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Air-Deployed Smoke Screen



What is the smokescreen for?
Is it supposed to be an antilaser device. I am not saying you cannot do a smokescreen Uso, I just honestly curious as to your exact application.

So could you provide more detail?
I believe you may be better off detailing the bomblets themselves rather than the aircraft it is launched from, perhaps adding to the already existing Na-BCAC32 article as one of the delivery options, while putting a payload mention in the FA4's original article. But then, that's just me, article currently doesn't seem to have enough meat to stand up on its own.

At the moment the article feels more like it's advertising a feature of the FA4 than being a weapon on its own, this is why I reccomend that the bomblets be submitted instead of the aircraft as a whole. It allows other vehicles (including the original F4) to delivery it, rather than a highly specialised aircraft.

Of course it might mean the bomb bay has to be reconfigured for the mission, but that's not too invasive, and it allows the aircraft to mix and match payloads. Half smoke bomblets, half cluster bombs to diversify it's versatility in a battle.
spread things out a bit more in the description so there is a paragraph about the dispenser and about the bomblets. It is going to end up in the large weapon bay payload section of the FA4 article once approved, so it isn't a separate aircraft.

I also don't really know what else to detail unless you want a picture/description of the launcher mechanism outside of the aircraft. This is really more of a small add on tot he BCAC and FA4 articles than an entirely new thing.

Oh yeah, and it is used to screen things on the ground... with smoke.
I'm sure you already know this, but it sort of helps if you mention something like that first bit when you make the OP.

It seems you misunderstood me. My previous post was not calling for unnecessary detail, merely that the idea should be brought more into the light of how you could deliver these bomblets from any aircraft.

It's good to see my invention is being put to use! Also, that picture looks FAWESOME considering it was made in DOGA. But I can see what Jimmy and phacon are getting at. The article seems to describe the bomblet dispenser and in an unfocused way.

For one, the bomblets should have either a header or a bullet or something describing it as a part of the dispenser, but a separate piece all of its own. Or at least, maybe that would help.

Also, describing exactly what it would be used for (which I know what it is, but others might not) would be nice. Like "the shroud uses the BCAC's laser blooming, sensor-jamming and visibility impairment to give ground forces an advantage or equal footing against enemy forces; it can alternatively be used to diminish the effectiveness of anti-air laser or sensor-relying missile strikes", etc...
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