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RP After the Vortex ch.1 - Embarkment


Active Member
RP Date
RP Location
Nepleslian Frontier
Date: 47.1
Location: Chariklo, moon of Chiron; Neo Centauri system.

Chariklo Starport
The mag-lev trolley glided its way down the line, an electrical hum punctuating the motion. Bearing its passengers from the port concourse towards the larger of the landing sites. The trolley itself was packed to the brim, the passengers an eclectic bunch. Civilians and soldiers, scientists and technicians, mercenaries and conscripts.

An announcement chimes, as in the distance the landing site rolls into view. “Arrival immanent. Please stand away from the doors, until the vehicle comes to a full and complete stop.” The hum takes a downward pitch, as the trolley approaches the terminus and comes to a halt. A buzz sounds and the doors open. “Now disembarking at Echo Terminal.”

The passengers start to stream out of the trolley, into the hubbub of the terminal. Dockworkers are hustling to fro, and standing in the middle of the platform are a pair of officers; a captain and a commander, judging by their dress. The commander whispers something to the captain. “Here’s your band of misfits, captain.” The captain raises a hand to hush him, before stepping forward to address the crowd.

“Good day everyone! Welcome aboard the Grimsharos Reclamation Fleet. Please muster into groups, organized by ship.”
Chariklo Starport

Oksana shuffled amongst those gathered with her large black duffel strapped to her back. Donned in all black cargo pants, a black turtle neck with a harness overlay and a half zipped matching leather jacket she could easily get lost in the jumble. "Strix, strix, strix," she muttered quietly to herself while she looked around for where NRSS Strix personnel were gathering. "Ah! Strix," she exclaimed when she found where the Strix group was gathered. Her combat boots came to a skidding stop, her space buns bobbed for a moment or two afterwards while she looked around.
Chariklo Starport
People moved around to get into their correct groups. Nearby, seemingly unconcerned with what was going on a woman with strawberry-blond hair tied up with a bandana sat on a stack of supply crates just watching. A big green gunhound lay on the ground at her feet, as uninterested in the chaos as his mistress. The woman was wearing a NSMC uniform. At least that's what it looked like. It was hidden under a camo cloak that the woman had wrapped over her shoulders. The gunhound also had a camo cloak over him. Two duffle bags, one large and one small, lay beside the gunhound. Sitting beside the woman was a large weapon's case.

Vana sighed as she watched things. She pulled out a telescope and looked around through it. She was examing her surroundings, looking around for potential sniper spots. Hopefully things would pick up soon.
Chariklo Starport

Iris walked with her D3 team having just arrived at the place, their personal ship was already docked and loaded up though they would have to move it eventually to the ship they would be working with once the meeting was over. So the group had followed the directions given. Iris the D4 of the group was wearing her usual opaque visor keeping her face mostly hidden with it as she looked around for the meeting spot. now people walking through a starport wasn't that strange, however when nine of those people looked exactly alike? Yeah that got you some looks, and Iris was on the look out for anyone that might cause her D3's any trouble.

Due to their equipment being somewhat bulky they had left the majority of it on their ship, they only had the simple multi-tools with them, though they all stayed armed with their side arms at least on Iris' urging, Though she didn't think they would need the weapons she didn't wanna be caught without at least something for basic self defense. Now with nine of them looking the exact same, there was also the fact that they marched in perfect formation and pace, their footfalls landing as one as they walked.

All this of course stood out quite a bit despite all of their small stature, but as they neared the gathering location someone called out to gather in their respective groups and so Iris looked around, and after a moment she looked at the D3 and was rather quickly and efficiently lifted up higher then anyone in the area was so she could get a good look around, the group of D3 having made a perfect pyramid in very short order with two helping hold Iris up for her to look around, and once again wordlessly they group returned to normal formation. Iris had been using their silent language to ask them since it wouldn't get drowned out by the sound of anything else.

She then waved to them as they started to march as one once again, the many foot falls landing as one again as they walked over to the mustering point for the ship they would be part of, the NSS Condor crew, going forward. hopefully their mother ship would have enough room to hold their personal crew ship, if not they could fly alongside at least, and they had docking clamps added to the ship so they could dock on the outer surface if required. she would have to talk to their captain about that though, the good new was accommodations on the ship should be easy enough to get, they could just sleep in their own ship if need be after all.

Though Iris was still over looking everyone in the area keeping her eye open for any threats to her D3's
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Oksana would come before a crowd more civilian than the others. A mix of scientists and technicians, assembled before a young woman with a somewhat dark complexion and blond hair. She waves at Oksana, before looking at a datapad to check off a name. "Dr. Bilous... Okay! That seems to be everyone. Dr. Stavrou!... Doctor?" At the front of the crowd there appeared to be a bit of a mingling, with a older man with a shock of white hair in the middle. He was engaged in a bit of banter with a couple of the scientists. "Hm? Oh good, Kira. Apologies." The doctor cleared his throat, as he address the crowd as a whole. "Greetings! As some of you already know, I am Doctor Nicolaos Stavrou." He turned his gaze at the newcomer. "And you are Dr. Bilous, if I am not mistaken?"
The terminal seemed stacked like a layer cake, with numerous levels each leading to a different set of hangars. No doubt if one want to set up nest of some sort, tere where plenty of places to do it. To the far distance ahead however, was the most substantial of the hangars. It took up several layers of this wedding cake; clearly meant to house a much larger starship than the side hangars. After a few minutes of observation, the woman would hear the tromp of footsteps behind her, as a voice boomed over the din of the crowd. "Hey, what'cha looking for?"
The troop of inexplicably identical individuals certainly caught quite a few glances from passers-by. D3's weren't a common sight in these parts, and some were caught off-guard, not expecting someone of such small stature, let alone ten at once. "Hey, aren't those... children? What are they doing here?" The team would eventually come towards the hangar where the Condor was housed, a very 'industrial' looking starship. there wasn't much of a crowd gathered before this one, as a woman in front of the hangar, who could best be described as 'blue', was barking orders at the technicians who were milling about. She would turn to face the Iris and the D3s, looking exasperated at what she saw. "Ugh, what is it now... Hey! Don't you know this is a work site? Not exactly a place for kids!" Her gaze would fall on Iris, as she took a step back in surprise. "Wait a minute, are you?..."
Every single D3 behind Iris was looking up at the woman with hopeful and friendly eyes as she addressed them not even bothered by being mistaken for children. Iris on the other hand grimaced a moment at the misunderstanding before the woman started to ask and she nodded a moment "I am Iris, And these are my D3 Troop, We answered your call for mechanics and engineers, We have starting from the left." she pointed at the line of D3 and moved to each one in turn as she spoke.

"General Starship and Structural Engineer! Drive and Engine systems! Communications and Sensors! Atmospherics and Life support! Gravity Systems! Robotics and Cybernetics! Weapons and Offensive Systems! Shields and Defensive systems! Power Systems and Security! and Myself as Security chief for the team! I am Iris by the way. And we have a personal Vessel we would need to dock with the larger ship as we use it as a mobile workshop and if needed Quarters for our team! the information for the ship is in this information packet" Iris spoke in a crisp clear tone much like a Military troop leader would, and she took a step forward and held out a data pad for the woman to take.

"I should note that the D3 are unable to speak, but can understand trade as well as write it, if required they can communicate using their pads to write messages for others to read, And despite our small stature I assure you we are full adults of our species our species is just naturally small. All our equipment other then our basic multi-tools and personal defense weapons are on our ship at the moment as well, the list of which is in the information packet I handed you! We also have general training in other skills if required for the job, which are also listed in the information packet" As she finished she gave a very military like nod to the woman, the opaque visor hiding her monoeye from sight for the time being as she waited her response.
Porky raised his head and gave a low growl as someone approached him and his mistress. He wagged his tail once, tapping Vana on the foot with it. "I've got my ears on boy, I hear 'em." Vana said quietly, still looking through her scope. When the voice boomed behind her asking her what she was looking for, Vana didn't immediately respond. She finished identifying two more sniper posts then lowered her scope. "Just looking for the best sniping perches." She said out loud but almost too soft to hear. When she had lost her hearing she couldn't control her volume and so didn't speak much but when she did it was often too loud, almost shouting. Now that she could here herself again, she was a little self conscious about being too loud.

Vana looked at the speaker, sizing him up. "And you are?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as if she wasn't super impressed by what she saw.
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Chariklo Starport - NRSS Strix Group

Oksana perked up when she saw the young woman wave at her, waving in response as she approached. "Mhm, that's me!" Oksana confirmed while looking around for Dr. Stavrou, her gaze settling on the older man that responded to Kira. After the greeting his direct conversation grabbed her focus, "Yes, Dr. Stavrou. I am Dr. Bilous, Astrochemist. Excited to dive right on into work!" Oksana didn't want to detract any further in case he intended to further address those gathered, but was open to additional discussion.
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