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Alien Species Generator

Primitive Polygon

๐ŸŽ–๏ธ Game Master
I made a system that comes up with truely bizzare new alien species, and I thought it would be usefull for coming up with decent alien NPC enemies that were actually... well, alien.

Shall I plonk this on the Wiki, or is it a bit too dice-based and open-ended for Star Army? If you think it would flood the race list with one-off enemies, I can always create an extra page and tell people to keep their results there...


Need a new, original alien NPC race for a plot, pronto? You can use this list to randomly generate a new one with just a few minutes, one dice and a sheet of paper/word program to record your results.

No permission required to use the results, but sending your feedback to LavaLung would be nice... You can of course ignore some of the questions if you already had some specific ideas in mind, too. ;D

Part one- Overall Anatomy

1) Species type. Roll result-
1- Exoskellital (Including Insects, arachnids, or crustaceans)
2- Marine (Including fish or squid)
3- Scaled (Including lizards or amphibians)
4- Warm-blooded (Including mammals or birds)
5- Plant based (Mobile plants like sentient venus fly traps, walking mushrooms.)
6- Hybrid (Roll another two times and combine the results!)

2) Body structure. Roll result-
1- Long bodied (A body mostly based around the spine, like snakes, caterpillars, centipedes or worms)
2- Shell-backed (A large amount of natural armour, possibly segmented, Like turtles, pillbugs or armadillos)
3- Flat bodied (Like some fish or mites. Could also include bat-like beings.)
4- Insectoid (A separated thorax and abdomen, like most insects.)
5- Humanoid (A boxy torso, with a conjoined abdomen and all the limbs running directly to the corners.)
6- Rounded (A rounded body. Might have all of the limbs running from one side (like a squid or jellyfish), but not necessarily.)

3) Head type. Roll result-
1 to 2- No head. Sensory organs are based all over the body.
3 to 4- Basically a lump on the body, where two or three of the sensory organs are based in the same place.
5 to 6- A proper head with a neck, containing most of the bodies' sensory organs.

4) Limb types. Roll result-
1- No arms or legs. moves like a worm, snake or snail.
2- Legs but no arms- flexible mouthparts may make up it.
3 to 4- Legs with flexible feet, capable of being used like hands.
5 to 6- Both arms and legs.

5) Number of legs (Ignore this if it doesn't have any). Roll result-
1 to 5- Roll an extra dice, and time the result by two. The result is the number of legs.
6- An odd number of legs. Roll an extra dice, and time the result by two, then take away one. The final result is the number of legs (the creature is asymmetrical).

6) Number of arms (Ignore this if it doesn't have any). Roll result-
1- One arm, mounted underneath or as a tail.
2 to 5- Plenty of arms. Roll an extra dice, and time the result by two. The result is the number of arms.
6- An odd number of arms. Roll an extra dice, and time the result by two, then take away one (the creature is asymmetrical).

7) Creature size. Roll result-
1 to 2- Small, from 1 to 5 foot tall.
3 to 4- Vaguely human sized, from 5 to 8 ft tall.
5 to 6- Massive compared to humans, around 9 to 15 ft tall.

8) Wings?

1 to 4- No wings.
5- Wings instead of arms (None if it doesn't have any.)
6- Folding wings on the back, aswell as arms.

9) Tail?
1 to 3- No tail.
4 to 5- It has a tail.
6- Roll an extra dice- it has that many tails.

Part two- Seek, Eat, Procreate.

1) Vision organs.
1- It 'sees' by vibration, using antenna, horns or just it's arms and legs. (Alternatively, it could hear it's way around with large ears.)
2- It 'sees' by taste, using a long tongue or possibly a large nose.
3- It has clusters of a great many tiny eyes. Roll an extra dice for the number of clusters.
4 to 5- It has large, sensitive eyes, complete with eyelids. Roll an extra dice for the number of eyes.
6- It has extrasensory abilities like heat vision, electromagnetism or even psychic sensitivity.

(Note- yes, rolling anything other than 3 to 5 on this chart means the creature has no eyes.)

2) The mouth.
1- No jaw. Eats prey by swallowing them whole.
2 to 3- A fairly average mouth with teeth, and a single jaw.
4- A insectoid mouth with many jaw-like mandibles. Roll an extra dice for the exact amount (A roll of one is a beak).
5- Spider-esk fangs- punches into the prey, injects venom and then drinks them like soup.
6- Strange placement. Roll an extra dice (1-3 is on their hands, 4-5 is on their tail), then roll again on this table for type.

3) Diet.
1- Vegetarian.
2 to 3- Omnivore.
4 to 5- Carnivore.
6- Absorbs energy (Light, heat, electrical, radiation...)

4) Genders.
1 to 3- Can be either male or female.
4 to 5- Asexual.
6- Neither, grows by airborne spores.

Part three- Environment and Culture.

1) The climate they are used to living in.
1- Extremely hot, like inside a volcano.
2- Dry and arid, like in a desert.
3- Underground.
4- Hot and humid forests.
5- In swamps, or totally underwater.
6- On or underneath an Arctic tundra.

2) Social structure.
1- Pacifists, who treat each other as equals and try not to disturb the nature around them.
2- True communists, who aren't necessarily violent and at least try to treat each other equally.
3- Patriotic capitalists, who have a monetary system and a military, determined to build a better future for their race.
4- Corrupt capitalists, who lie to their own people to stay in power and generally have large militaries.
5- Monarchists, who have some kind of 'noble' kingship in place, and a big army so that it doesn't get overthrown.
6- A dictatorship or anarchists, controlled by a single person with an iron fist, that are so powerful they don't even have to lie about what they are doing.

3) Technology specialisation.
1 to 2- The race has access to advanced metallurgy, and uses a great deal of tanks, hydraulics and solid firearms in their armies.
3 to 4- The race concentrates on energy manipulation, able to use plasma, radiation and electro-magnetic weapons to great effect.
5 to 6- The race has a long background with genetic engineering, using artificial muscles and clones to wage war.


Example of a generated race-

Mammal Plant hybrid
Insectoid body
A proper head with a neck
Legs with flexible feet, capable of being used like hands
Eight legs
Small, from 1 to 5 foot tall
No wings
It has a tail
It 'sees' by taste
A fairly average mouth with teeth
In swamps, or totally underwater
Corrupt capitalists
advanced metallurgy)

...which could be shoehorned into...

"The Zhll, with strange, furry, three-piece segmented bodies somewhere inbetween a giant furry ant and a vegetable, are a small but tough species that has a fondness for ballistic firearms- and despite their size, eight multi-use limbs means they can actually pack a lot of firepower at any one time. The freaky, mushroom-like head splits down the middle to show a mouth full of teeth, aswell as a long tongue that is used to 'taste' it's way around the swamps that it inhabits. It has a great taste for meat, and is asexual so it can produce very quickly, making it a pest not to be underestimated. What government they do have is controlled from behind the scenes, tricking the easily fooled masses into doing whatever the group leaders seem necessary to keep themselves on top."

*stares dumbfounded at some of the results*

Tis true I'm more of a technical person, but some of that doesn't make any biological sense. Mammal/Plant hybrid!? Neither are in the same kingdom let alone genetically compatible naturally....you'd have to screw with nature.....

Enough ranting though. When it comes to being random, this generator seems to be random enough. But honestly, randomly generated species need at least a bit of common sense/logic to go with it.
I must say I rather like this. While I don't think it should be used to actually construct a full new race, if a GM needs something to dump on a planet they're exploring, this could be highly useful.
I like it. Is it a web page or a program or what?
I guess I could try to construct a javascript version that figures it out for you, but it wouldn't work on the wiki anyway, so what you are seeing above is what will probally go there if it does get posted on Star Army...

And yeah, you do have to 'shoehorn' some of the results, but a plant with hair and muscles is probally the closest you would get to a mammal in space anyway!

I guess I was just sick of seeing Star Trek-esk funny shaped people as aliens all the time.
Awesome, that would be really helpful.

But like you said, it really depends on the interest level, because the wiki doesn't support most Java code to my knowlage, so it would have to be added as a html page on the main server...

of course, it could just be done on an alternate site completely, but that would defeat the purpose of it being affiliated with Star Army, right?...
This sounds nice. If this could become a program, that'd be so much better. I could invent the pirates in the pirate cove north of the Azorean homeworld! lol
Toshiro or I could turn it into a Program using VB.Net. It seems simple enough, just little randomised numbers, each brings up a string.
Done. I just had to make things complicated and write the program in a language I've never used before on an IDE I'd never used before. Some of the options are switched around a bit, mostly to avoid some of the weird things that could happen (for example, it will no longer say that things have mouths on their tails if they don't have tails.) Anyway. My first Java app, so be gentle. I'll try tacking on a GUI in a few weeks, once I know how. Or, if somebody knows how to do that sorta thing, I can send 'em the source code. Such is the life of a back-end programmer.

Here it is.

You need to have Java installed to run it. Just open up your console, go to the directory it's in, and type "java -jar sc.jar". Each execution makes a single species.

( For anybody who knows Java--Being a C++ programmer, I spent 3/4 of the my time figuring out that I needed to use wrapper classes to do proper pass-by-reference on booleans. Yep. )
Awesome thank you for making this application! <3

I guess it's safe to call this one approved. =)
Hm... I can't get Java to run it. x_x Does it work for anyone else or is it just me?
It doesn't even run it. Nothing seems to happen. >.>;; Perhaps I have the incorrect Java? I have Java(TM) Platform SE Binary. Is that what I should open it with?
That's what I have, so you're fine there. It sounds like you're right-clicking and running it from the Open With menu. Like I said, open up your console (on Windows: go to Start->Run and type "cmd"), go to the directory it's in, and type "java -jar sc.jar". Cumbersome, I know. If it's not running with that, though, we have a problem.

I may make a C++ version, because that you could just double-click... but Java's more portable, so that's what I went for first.

Also, if Rapidshare is causing problems, I can stick it elsewhere if somebody has an FTP server or something... it was just the first place that occured to me.
Ah, I understand where I went wrong. Thanks for your help, Kel. Good luck with the C++ version, but I wouldn't know how to create nor where a good place to have it downloaded would be.

Edit: Yes, it works fine. If you have that option, I think that you can go to Start -> Programs/All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. The 'cmd' is the command propt, so whichever way you think is easier is fine. ^_^
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