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RP: Freespacers After the Genocide: Hope in a Sea of Sorrows


Inactive Member
This is a thread dedicated to the genocide of the Freespacer people: it is not only for works on the slaughter at Halna and the other holdings of the Free State, but also a place to write on the continued effects of the genocide on Freespacers, and the universe at large. From the first struggling steps to attempt to survive the loss of so many genebanks, to the sudden exposure of Neplesians and Jiyuians to so many refugees from an alien culture.

This is not merely a place for writings by Freespacers. Whether it is the recollections of Yamataian soldiers at the Lighthouse, complaints in Nepleslian newspapers about the sudden influx of 'spacers, or Jiyuian discussions on the repercussions of the genocide on human rights legislation, any writing on the Freespacer genocide belongs here, even the views of revisionists.

Really, while Spacer involved players may be contributing the most here, anyone should feel free to post.
Communication from Mothership Faris

Originating Location: North of Null and Void, 83 LY from Yamatai, Border of Unstable Space
Communication Method: Short-Range Burst, Relayed through Null and Void Digital Network.

Marfa Communication said:



Datajack Sparky 31-0987-2233 said:
Final broadcasts from the Lighthouse indicate that Yamatai is trying to keep the Lighthouse's infrastructure intact. Given our people's status as Enemies of the State, they will be trying to use the Lighthouse to cut off our communications and annihilate our culture. Our priority should be getting the Lighthouse back.
Warmonger Hax 70-8200-4050 said:
COUNTER ARGUMENT: Free State military presence is insufficient for your proposal. Use of Psy-Ops most likely to succeed, but chances of operation success low without international support. LINKED TO DEMONSTRATION SUPPORT THREAD

Codetalker Way 48-6725-0184 said:
Most of us are dispersed and on the move. After the slaughter of the home planets, Terra guide their way, we need a mobile Lighthouse to meet the needs of our people. This would also allow us to begin reconstruction NOW instead of just waiting for our brothers and sisters to grow old and die in Yamataian prisons.
Stargazer Septa 27-1683-9368 said:
Until the Yamataians repeal their announcement that we're all free game, this is a bad idea. The point of a Lighthouse is to BROADCAST. It will just be another slaughter, as long as the cats are hungry for more victims. Which, knowing Yamataian racial superiority complexes, isn't likely to change soon.

Codespinner Graf 00-0926-1733 said:
We should abandon the use of a centralized broadcast point and shift to a dispersed broadcasting system: think about applying Failover here. As long as there are forces trying to degrade our signal, we should be aiming for redundancy and survivability.
Codebreaker Vision 82-8942-8475 said:
This would have worked better before the Halna Slaughter. With the number of ships moving into unstable space and nebulas, not to mention possible Yamataian jamming and their attempts to end Polysentience, our signals could be drowned out entirely. This is only feasible if we're willing to accept a network that could be silent 70-90% of the time. I'm not.

Voidwalker Qwik 73-4012-7399 said:
Just because the Lighthouse burned in the fires of hate doesn't mean that we must make our own light. Intercepted broadcasts say that some ships are gathering near Null and Void. We should proceed there and reach a consensus across multiple motherships. In that way, we can move forward with a plan as a super-community.
Oremonger Breth 50-2406-1537 said:
If the Yamataians decide to finish the job, we'll be making it pretty easy for them. I'd never thought a race would want to genetically engineer itself to have no compassion, but I guess that's how they got to be so powerful. Kill kill kill, destroy destroy.

2% - OTHER
Freethinker Orion 81-6669-0502 said:
We should create a new duo-culture with the Misshu! A genetic hybridized neo-country! Their biological technology is even more Failover than we are! It's our only hope, THINK ABOUT IT !!1!1!!!
Gathering Point Proposal said:
Freethinker Sirius 52-4650-2244 said:
Our Nepleslian contacts confirm that there is a sort of non-aggression treaty between the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia and the Fascist Empire of Yamatai. I propose that we put up a broadcast beacon in Nepleslian space and use it as a rallying point. As long as it's in deep space, I don't think that Neps will object. Yamatai isn't likely to attack us while we're in Nepleslian space.

Druidess Color 11-1252-8787 said:
And then what? We can't stay in Nep space forever. I mean, we technically can, but they're claiming those planets for themselves, and their non-collectivist outlook means that they're not terribly likely to share resources from those systems. And we need them.

Spacecase Rah 12-5764-3653 said:
I agree. The Neps have helped us enough. We need to get back on our feet with our own means. And repay the favor in some way.

Warmonger Terryl 77-2876-3583 said:
The DION have tossed around the idea of making us a protectorate, from time to time. While that would mean protection from the fascists, it would also mean a loss of freedom that we cannot tolerate, no matter what. So, better if our actions make it clear that we're thankful for their friendship and their help, but we are not going to submit to anyone's rule. Freedom is the sine qua non condition for the continued existence of the Free State as we know it.

Oremonger Dall 09-9357-4836 said:
What's a "sine qua non"?

Stargazer Haven 14-2878-8288 said:
I propose as a gathering point the Nepleslian Nebula. It's square in the middle of their space. Let's plant the beacon one lightyear out of the outer border of the nebula towards the galactic north. Any ships nearby that can do that?

Foreman Gai 01-0145-2700 said:
My mothership, the Dawn over a New World, is about three lightyears from there. We're equipped with a reverse-engineered Nep FTL drive, so we can get there fairly fast. I'll propose a vote to my ship first and see if everyone agrees.

Spacecase Rah 12-5764-3653 said:
Please do.

Mindtwister Dice 09-9452-6655 said:
Ok, but what do we do once we've gathered there? Where do we go?

Stargazer Haven 14-2878-8288 said:
Forget about the Lighthouse and about Yamatai. We go to Null and Void, and then maybe beyond, into uncharted space, like we did centuries ago when we first won freedom from servitude We leave this region of space alone, move further away from Yamatai, and rebuild. I've also heard that there is another non-hostile civilized race there. I don't know if it's true, but we should try and contact them. They can't be worse than Yamatai, for sure.

Oremonger Dall 09-9357-4836 said:
What makes you think that Yamatai will not gun us down as soon as we bring back up Polysentience to 100% and we settle down in free space?

Warmonger Terryl 77-2876-3583 said:
The alternative is accepting the DION protectorate offer. I say that whoever wants to abide by their rules can become a Nep citizen, but I'm not going to. I'm going to go to Null and Void and help rebuild the Free State. We either stand or fall, but we do so being ourselves.

Nursemaid El 11-1425-4540 said:
I don't think the Yamatai are going to chase us. Believe it or not, I've heard that the genocide has shaken the opinions of some of their folk, too. There have been protests and whatnot.

Warmonger Blade 43-7679-2769 said:
Bullshit. All Yamataians are evil fascist bastards. No exceptions.

Freethinker Sirius 52-4650-2244 said:
They're an empire. You know, like in the dark ages. Where one single person decides everything, and everyone obeys like slaves. I've heard the person has changed since then. Dunno if it's true, though.

Freethinker Starlight 00-0123-3333 said:
They evolved technologically, to have better weapons to kill people with. We evolved socially, to live a more peaceful, more free, happier life. Until they'll make the same step we did, kill their tyrant (whoever he or she or it might be) and cast down their chains, they'll always be instruments of war in the hands of a, possibly deranged, ruler. We cannot trust them. Maybe our sacrifice has shaken their consciences enough and planted in their minds seeds that, who knows, might someday bear fruit.

Warmonger Blade 43-7679-2769 said:
Charming. Back to business, Freethinkers: what do we do after we gathered at the Nebula?

Freethinker Starlight 00-0123-3333 said:
What we always do: vote.
Also, we start to bring back up our Polysentience network and reunite the Free State collective.
I think most are going to go to Null and Void. We're probably going to be spread out between uncharted space and New Nepleslia. If we don't mess with their precious planets, I don't think that Neps will mind. They're dirtdwellers, we're spacedwellers. As long as we gather our resources from planets that are outside of their sphere of influence, there shouldn't be any problem.

Warmonger Terryl 77-2876-3583 said:
We're going to have to develop a great number of anti-Yamatai measures to protect our Polysentience, though, just in case.

Codebreaker Free 22-2578-6837 said:
Ohoho. Do you REALLY think that the Hacker Cult has been sitting down doing nothing for this whole time? You underestimate us... Just like the Yamatai are :D
The Consulate Crew said:

Codespinner Deneb Kaitos Schemali 99-2257-72 said:
When I attempted to convince the more democratically-inclined societies that the our brethren wearing the chains of conquest needed rescue, I was told that they simply could not afford it. Naturally, with the facists being a belligerent power under the thumb of a thirty-year old war machine, they were reticent to waste themselves to the Yamataian flame. At the time, it was understandable. Circumstances have changed and I believe now is the time to stir things up on the political front.

Dollmaker Quixote 90-3392-61 said:
They think us a people of liars a manipulators, and make blind assumptions based on what falsehoods they hear. We have been blanketed in an ever-growing curtain of rumors and lies, and the peoples of this sector are blind to the mountainous volleys of truth we pile on them. Didn't one of those politicians from the Ouk... or something or another, assume that you were a woman, Deneb?

Codespinner Deneb Kaitos Schemali 99-2257-72 said:
Ha! Must be my sultry Tenor voice and slender countenance... ;3

Spacecase Situla 98-2257-72 said:
Hehe... ;3

Dollmaker Quixote 90-3392-61 said:
If I had a digestive tract, I would be emptying at my workstation. Let's get back on topic so our discussion can be more useful to the network.

Codespinner Deneb Kaitos Schemali 99-2257-72 said:
Then I will say this much, that in my travels it was difficult to get in contact with the other nations of this sector because they knew so little of our people or our way of life.

If we are to do one thing, it is to be recognized as a nation, as a people. Not by ourselves, but by those that run the celestial puppet show they call politics.
Dataspinner Neb 56-7774-5205 said:
That would be hard. They would expect a "people" to all abide by the same rules. Like, when the Nep government reach an agreement, then all Nep citizen must respect it or be punished by their own government. But we don't have a "government" and we cannot apply such measures to our citizens, so state-wide measures can only be voted, approved by a majority, but, ultimately, every one of our citizens is free to respect them or not.

Freethinker Eleni 99-3856-6754 said:
But when a resolution is chosen by popular vote to be the closest thing to the "common good", it is morally appropriate for all of us to abide by it.
We cannot enforce respect of those resolutions by our citizens (the ideal of anarchy prevents it), but I have little doubt that such a resolution would be respected by the overwhelming majority of our people.

Warmonger Goliath 72-4756-6377 said:
Unfortunately, for the other nations that do not follow the fivefold path (Pacifism, Balance, Endurance, Anarchy, Communism), what matters is appearance. We can say "Nepleslia is a friend of the Free State", and 99,99% of our race might abide by that, but what if one of us doesn't agree and acts aggressively towards Nep assets? Like, sabotage, piracy, whatever?
The Nep will either expect us to police him (which we can't do) or consider this as a declaration of war (which isn't).

Freethinker Deneb 25-5255-8865 said:
He is free to act against the better judgment of the Free State, but other freespacers are also free to stop him. They just are not required to.

But I don't think this problem will ever come up. Once we reassemble and strengthen Polysentience, the Self of State will return to be clear and evident to all of us, and the path to the greater good so bright no one will be able to ignore it this blatantly.

The Yamatai attacked us over the mere idea of a Hacker, before any action was even voted on. The Neps aren't like that. NO ONE can be like that.
Broadcast Exchange Between 03702302 and Polysentience said:
Foreman Harrow 88-2759-2204 said:
Are there any mothers out near 03702302? We're about 20 LY out from the Ketsurui military district and hoping to do some phys-uplink. It's lol to be on the PolSenty again. Can I get some live-updata or do I need to log-comb?
Codetalker Way 48-6725-0184 said:
Signal confirm from 03702302. No obvious multis or signals picked up besides some shuttles. How did you guys escape? What was going on in there?
Warmonger Blade 43-7679-2769 said:
Don't get too friendly. We don't know this isn't a trap.
"Foreman Harrow 88-2759-2204 said:
They gave us some dorm-units and invites to "build a new life" on a dense rock. It took them a few cycles to figure out we weren't logging on, but YMT are tard like that. Pro-Tip: Do not put lame reservation next to your resort pr0n planet. It makes the D-drah want to become an heros.
Syntelligence Betelgeuse 90-3684-1832 said:
We will be arriving in 208 hours, Foreman 88. Until then, disconnect from the Polysentience. Your signal may be compromised by walkaboos.
Dollmender Tweez 18-4729-2801 said:
Sounds like a secret dick move. We'll log some Oremonger Drillbit to sink the burn until you're here. If there's a Caturday in sector 47, we'll draw agro while you fap off.
Codespinner Doosh 62-9365-9472 said: