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Approved Character Altair Khorvash

1) His species is not Iroma, he's an Iromakuanhe
2) "Altair Khorvash was born in 16 AR/ 21 YE" He wasn't born in 16 AR he is 16 AR. The current year is 941. He would be born in 925 AR.
3) At his current rank he would not be a frame runner.
4) "While not a top notch hand to hand combatant, he has trained and is not helpless in hand to hand." I want to know why he's not very good at this or just have him be as good as he should be.
5) Typically there are seven skill areas.
6) There are a wealth of possible sports he could have been interested in and you don't have to limit yourself to him only making a hand glider.
7) It would be great if you could link to Eyr Ranr, Astral Vanguard, his rank, etc. I want someone that has no idea what an Iromakuanhe is to be able to look at your profile and have all of the tools to be able to know. It's not required, and I can help you if you don't know how.
8) It would also be great if you could add height/ weight in feet/ cm and lbs/ kg to the top box. Not required, but very helpful.
This one is the first that can be a frame runner. Write the history of him being in the Vanguard for a short time while working up to this rank.
I'd like to make some changes such as adding links throughout the article, putting the placement of things in the right order (height and weight go above current placement in the chart and social connections go below skills learned), some minor spelling errors (exciting not exiting), adding kg/ cm, starting funds & salary. If you would like to make these changes, go ahead. I am saying I would like to make them before doing them as I want to give you the chance to do them and also ask your permission before doing them myself.

Frame runners need to have leadership as a skill, you worded it as teamwork, instead, with the correct content for leadership. Just change it to leadership.

I ordered chibis today for the wing and yours was in there!
Those changes would be much appreciated! I'm fine with you doing them. Thanks for ordering a chibi for me!
Check OOC thread for that. Get back to me on which one you want and the name you want it to have.

Skype me with any more questions and about your VANDR choices or else just pm me. You should still have my contact info, but I'm Ametheliana on there, as well.
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