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Alcohol and Nekos?


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Inactive Member
I was trying to find what would happen to NH-29 bodytypes that drank alcohol (The effects such as dizziness, euphoria, and the like) but there's honestly nothing for that. So would alcohol actually do anything, given the NH-29's artificial brain?
From what I've seen, Nekovalkyrja can imbibe alcohol and only suffer the lightest effects - which are indeed associated to 'euphoria'. I'll quote wikipedia:

Euphoria (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12%).
  • overall improvement in mood and possible euphoria.
  • increased self-confidence and courage
  • increased sociability
  • shortened attention span
  • flushed appearance
  • inhibited judgment.
  • impaired fine muscle coordination, such as writing or signing their name.

Supposedly, a nekovalkyrja whom is intoxicated can ignore most of the disadvantages on a whim, similarly to how you'd shake your head to dispel morning grogginess or a passing bout of dizziness.

From observing Wes' character, Hanako, I'd also say that a nekovalkyrja body that imbides substancial amounts of alcohol may feel an increasingly stronger urge to simply collapse and sleep while the system purges the alcohol.

My take on that? Nekos can resist the drawbacks of consuming large quantities of alcohol, but it doesn't mean that is without consequence. If the neko indulged lightly, then it's no problem, but if the neko indulge in heavily to the point where a human would be in a druken stupor, it may likely require an effort to the metabolism to run with minimal disadvantage... something which can lead to fatigue - just like when people get tired of concentrating.

At that point, the neko might just decide that keeping awake is just too much bother and then go to find a place to collapse.
Unh. Preferably, Wes should confirm. His are the plotships where I've seen character get the closest to 'drunk' before despite being nekos after all.

Text description and roleplayed intent do not always go hand in hand. If we write it down to the wiki, I'd like to make sure Wes can nod along to that, or to have him reconsider his position on the matter of neko resistance to alcohol.
Also of note, If I'm not mistaken, Yamataians have this capability as well, bit in a much diminished form.

Which i'd assume means that a Yamataian would get very tired more quickly than a Neko would, but is still capable of getting 'drunk' if they're not trying to stay sober.