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Alternative names for current human languages


Well-Known Member

SUBLIMEinal said:
"Do they speak Nepleslian in What?"

Zakalwe said:
I'd like to know what the reasoning is behind renaming Seraphim Elysian actually. I kinda of like the term 'Seraphim'.

Renaming English - Trade and Japanese - Yamataian is a good idea as far as I'm concerned.

SUBLIMEinal said:
Zakalwe does have a valid point. Seraphim is already a fake language, and most Elysian PCs just use English anyway, so I'm not sure if it requires renaming.

Zakalwe said:
Well I'd always assume, if not explicitly said otherwise, that a Elysian speaks Seraphim when with other Elysians. It's an element of national pride. Like Welsh but containing more Win.

Doshii Jun said:
... I'm an idiot because I thought Seraphim was an actual kind of language. I fail.

Gamerofthegame said:
Indeed you do. Don't cut yourself.

Anyway, this is one of those things that really isn't required, but its a nice bit of fluff. I approve of it, although the two would still be pretty much interchangeable.

Gamerofthegame said:
That works, too.

Of course there also will probably be different dialects of the same language... Well, there would be if we didn't mind it becoming pretty complicated in the long run.

Yangfan said:
No objections to retaining the name Seraphim. I tacked on that line about replacing it with Elysian at the last moment... for symmetry.

Zakalwe said:
Your attempt to give Elysians media attention is noted and appreciated. Especially since I've high-jacked this thread.

Anywho - I agree.

English - Trader. Despite losing the one connection to my glorious country.

Abwehran Commander said:
Well...Abwehran is already this universe's German.

So I've made my peace now.

Zakalwe said:
Shh, we want to keep that an obvious secret. *smile*

Toshiro said:
The Freespacers, being removed from the Nep pool, likely speak the Queen's English, and Pirates are likely Aussie-like in speech. >.>

Zakalwe said:
If the Freespacers are English I may break down and cry.

Well, if they speak Queen's English.

In think they should all speak like John Lennon. I think Sekiko will agree with me.

Aendri said:
Wow Shocked . That is quite a lot. However, I don't think dialectical differences would be a problem. It's like a jersey boy talking to a southern hick. Same language, different ways of saying things, but they can manage.

Zephyrite said:
I really like this idea, but especially the English=Trade. It not only clears up things, but also adds to the site's win levels.
Yangfan said:
Okay, I removed the line about the Elysians.

What do people prefer? Yamataian or Yamago? Nepleslian or Neplese?

Doshii Jun said:
The grammar particles for "Yamataian" language shouldn't confuse it with the Yamataian species. But "Yamatai-go" would be kinda cool.

Nepleslian sounds better than Neplese.

Any other comments?

If/when this is approved, I'll try to find the time to wiki-ify it. My NPCs will start using the new terms, and I hope others will follow. Participation is not required, though. I don't have the energy to hunt anyone down for non-compliance.
Nepleslian is the common language - Yamataian language is found more among the higher-class or more traditional Yamataian peoples.

This works fine.
Sounds like we have a good census from the community. So from here on out, we have to try to implement the change in our posts and try to correct things where feasible. =)

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