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Approved Submission AF-27 Lich Carrier


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Mook Carrier
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:castiel:af27

Faction: Independent
FM Approved Yet? (Yes/No; Who, When) Yes
Faction requires art? (Yes/No) Sure

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No) No
Contains New art? (Yes/No) Yes
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected) No

Notes: time to set some precedents

The level of detail here should be more than enough for an NPC starship mainly geared towards mercenary groups and other guns for hire that are showing up int he 188604 plot. This isn't as fleshed out as a Hero ship, but the main thing is going to be the missile launchers: Namely how is SARP going to square missiles with the new DR rules?

In this case the missiles are modeled as Ammo, and the launcher itself is counted against the ship's weapon's cap.

In this case we have 8 Tier 12 slots.

4 of those are traded up to make 2 teir 13 slots for 2 Teir 13 missile launchers.

the remaining four are traded down to make 8 Tier 11 slots, 4 of which are used for the point defense guns.

The remaining 4 are traded down twice to make 16 Teir 9 slots, of which 12 are used for Teir 9 missile launchers with the remaining slots going unused.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Seems like a quality submission to me.

Before I approve it, I'd like @Fred to make comments on the DR v3.
It's a Hangar not a Hanger.
Reactions: Wes
My recommendations are as follows:
  • Tier nomenclature is in numbers (Tier 9, Tier 10, etc...). I'd like to see it in words. I understand that it's meant to be brief, but writing numbers forces a new reader to look up what the tiers are about, whereas going "Hvy Anti-Ship" is more obvious.
  • I understand that it's a like a light cruiser (or rather, a lighter kind of carrier). Tier 12 seems appropriate. I guess, six barrier facings is okay for a ship dedicated to lasting through delivery runs, not to mention plays nicely with the carrier role (lower one shield facing to let auxiliary crafts in/out)
  • Sum of weapons seem around 7.5 times a Tier 12 weapon... which seems pretty reasonable for its size.
* * *

Overall, I think this is a nice ship.

Sidenotes: I'm curious as to why it's called the 'Lich'.
If this was Star Citizen, I'd be getting a 'Drake Interplanetary' vibe from it.
If I was a GM tempted into using this thing, I'd like to know what its fighter complement is meant to be.
Number of crew for running this? Skeleton crew? Normal crew? Crew with full fighter complement? Maximum carrying capacity? Might be useful to know in the interest of knowing what infiltration/boarding parties would be up against.
* Tier words have been added
* Craft capacity added
* Crew size added

The design is named the Lich, largely because the current mercenary ship being used by Hound Squadron is named the Necromancer. The will come into play during the end of the AdVenture Capital arc.
I like it. Might we be able to use a modified one of these to house the mecha squadron at some point?
Best comparison point for this one would be the Irim Heavy Gunship, I think.

@Wes did you intend to approve this?
To me it seems like an assault carrier, meant to take a squadron of small craft into the fray and keep them alive.

It's not a proper carrier, since to match that kind of fighter capacity you would need five or six of these.
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