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All-In-One Industrial Strength Maid Service!

Primitive Polygon

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 46

Need a fast and efficient cleaning service, that can work on planetary AND space habitation?

Tired of paying for both a dutiful house servant AND an experienced, handy mechanic?

Does your party, wedding or funeral require a literally tireless crew of waiter-bots, to serve pristine cuisine and nourishing refreshments?

Did you forget to delete your internet history at work, and need the entire server to mysteriously delete itself, like, yesterday?

Does your domicile have mishu parasite problems that require exterminating so hard, nothing will grow back on the bacterial level for ten thousand years?

It sounds like you need ~*#Iodine's industrial Strength Maid Service!#*~

Rates start at just 10 KS / 20 DA per hour!* +50% for extreme heat or pressure environments, such as gas giant atmosphere or in proximity to a black hole.

Comes with one darling cyborg, her own equipment, and thirty six junker robot helpers, no extra charge!

Enquire today and experience truly unparalleled domestic bliss!~~~
OOC Notes
If you pay her, she will turn up in thread. >:3
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