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You're using a specific armor that isn't widespread again Arieg. We've been over this.
ADNR isn't doable either. Only two groups Paragon has access to have it, and NovaCorp hasn't been very active, and I haven't seen you ask Elysia for the stuff.

Why are you stretching for the odd materials, man? Why not use something more common, like Durandium? That's a lot easier to get your hands on and a lot more commonly found to make repairs on.
"The AFV is built of a tungsten carbide reinforced Durandium Alloy frame to save weight, the armor is made up of nerimium laminated durandium plating with a lightweight ablative ceramic covering. "

This work then?
News on this? Soresu, do you have anymore things that Arieg needs to attend to in his article?
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