Chariklo Starport
Iris walked with her D3 team having just arrived at the place, their personal ship was already docked and loaded up though they would have to move it eventually to the ship they would be working with once the meeting was over. So the group had followed the directions given. Iris the D4 of the group was wearing her usual opaque visor keeping her face mostly hidden with it as she looked around for the meeting spot. now people walking through a starport wasn't that strange, however when nine of those people looked exactly alike? Yeah that got you some looks, and Iris was on the look out for anyone that might cause her D3's any trouble.
Due to their equipment being somewhat bulky they had left the majority of it on their ship, they only had the simple multi-tools with them, though they all stayed armed with their side arms at least on Iris' urging, Though she didn't think they would need the weapons she didn't wanna be caught without at least something for basic self defense. Now with nine of them looking the exact same, there was also the fact that they marched in perfect formation and pace, their footfalls landing as one as they walked.
All this of course stood out quite a bit despite all of their small stature, but as they neared the gathering location someone called out to gather in their respective groups and so Iris looked around, and after a moment she looked at the D3 and was rather quickly and efficiently lifted up higher then anyone in the area was so she could get a good look around, the group of D3 having made a perfect pyramid in very short order with two helping hold Iris up for her to look around, and once again wordlessly they group returned to normal formation. Iris had been using their silent language to ask them since it wouldn't get drowned out by the sound of anything else.
She then waved to them as they started to march as one once again, the many foot falls landing as one again as they walked over to the mustering point for the ship they would be part of, the NSS Condor crew, going forward. hopefully their mother ship would have enough room to hold their personal crew ship, if not they could fly alongside at least, and they had docking clamps added to the ship so they could dock on the outer surface if required. she would have to talk to their captain about that though, the good new was accommodations on the ship should be easy enough to get, they could just sleep in their own ship if need be after all.
Though Iris was still over looking everyone in the area keeping her eye open for any threats to her D3's