Star Army

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Approved Character Alex Walther


Inactive Member
Name: Alexander 'Alex' Walther

General Information
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 27

Mr. & Mrs. Walther respectively, both deceased.

Faction: Independant
Occupation: P.I. (Private Investigator)
Rank: ---
Current Assignment: ---

Physical Characteristics
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 154lbs

Build and Skin Color: Wiry, tan flesh-colored skin.
Face and Eye Color: Young. Blue eyes the shape of almonds, serious expression. Seems prone to squinting. Thin, dark eyebrows & sparse goatee. Prominent adam's apple & jaw line.
Hair color and Style: Dark brown, parted to one side. Well cleaned and oiled.

Distinguishing Features: The lack of cybernetic enhancement, while not in itself a distinguishing quality, is something that seems to be very rare among his species.

Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Always having been somewhat of a Casanova, Alex can best be described as suave. Sometimes all business, sometimes all fun, he strikes a delicate mix that often gets him into some sort of trouble, or gets him out of it. He refuses most low-level jobs and takes instead the jobs that interest him the most, or are the most challenging. Finishing each in his own personal idiom, he comes off as a very accomplished individual - Refined, intelligent, and very polite.

Likes: Good Bourbon, ballroom dancing, dogs, the thrill of the job
Dislikes: Cats, brainless militants, cheap alcohol, cheap entertainment.
Goals: Unsure of his goals, Alex lives primarily for tomorrow.


Alex, Born the 11th of November, Year 1, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walther, who ran a successful intergalactic shipping business until their untimely deaths in Year 12. They were moderately well-to-do, if not the wealthiest individuals on the planet, and that allowed Alex to do mostly whatever he pleased. Often this proved expensive. Although they did not live out in the country (for where, pray tell, would they find it?), Alex was allowed a particularly costly hobby - the raising of dogs. This kept him amused, and he retains the hobby to this day in the form of a two-year old German Shepard named 'Max'.

When he grew older and his parents died, he inherited the property and family business. As he was not yet old enough to assume legal rights to the business, a few of his parent's accountants took over, driving the business into the ground and bankrupting the family. Almost out on the streets, he had to sell his beloved companions to wealthier families and soon took up another hobby.


There were enough bosses willing to hire in Nepleslia even at his age, and he quickly proved apt at his job. When the 'boss' recognized his talent with a pistol, he was bumped up to more dangerous missions, which more and more began to include crossing the government. But the pay went up, and he kept on working until he had a fair amount of money. This was about year 24, when he had gained a respectable reputation on the street for being able to get into almost anywhere. That was when he officially set up as a Private Investigator, but it was only a cover. In reality he was a mercenary, and over the next few years he gained a reputation for excellence. Able to purchase another dog, a mostly-pure shepherd, he ensured that he would not be surprised in his sleep. But he didn't need a dog to sleep with him; by this time Alex had become quite a lady's man. His tastes had always run along the sophisticated, and no different here.

Now, in the year 28, with newly attained Nepleslian independence, Alex suspects that his job is going to get a lot more dangerous; will he be contracted to infiltrate the Yamatai Star Army?

Who can tell?


Communications: Alex, being what he is, understands how to read and write English. He is particularly deficient in the Japanese language, but he understands a passing amount. The use of average forms of communication comes easily, he also understands the operation of many military-grade radios.

Rogue: Simple locks and security systems stand no chance against Alex. Although he is easily halted by very high security, he uses fake keycards etc. to circumvent most lower-level security blocks. Honestly complex systems are too easily tripped, though, and he tends to stay away from them.

Knowledge: Many people credit him with a photographic memory. He is, to be completely frank, well versed in most aspects of information-gathering. Not to be confused with conventional information-gathering, this information normally tends to be of an elusive nature. To be even more vague, he knows the standard procedures of his career, and occasionally invents his own.

Fighting: A consummate kick boxer, while he is untrained in Japanese martial arts he can still pack quite a wallop, and knows where to hit where it hurts. Well-versed in marksmanship under tight conditions, his scores are always high, but he tends to trade the modern weaponry for what he believes is more sophisticated; hard-ammunition, sleekly styled handcrafted pieces.

Domestic: Always an admirer of a good K-9, the concept of a loyal companion fascinated Alex from an early age. Ironically, the arrogant cat never much appealed to him - how would one go about training a cat, anyway? Over the years, he has learned to train them and take care of them well. Furthermore, he is a connoisseur of alcohols and foodstuffs, particularly mushrooms, and often indulges himself expensively.

Leadership: A fast thinker and clever improviser, while he may not be best placed before a group of soldiers he knows what to do and how to do it well. This could *possibly* inspire excellence in his peers, and the benefits are obvious when planning an 'adventure.'

Technology Operation: Able to operate most computer systems, instead of relying on his own 'hacking' skills he mostly relies on the intelligence of his employers, who often provide him with the software to open the hardware. Although not a technology skill, the ability to lay his hands on this sort of equipment is commendable and the experience he has had with such things allows him to program simpler versions himself, possibly saving money.
Yes, this is 'Fox'.

I just changed my name and my Avatar! Whoever put the gun up there in the avatar bin has my thanks, as it is just what I was looking for.

So: Is this better than the last failed attempt at creating a character to fit the plot? I'd hope so - it doesn't have near as much sarcasm or OOC commentary, and runs generally along the lines of half-believable.

ALSO! Note on dogs - I should have asked about them earlier, but I didn't notice many people with dogs, or many dogs at all, so I simply assumed that they would be rare and therefore expensive. If it is impossible to acquire what we call a 'German Shepherd', I would like to be notified of a possible alturnative or genetic offspring.

I honestly hope you didn't wipe out dogs. o_O; -frets-