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RP: 188604 [Akemi's] Burgers and Babes



Former Osman City
Original Akemi's

Koga Akemi, the former Ittô Heisho, NH-29H, and accomplished singer was making the rounds on the restaurant he referred to as "Uso's Popped Cherry" as this location was the first to be built on 188604. Having just spent a good amount of time in Nepland chowing down on an assortment of what were at times being called El-not-easy-an wings for how expensive they were becoming to get ahold of. His favorite green-haired purple-eyed Neko being in his presence once more was what excited the Neko. He let his mind creep back to some of his favorite girls at his restaurant, though, as he entered through the front doors.

The front room, as he walked through it, began smelling faintly of a peppermint patty which lightly emanated from his person. He brushed a hand to flow down the length of his pitch black hair. It whipped behind him and a waitress approached.

"Ake—" she stumbled over her words and another waitress came forward and nearly pushed the other waitress out of the way.

"Akemi, there's some shit."

"I know, I heard about it all the way off the planet," the namesake of the restaurant replied. "Get the head staff in the back. In the meantime, have someone get me some calamari and a super thick milkshake."

The waitress snapped to attention, then pointed at the other waitress, making contact with her, and pointed towards the kitchen.


Five minutes later and Akemi ambled into the back room. The 29H looked as if he had been riding horses early that day. He wore his favorite chaps and boots with spurs as well as a frilled blouse. He put a boot up on a box and the spur clicked as his bulge was evident in the center his pants. Cleared of customers, the back room held the members of this establishment that kept the gears going.

"For the record," Akemi stated. "I am the restauranteer of this establishment. I and I alone run this joint. You're all here to help me accomplish that task." He looked around the room, seeing head nods, "Nobody else takes away this from me. Nobody but I can tell you what to do and when to do it. You make decisions that help the restaurant as a group and I trust you to do that." Akemi turned to one woman present and released his leg from its perch to walk towards her.

"Sweet, sweet wonderful woman, you manage the backest back of house... Nobody but I can tell you how to do that, alright? I'll be in tonight, by the way."

He turned to every member there and told them what made them special and that nobody but he could tell them how to run the place.

Nath Hotel Entry

A few hours later, Akemi was checking in to the Nath Hotel with two waitresses on each arm, hovering with both of them carried by him as he moved through the air. As he entered the expansive entryway with a statue of Uso erected in the center of the entryway, he looked up and soon saw an ex-NAM ship engage intertial dampers, ready to touch down on the space port the I'ee had built. One stayed in the sky as advertising and both held a little muscle in case Akemi's words were not heeded.
Candon had been called to a meeting with his partners at a late, or perhaps very early, hour. Masumi liked solitude, it suited her well, and she enjoyed straying along the streets of Osman City which was near where the Queen's Slave was, the location of Candon's meeting. She had parted with Candon away from his business colleagues as she wanted little to do with them, she wanted to be able to use that to her advantage later on, in case they needed Masumi and Candon's attention and when their attention shouldn't be drawn to Masumi.

She walked through the near empty streets of the once-great city that was now something less than it once was. A palace of the past stood in crumbles in the city with a half-built mega-structure raised from its sandy base. Was this where the mighty Uso had made her base? The Neko that Masumi had only just met and the one Candon worked both for and against, in many ways.

Masumi had utilized her volumetric projection and her long pink hair was instead ashen gray and a foot or so longer whose front sections behind her straight bangs on either side were both brought to the back and tied up there while the rest hung loose, around her arms, hips, back, and upper thighs. Her face had micro cosmetic changes that made it difficult to identify her as who she was by anyone without PANTHEON.

Her attire was a gingham buttoned down collared shirt with a heather sweater over it and a pair of tight black exercise pants and brown leather-like boots. She was bundled up with her hands clasped and she noticed a neon signage floating and glimmering in the low light of early morning.

Iemochi Yakena wandered aimlessly through the bustling alleys of Osman City, stopping by the various street vendors and trying out whatever she fancied. It was an interesting place, one of many on her travels throughout the universe but she was already taking a liking to 188 and its resiliant yet welcoming allure.

The short woman half-skipped across one of the many tiled streets, passing a floating cart bearing what appeared to be homemade chairs of intricate design. Her striking pink hair swung from side to side with her movements, pigtails dancing with each step.

Yakena wore a simple white dress that hugged her figure well and kept her arms bare in the hot sun, a big floppy hat perched on her head precariously, occasionally drooping before her emerald green eyes.

She paused suddenly, clasping her arms behind her back as the young woman gazed at a building that rose up ahead of her. Akemi's. She'd seen it in the "188-604 Traveller's Guide" First Edition as a main attraction, known for its diverse foods and comforts. Perfect for a visit.

"Uhm..." Masumi murmured as her comfort zone had begun to be shared by another. She looked to Yakena with uncertain eyes and then breathed in suddenly and, as if trying to avoid any further eye contact with Yakena, looked back to the sign and walked forward, towards the door.

The smol traveller raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to one side in curiosity as Masumi spoke, her floofy pink-furred cat ears lolling to one side from the holes cut into her ridiculous hat. Well, if this elegant-looking woman was about to slip inside that was good enough for her!

Yakena bounced on her heels back and forth for a moment as the Neko took the lead towards the door. She almost went to say something, sure she recognised the tall dark-skinned lady then shook her head and followed after her, pigtails waving from her movement. Maybe she just needed to think on it.

There was a small thump of music that seemed to emanate from the floorboards while women of many different species and specific appeal were in the far-flung corners of the room while the girls much like Masumi and Yakena were tending to the bar and serving burgers and wings throughout the establishment. Though there was a vast menu at many and most Akemi's, the 188-604 choices were pretty standard fair when it came to food.

The forever alone planet had its cherry popped hard when Uso showed up with her horse-throwing gang of badasses and miscreants, one of which was Akemi himself, who was lounging about in his own burger n babe business out in the front room, enjoying a shirley temple and a Lorath vixen on one arm, who was speaking to him in a low, overly secretive voice, though it wasn't like she could easily be heard over the dance-able music.

Masumi looked around, realizing what type of place she had just stepped into was something of past dreams and current nightmares. She made to turn around and saw the form of Yakena right behind her.

"Uh—Oh!" Masumi muttered, about to move past the young Iemochi.

Yakena's eyes widened as Masumi suddenly turned, barely managing to stop them colliding in a flurry of limbs. "Sorry.. uhm.." she apologised quickly in Yamataigo, not catching the fact she'd slipped out of Trade. The petite woman and chocolate-skinned scientist each tried to move around at the same time, stopping either from leaving the doorway. "Wah, okay, we need to figure this out." she stopped before they inevitably did it again, raising her light-tanned hands in a surrendering gesture.

Yakena stopped as Masumi had her second thoughts, smirking as she made to turn back. "Hey, c'mon!" she chirped in an upbeat tone, hooking a lil' arm through the chocolate-skinned scientist's own as Masumi made to move by. "Give it a shot, you might like it!" the petite woman grinned, her bubby nature getting the best of her, tugging her gently towards the restaurant.

Masumi's eyes narrowed as she looked away from Yakena, then her vision focused on her again. "Ah, okay. I guess I can..." Masumi seemed conflicted internally about staying and going, but also ambiguously tied to a set of social codes that told her to go along with what this stranger was telling her to do.

The bouncy Minkan's spirits lifted immediately, a beaming smile slipping onto her face, glad that she'd managed to change this stranger's mind. "Yay! I've never been here before so this will be a new experience for us both!" her voice was filled with excitement. Yakena had been travelling with the crew of her ship for months now and was raring to talk to someone new - anyone - and it looked like the happy-go-lucky gal might get just that as she pulled Masumi inside.

The currently ashen-haired Masumi and the excitable Minkan were approached quickly by a waitress that was wearing a pretty cliche but still ultra hot black shoulderless leotard with fishnets and heels. A hole was cut in the leotard in the small of her back and a genetically engineered fluffy bunny tail protruded from it, expanding outwards just over her mostly exposed butt cheeks, Masumi's eyes were locked on that ass as she walked them to a booth with a very small table and ample leg room between the two.

Yakena hardly missed the curvatious bunnygirl as she led the unlikely pair to their seats, unable to stop as those cheeks rose, fell and shook with each step. The traveller's face flushed a little scarlet and she swallowed nervously, trying to take her mind off things until thankfully they wound up by the table.

"T-Thanks..!" the cat-eared girl managed, casting her eyes down but not quite managing to keep them from pausing for a second too long on the waitress' barely contained bosum. Mentally a little fried already, Yakena wondered what she'd got herself into but it was too late to turn back now~! She perched on the red-padded seat nearest her with a light "plump" as her bum found its mark.

Masumi looked nervously to her newfound date and her mind wandered to her boyfriend -did she want to be more, she wondered- while looking directly at the genetically engineered floppy eared waitress' mound that led to perfectly silhouetted lips between her thigh gap.

"On our menu tonight we have a few specials," the bunny girl began. "We have the flaming hot fried Elysian wings and the flaming hot fetish Elysian wing-tying. There is a Tomoyoe's Open faced Kikyo burger and Tomoyoe opening her Kikyo flower on stage."

Masumi grunted and nodded to the bunny girl, "We'll uh," she thought for a moment, "take some time to decide..."

The bunny girl nodded and hopped off after she had placed the menus down.

Yakena struggled to tear her jade eyes away from the perky, beautifully-endowed girl as she paced away in that ever so enticing way, heels clicking lightly against the polished floor. Elysian wings? Kikyo's flower? While she'd visited a lot of places, nowhere had quite compared to Akemi's so far and it was strangely... alluring.

"Wow, those specials sound... Exotic?" the smol girl offered, a hand dancing to the corner of her menu and leafing through it. Before long, she took in more of what was going on around them. Women, girls, men and more of all types strutted around, skin-tight clothes leaving just enough to the imagination. It was exhillerating, even to the sitting patrons.

Masumi nodded absent-mindedly as she began to scan the menu from its place on the table, saying without thinking too much, "I want them all."

Yakena's gaze flitted up from the top of her menu to Masumi's dark and incredibly pretty complexion, her ashen locks framing her perfectly.

"Y-Yeah! Me.. too!" she admitted haltingly as a stacked half ID-SOL wearing nothing but a speedo three sizes too small for the already engorged cock they were sporting swept by their table. Masumi coughed a moment and stared at her yoga pant-clad knees. The half ID-SOL paused and Masumi shook her head while opening her mouth, as if to speak, then continued to say and do nothing while looking at her knees.

Her bubby cohort stared in more than a little shock straight at the man's near-protruding dick as it almost burst through the seams of the tight black fabric. "Empress.." the girl stammered in Yamataigo, instinctively gorging herself on every detail of his tool until the mountain of muscle disappeared from eyeshot.

Yakena blinked a few times slowly, even more amazing sights and people entering the diner from side doors with every passing moment. She coughed lighly, burying her gaze promptly into the wood of the table, "So, uhm- I'm Yakena by the way." the lightly tanned Iemochi offered, barely registering the scrawls of the menu.

The scientist looked to Yakena quickly after she said her name before she looked at the stage. A Nepleslian with detachable cybernetics and limbs began to work on sensually removing them all one by one while a gentleman in the front row took a seat and threw down a Davis Alliance for her on the ground. She scooped it up with her detached arm without bending over.

Masumi looked away, back at Yakena, realizing a planetary alias was in order. She thought about what she was doing here and what she hoped to gain, so she asked a question before giving a name.

"What brings you to Uso's planet?" Masumi asked. "I'm Abel, by the by. Here to do some..." Her voice grew low, "work."

Yakena only just now realised the floppy sun hat was still resting atop her head and quickly removed it, all the exhibits easily distracting her. She held it to her ample chest and wiggled those snow-white ears of hers to stretch them as she replied.

"Work..? Ooh.." the dress-clad girl cooed, popping her hat to one side and resting her pointed chin on her delicate hands. "I'm just a sightseer here but I want to know what this 'work' is!" Yakena spoke in a hushed tone and leaned in, emerald eyes bright with curiosity.

"First," Masumi began, looking more fully at the cat-eared acquaintance. "What do you know about the business we're in right now?" Masumi half understood what was going on in the room she was in currently, but she was noticing people going directly from an automatic money dispersal machine near the bar and would walk back with women and men and all others to back rooms. Masumi wanted to know what went on there and she wanted to not have to ask anyone that worked here to find out.

Admittedly, Yakena had passed through a few places on her travels that had... backrooms. She'd never managed to work up the courage to even address the issue given her conservative upbringing but she'd heard whispers. The pink-locked girl flushed red in embarassment as thoughts of what might happen there sprang into her head, mostly images of Mister Speedos and his 'gift'.

"Well uhm-", the petite girl drummed the table with her slender fingernails, "People do.. things with each other but I guess can eat while they do." It sounded so dumb but her innocent mind couldn't think of how else to put it.

Then it hit her. "You want to.. work here?" Before she could stop herself, Yakena was picturing the stranger before her in a tight one-piece bathing suit. Without saying anything, the girl hid her face behind the leaves of the menu in case her jade eyes betrayed her.

"I don't want to..." Masumi pushed her brows together, "Want to eat with anyone but..." Her voice trailed off, thinking again of her boyfriend and her eyes again beelined for her knees where she clasped her hands once more. She regained her cool and looked up, "I don't want to eat anything right now..." She tried to rephrase her last utterance so that it made sense. "With anyone but if you're hungry, I can share something..."

Yakena's floofy ears tilted to one side again in that cute little tick of curiosity. The pieces began to slide into place, clicking as she met Masumi's brilliant ice-blue eyes. "I could.." she started, sweeping her gaze across the hot room one final time as she worked up her courage.

A Patritian with dovelike wings lay across the stage, one leg pointing straight into the air as she nibbled at her own wingtip, wearing nothing but a rope caught Yakena's eye and her mind was made up.

"I could go for something." the smol spoke confidently, sliding her soft hands across the table until their fingers brushed against each other.

Masumi coughed and looked away from the Elysian, then back to Yakena. "Ah-alright..."

The Iemochi retracted her hand and squeezed it to her chest comfortingly, her eyes casting down to the floor before slowly sliding back up to her coffee-skinned companion. "I'm.. not sure how to though- I've never done anything before.." she spoke in an exstatic yet daunted tone. Masumi smiled at her warmly for the first time that night.

"It's not so bad..." Masumi murmured as she looked to the owner as he approached. She didn't put the face to the name at first, but when he approached and the girls seemed to swigng from their positions, Masumi could guess that he was important.

The raven-haired man said, "Are you having a fine time?" Akemi asked, "Why nothing to eat? I am the proprietor of this very restaurant and all others that bear its same name. If there is anything at all—"

Masumi looked to Yakena and nodded to her with a reassuring smile before interrupting Akemi, "I am Abel Cain here to complete a health inspection on your restaurant. Koga Akemi?"

The little Neko man looked offended immediately, but then frowned while pulling his shirt further into his pants, tucking in the hem of the simple black fabric. "Yes?"

"Would you show Yakena and myself to the back rooms immediately?" Masumi asked, having stood and beckoned Yakena to do so as well with the raising of a hand and movement of her index and middle finger.

The wandering girl smiled politely as Akemi came over, delighted that he took the time to check up on everyone despite the ordered entropy he strode through. She went to say something, then caught her curvy partner smirking knowingly, causing Yakena to lift a thin eyebrow curiously.

As Masumi started, her eyes widened in surprise - was she serious? No, wait.. As the ashen-haired scientist finished and a mischevious thankful grin grew from one corner of Yakena's mouth. She stood obediently with excitement obvious in the way she moved, gazing at Masumi with thanks and admiration for doing what she was too timid to do.

Akemi sort of began to stand his ground as he asked, "Do you have some kind of ID verification on you?"

Masumi smiled knowingly and said, "The proof is in the pudding, Mr. Koga. And I need to see the pudding before I can show you the proof. Back rooms," her grey brow on one side raised as her tone remained stern and face, serious. "Now."

Akemi's own black brows had harnessed almost together in the center until his smile faded back and he said, "Now, now. I wouldn't mind two beautiful stunners walking around my establishments. I have so many already, what is two more?" Akemi raised his arms wide and said, "My restaurant is your restauraunt. You have free run of the place for as long as you want without me bothering your doings and deeds, beauties, but after ten minutes I'm going to come for you, make a note of it. Then we can talk and get to know one another."

Masumi was curious, "Why ten minutes?"

"Because, Abel, I want you two to get comfortable without me while I prep some..." he trailed off, then asked, "Girls? Guys? In between?"

"We'll need no compensation," Masumi said, raising a hand as she began to make her way to the first back room she had seen a horned alien, perhaps an Iromakuanhe, go inside with an athletic Helashio.

"Then ten minutes," Akemi said, patting Yakena lightly on her hip, "all the same." He walked away and Masumi opened the door, ushering Yakena to follow.

"Do you have telepathy?" she asked, telepathically, to Yakena.

"Mhm!" the reply came back to Masumi brimming with anticipation as well as a sense of submission, that she was in Masumi's hands.

The door had opened onto a black velvet covered wall and a hallway to the right where nothing much could be seen. Masumi looked to Yakena and breathed out, through her nose, noticeably nervous. She turned the corner beyond the door and walked into the back room more full to see there were plush chairs, a chaise lounge chair, and a bed, all with varying hues of yellow and red.

The wonderfully athletic looking ancestrally lemur girl was casually moving one finger up and down the Iromakuanhe man's exposed chest while she moved a cheeseburger in and out of his hinged open mouth. The two did not stop as the female pair came to the edge of being inside of the room and Masumi shook her head and looked to Yakena, then brushed past her as she left the first back room she had been observing under the guise of being a health inspector. Yakena blinked once, slowly, meeting Masumi's look with her own of confusion. Who on earth would..? Best not think about it.

Masumi guided them to the next door in a separate alcove with a picture of a flying fish above it. Inside Masumi tilted her head and her ashen hair fell to her knees as she looked at the sight.

An Azorean woman was inside of a giant circular and clear tank while a man watched her from the outside and he painted the glass white a moment after Masumi entered with Yakena close behind.

The 188 native asked, "What're you do-?!"

Masumi was the first to respond, "Health inspection! Be on your way!" He grabbed his things and in a minute was out the door. Masumi quickly approached the glass.

"Are you okay!?" Masumi asked the Azorean woman, who tilted her head slightly, then nodded. "Who brought you here?" Masumi asked, then the Azorean propped herself up on the edge of the tank and spoke, "You're not friends with Akemi, are you? I can tell that you don't really..."

Masumi's shadow just managed to take in what was happening inside the small room, the rippling liquid casting strange reflections across the walls and ceiling, as the man exploded against the clear glass. She actually recoiled slightly, then craned her neck just a little, watching how he dripped slowly to the floor. The smol girl wasn't exactly sure what to think, sidling closer to her soldierly partner in crime and silently looking over the Azorean's form while they talked. So many new sights, she couldn't process them all at once!

Masumi shook her light grey haired head, saying, "No, health inspection." Masumi took out a small scanner with a sticker where a hinomaru would go if it had been a Type 31. "Water levels and Ph seem to be standard, though there is a presence of chlamydia in the water. I would get yourself tested and treated immediately. And..." Masumi trailed off.

The Azorean was looking at her with questioning and bulging eyes, "Yes?"

"Make Akemi pay for it," Masumi added, then snapped the scanner back into her pocket and was out the door, winking at Yakena as she did.

"Akemi," Masumi said as she entered the main room, then turned to Yakena, "Do you see him? Or are there other rooms you would like to examine?"

Yakena followed Masumi out in awe, beaming up at her like an excited little sister as she was given the wink. "Oh my stars! That was amazing, Abel!" she squealed quietly, to not arouse suspicion. "I want to see more!" Yakena grinned, her chocolatey comrade showing her a whole new dimension of herself.

Masumi bowed her head, half hiding a grimace and half forcing a smile as she nodded obligingly, "I haven't come up with all of the results I would like to, so it's probably a good idea to continue. Please, Yakena-chan, choose the next room?"

Her smaller companion nodded a few times in quick succession, almost rocking back and forth with anticipation at what was to come next.

"Uhm.. How about that one?" Yakena pointed with a slim finger to one of the darker-lit rooms in the corridor, a scarlet hue and muffled noises carrying lightly down the hall.

"That one will do nicely," Masumi said, taking the lead to the doorway. She scanned it with her device and put it back into her pocket. "Looks like a Separa'Shan male and militarized Neko are on the other side of this door. Please, follow me, Yakena."

She opened the door without hesitation and saw after moving through the black velvet walled hallway a sight to be seen indeed.

Yakena leaned in from the opposite side of the doorway as the velvet parted, glancing inside to find the source of the loud moaning. What she saw was unlike anything she'd ever seen. An intricate series of pullies and cables were threaded and strung across the walls and ceiling, leading to a strange apparatus in the center of the room which followed the contours of a military Neko's lithe body perfectly. A green Venis was in the process of wrapping her in his thick coils, her flesh going white with the pressure as the was strung out by the equipment, his tongue tracing along her soft skin and leaving it slick in his wake as he hissed into her ear.

"Uhm.." Yakena put it bluntly, the sounds of the Neko's groans - a mix of pleasure and pain - carrying to them before the swiftly ducked back around to the safety of the corridor. "Wow.." she seemed a little shell-shocked to say the least.

"Next room..." Masumi said as she brought them away from the room with the contraption and to a door with red ridges and an upturned knob. Masumi opened the door and inside they beheld two male Kodians going at it in a room filled with at least a foot of jelly, sticky and clingy globs hanging of their fur. Despite its erotic nature it seemed much more playful than anything else.

Masumi asked Yakena, "Can you check the room for contaminants with a visual survey?" Her smol compatriot nodded dutifully, falling into the role she was playing. Her eyes darted around the room, the two Kodians not yet noticing their presence. They were romping against each other fiercly and the jelly reverberated around them as they pounded against one another.

"Well.. some of the goopy bits at the corners look a little old." she commented, pointing at one side. She frowned a little, eyebrows knitting together. "Is that- is that mould?" Yakena tilted her head as her finger slid to point at the far corner of the room.

"That..." Masumi said aloud. "Is a condom. They're utilized when one is copulating without pregnancy and STD contingencies. Let's move on..."

"Oh-okay.." Yakena nodded as she learned something new, taking a moment to memorise what lay where the two walls met. 'Strange', she thought, 'it's the size of my arm. What could that be used for?'

Akemi stopped them at the door, "Enjoyed your time?" He asked, "Would two healthy and beautiful young women like yourselves want to partake in some of the activities going on tonight for a fraction of their normal costs?" He pointed to a white board which had the names of those working and what they wanted to do. Masumi's eyes glazed over and she remained impassive while Akemi continued to go on.

"Mhm!" Yakena nodded, smiling. "I've learned a lot Mister Akemi." She took a moment to look over the whiteboard, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Mister Akemi..What would you reccomend for a first timer? And.. what's the most expensive item?" she ventured, purely hypothetically for now.

"Well all items are half off if they're filmed tonight. Consider it one of the secret menu specials of the night. Does that happen to interest you at all, Miss Yakena?" Akemi asked, bending over so that his long black hair fel towards Yakena.

The petite, pink-haired girl tapped her hip with her fingernails as she thought. "Filmed? Uhm.." An idea crept over her, her father had definitely raised her as he had been raised. "Money isn't an issue for me but it's great you have such an offer." She smiled warmly.

"In fact, I'm intrigued! My father owns a company that deals especially with those sorts of films if you're interested in getting more for your buck. Larger audience and such?" the little capitalist in her coming out. Her floofy white cat ears twitched as she spoke, obviously still interested in trying the services offered. "You uh- definitely have the variety." she smiled.

The Neko man's eyes narrowed and he straightened. "I'll be the only father doing business with your bussy, Yakena my dear..." He sighed out and added, "Though it would be nice to get some more partners. We'll talk shop after we smack ass, Yakena. Abel. You in?" He looked to Masumi and the scientist shook her hair, closing the scanner once more after having held it up to Akemi for an extended period of time.

"My people will be in contact with your people," the scientist said.

Akemi shrugged and looked back to Yakena, putting a hand out to grip her vivid hair and stroked it playfully. "I like to stroke girls and make them feel good, so I hope it's okay with you if I touch you like this."

Yakena blushed fiercly, wiggling delightfully under his soft touch. "M-Mhm!" she smiled shyly as he caressed her silky locks. "I.. would like that.." she grinned, eyes lowered in embarassment.

Akemi purred and said, "I like you..."

Masumi smiled politely, but was grimacing inwardly by the looks of it. "I'll be off. My, er... Assistant will stay with you to acquire further empirical evidence for the Health Board."

"Oh, Abel!" Yakena perked up as Masumi turned to go. "Thank you for the wonderful time! If you need me or like.. want to do something together again my full name is Iemochi Yakena." The young woman grinned, happy the scientist came in with her today. "Hopefully I'll see you soon~!"

Masumi led herself out while Akemi watched Yakena only, then he said, "Now, about that porno. Would you mind my personal involvement as more than just a director?"

"Hmm~" Yakena hummed under his touch, leaning against the long-haired man so her bosum brushed his chest seductively.

"How about you and me.. without a camera?" her voice was melodic and carried lightly through the air. "...and a Kodian?" Yakena added, a small hand touching his really muscular abs as she met his eyes with her own briliant emeralds.

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued?
Akemi had been doing his thing lately at the ports he had going for him in the Kikyō Sector. Day to day happenings had become solidified to his liking, now, and he was happy to spend some more time on his favorite so-called "backwater planet" 188604. He sort of hated to spend most of his time in the brothel/bar/cockpit named Akemi's Cockpit, the first burger joint he had opened on the planet, without some of the same locals he was used to. Since the riots had ceased, he noticed a small amount of regulars unaccounted for and he hoped for their safe return to the number one place to share a burger the size of your face while getting an under the table.

He sauntered in through the back doors, opened just for him, and racked his coat and hat, then he kicked off his boots. An attendant that had opened the door brought a pair of plush velvet slippers to him. He slipped into them as another draped a fleece robe towards him and he put his closest arm and the other into it. The dark, black-haired Koga Akemi was handed some Mazrit brandy as he started taking a step away from his current position in front of a crowd of attendants and groupies, assistants and entourage.

Without missing a beat, he smiled and said, "It's good to be home."

Making his way deeper into the recesses of the expanded cockpit, he found his way to a comfortable back room, decorated with green accents and non-flowering plant life, save for dozens of potted peace lilies. He stretched on a chaise lounge and then as women approached from their corners and cracks within the room, he opened his arms in greeting. They cooed for him and Akemi spread his legs, saying hello in his own way. They crawled and climbed on his lithe frame, smothering him from view of the entrance of the room—the door of which was left open.