesu. Aether in our universe wants to disintegrate into high energy particles but can be coerced into staying coherent for a while. The vast majority of the applications of Aether may actually be using the degeneration products rather then Aether it's self. It is effective against Zesuainum because it has the same sort of degenerate matter 'density' to it that nothing else really has and/or it's in a much higher energy state that allows it to disrupt the bonds in Zesu.

I also suspect in-universe that Zesu and Aether is some sort of Black Claw space empire tech that we can replicate, but we don't actually understand. But that's just a conspiracy theory of mine.

Also if you wonder why I keep hedging my comments, it's because I don't know and I'm just guessing at stuff. Yay technobabble!
Don't worry darling. My whole thing is "This is me theorizing and not canon".

The idea of what Zesu is is a good one. I had my own idea that it is not degenerate matter, but some sort of processed metal - similar to how Steel doesn't occur in nature but is still made from raw Iron - that has a Specific Heat Capacity and Ultimate Tensile Strength so high that physics does not support a Rate Of Transference high enough to effect the metal on any notable scale. So the only way to actually effect it is to effect it on the molecular level, either removing the molecules entirely as with Anti-Matter Annihilation, or by separating one from the other, as with Molecular Disintegration. Both have the same ultimate end, which is a nice thing.

But that's just a theory. An RP Theory. *Hit with a C&D*
Question: After doing some reading these engines and weapons are able to draw out energy from Aether which an alternate universe that was discovered to contain unlimited or almost infinite amounts of energy correct?
The first problem is how did you discover this alternate universe exists, the second problem is how do you extract the energy from this parallel universe, third how do you convert that energy into useable electricity or project it at an enemy.
The Star Army has been messing around with other universes for a while now though I don't have an origin story for that. But once the "Door" is open the aether naturally spills out into our universe due to the difference in states (high to low). Yamatai has scalar electrogravity technology that's used to convert various forms of energy (it's also used for cooling).
Latest theory how to discover an alternate universe:

I have found a way to discover an alternate universe thanks to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. They have an 85-megawatt nuclear reactor firing billions of neutrons at
a wall. In theory, some of the neutrons will cross over into a mirror universe.

This is the first theory to explain why in the '90s neurons created in a particle beam lived 10 seconds longer then neutrons in a laboratory bottle. This disparity shouldn't exist according to the current laws of physics. All neutrons should be the same. Considering this is a Sci-Fi the thread we should be able to use this technology to sample mirror universes. This can eventually lead to a sampling of the Aether universe made up of pure energy.

The other part of the theory believes around 1% of neutrons can cross between a mirror universe and ours.
With our advanced technology, this process could be studied, manipulated, and copied. Once it's duplicated and widened to allow a one-way channel for energy to enter our universe for the Aether engine.

The other one is was hypnotized by futurist Michio Kaku to build a giant collider around the asteroid belt and fire twin beams of particles in opposite directions. The magnetic beams bend them faster and faster when they collided it rips a hole in space-time creating a gateway to an alternate universe. He must use a theoretical substance called negative matter to widen the hole. Now I know he wants to send probes into it, but why can't we use it to extract energy from the mirror universe?

I'm not saying this must be the absolute word from God. This is just my understanding of the most modern theories in physics and my best guess on how to bring in energy from another universe.
If I'm too far out of line let me know.

FaceBook Video on the topic:

NBC News article:

MSN News Article:

Smithsonian Magazine

Futurist Michio Kaku Star Gate theory
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I was also thinking of a way to contain super-hot plasma coming from the Aether universe. It is the use of a magnetic field to contain the plasma here on earth in our time we have created artificial suns. In modern fusion experimental reactors, we can create temperatures that are seven times as hot as the surface of the sun. Thanks to this being a Sci-Fi thread we can run these magnetic fields to control the flow of the plasma into the Aether engine or generator. As far as the anti-matter is concerned in a moving space ship CERN is in the process of developing a system to transport anti-matter from one facility to another its called antiProton Unstable Matter Annihilation (PUMA) project. This is called the "bottle" allowing for anti-matter to survive a ruff ride. This can be enhanced with our advanced matters existing in our universe to make the matters and technology even stronger.
