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Approved Submission Air Traffic Control MOS

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm not sure there's demand to play this but okay. This seems like an Operations MOS not an engineering/technical one so the panel color should be gray, I think.
It seems like something like caretaker that makes sense that it exists but there're probably going to be more NPCs than players.
Are there any enlisted gray shirts? Since this is somewhat pulling from Comms Specialist skills and they're red I just left them red.
Reactions: Wes
This was a logistic's job 04B "ground crew/ NPC for starports and docking bays". It is to be found in old revisions of the occupations page.

I remember I found it interesting we had air traffic controllers after Wes mentioned them as such, but my memory is not so great. Maybe we had a more dedicated "holds two party sticks in the air" job, but at some point I was left imagining a Type 35-clad Neko doing such by Wes and it tickled me to have that memory surface.
So yeah there are gray shirt enlisted but those are vehicle operators.
If you want to get this approved, you just need to change the panel color to the one Wes specified.

The rest of this post is just my old habits kicking in:

Can it be mentioned around the maximum rank area that they are then generally promoted to FCO? Since the minimum rank for FCO is Shoi and the maximum for ATC is Joto Heisho, I see you wanted that linear path for characters in this field, but a newer player might not.

Can your MOS be for larger craft? Who tells a Fuji-class she can land at Uesureyan Fields? Is it them? Or do they only work with small craft etc?

Also the destination URL should be:
or something to that effect, not an abbreviation.
Reactions: Wes
I wasn't sure if the color change was a request or just a suggestion because ATC does have a lot in common with Comms Operators who are Red Panels.
Yeah, the MOS should be basically any craft landing or taking off form a base, station, ship, what have you. I can easily change that.

Also, that seems like a weird carrier path. Like by the time you're an E-9 you've basically spent your life in the military. Sure a Shoi technically outranks you but isn't that a bit of a step backwards? From my experience most enlisted who become officers don't do so by promoting all the way through enlisted ranks but by attending officer academies or completing undergraduate degrees and going to an Officer Candidate School.
Reactions: Wes
If it sounds like I'm being argumentative, that's not my intention. I'm mostly trying to ask clarifying questions and clarify my positions.
Comms officers wear red if it's a technical and engineering based profession which this is not, as Wes said.

Becoming an overseer of your last position is not a step backwards. ATC has a maximum rank of Joto Heisho and the FCO MOS, stated to oversee ATC, has a minimum rank of Shoi so it seems feasible many personnel are just thriving in their occupation and get promoted through good work and being fit for the job. You don't have to clarify anything about this in the wiki if it is not something you agree with.

If you have a clear position that opposes what I said, I don't really mind you not understanding my advice or taking it. I just want you to see some steam on your submission. When it's been sitting awhile, the best way to get a reviewer's attention is making changes and saying "I think it's ready now!" My intent was only to give you some possible changes to make and for you to have your hard work put to use. I don't assume some kind of argumentative approach, don't worry. We're all in this together. Also a rule I work by on this site is that if Wes makes a suggestion or a request, I do it. He doesn't say things for no reason like me!
I agree with everything Ame said except for the enlisted/officer thing, which Locke is right about. In the Star Army, Joto Heisho (E7) is a terminal rank. There are no promotions from enlisted to officer, although sometimes people do that through schools.
Ohooh! There are still some things about that which I still don't understand so I'll follow up with you, Wes, to figure it out more fully!
Star Army Communications Specialist. It's not really that much of an issue to me it's just that a lot of the existing ATC would have been cross trained communications specialists. and since the ATC is a 06D while comms specialists are 06Cs it feels weird to make them gray. That's all.
Yeah, you're not really promoting from Joto Heisho ATC to a Shoi Deck Officer, think like Chief Nurse at a Hospital vs A doctor who's on their first floor rotation. Sure one's got the MD behind their name but we all know who's calling the shots.
(said E9 earlier because I forgot SAoY doesn't have the same ungodly number of enlisted ranks as the US military)
E8 and E9 are basically command ranks in the US Army. Sure Master Sergeants and Sergeant Majors exist. But they are like warrant officers that were too lazy to go "The Land of Oz" that is US Army Warrant School or in between positions on "vacation" lurking around at some high lever HQ.
Ok that tracks. My uncle was career USAF and got out at E7

warrant officers are a myth by Sikorsky to trick the airmen into thinking helicopters actually exist
To finalize this and get this shipped, I'd like some feed back specifically about this. Since ATC is still a 06 MOS and those are red. I'm fine changing it but I don't know where to?
Making it gray as a 06 makes them feel like the odd man out. Maybe moving them to 09 but as the only enlisted only 09 MOS they'd also be a bit odd. So far, it seems that every MOS from the same Number or sub category share a color.
Gray = Operations, people who run missions/systems
Red = People who repair and maintain things

This clearly seems gray to me. I'd rather change the number.
Gray = Operations, people who run missions/systems
Red = People who repair and maintain things

This clearly seems gray to me. I'd rather change the number.
Ok I'll make it 09E.
Do we have any art with a gray panel on an enlisted uniform?
You can use the art for Yorin for the time being I guess.
I might be able to mess around with one of the uniform shirts and try to recolor the pannel
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