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Approved Character Alexander Reams

Hey, could you please choose an existing RP plot or go for open RP? We normally have the plot GM approve the characters.

Overall, the bio is a little sparse in the physical description and personality but seems generally okay. What year did he join the military (It's YE 35 now)?
Hey, could you please choose an existing RP plot or go for open RP? We normally have the plot GM approve the characters.
I wanted to join in with the 4th AASP.
Overall, the bio is a little sparse in the physical description and personality but seems generally okay. What year did he join the military (It's YE 35 now)?
I've updated it and filled it in a little more following your suggestions putting him at him enlisting during YE34.
@Sigma @ShotJon : Could one of you please look this over and approve it for the 4th AASP plot?
weird. the tag never alerted me. for future, i would suggest a PM a day or two afterwards if neither of us has responded. but yeah, no alerts.

Sorry about the delay.

No description of his ears. Even if its just normal ears, we'd like it stated.

Hope was not settled until YE 29. Same for the rest of the Nepleslian Colonial Expanse. Move his place of birth to one of the core worlds like Nepleslia or Rok'Veru.

Description of fighting skills is like one long run-on sentence that doesn't make sense. The others are all a bit bare-bones. Use the Marine Skills page to improve your 4 military related skills.

It's no problem, for what you've said i've gone through it and altered it in every place you brought up an issue. If there's any other place you would like me to improve just say and it will be done.
Reactions: Wes
I just want to say thank you @Potato-Chan for your patience.
If I wanted to be nit-picky, I'd say that something should be put in Distinguishing Features but that's not something to hold up this character.

It's ready for RP in 4th Fleet.

EDIT: Post in the 4th Fleet OOC when ur ready or PM me
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