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RP (non-canon) American Wasteland A.E

Guard Dog

Inactive Member
Meanwhile far above the wasteland, beyond the clouds, even the stars themselves. Humanity had long forgotten about those they left behind to die in that hell, yet from the ashes of corruption and death like a resilient beast man would rise again to battle over the foibles of yet another struggle even if the face of inevitable destruction. The shattered pieces of what life remained clung on. To everything; even the ignorance that destroyed us. Machines of death that only those who could garner knowledge would ever understand. These individuals became crusaders and mercenary alike in a war over the rubble of blood laced soil. Killing one another even as the species drew for all it knew to be It's last breath.

Love & Die

"Remember 1970"
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Reactions: Wes
2593 - the black trench, what used to be the Hudson river.

Walking past a giant piece of metallic wreckage from at least a century before in the dark valley that stood between me and the ruins of manhattan, I had decidedly taken a seat and relaxed just next to it for a few moments, catching a breath.

"I too now feel broken in my own way, it is for this reason I have traveled all this distance in search of the raven, that she might hear my plea and accept my assistance in any manner she deems worthy." This feeling boiling over inside of me and foaming to the surface, it just had to go somewhere. As I sat next to the hulking piece of metal thinking back on the events of that day I reached down and pulled a canteen from my side filled with broth that by It's very nature appeared to smell stale. I took a long sip of it...

...When I was a young boy I remember the first time I got lost in the woods, looking back on it now I realize exactly how foolish it all was, how selfish. For some reason, the way that my sister seemed to have so much hope for humanity, for the future; filled me with rage. I could no longer endure the exchange I was having with her, my thought grew laced with anger and I felt my heart burst with fire as words rumbled from my depths, barely fifteen dressed in dirtied clothes, standing in a dark concrete room with a dim burning pile of grey sticks and rubber accumulated in the center.

"Our outlook shapes reality" Vespa had spoken.

I glared at her in fury. "What kind of bullshit is that anyway, nothing I perceive with my senses changed the cold hard truth. That we're going to fucking die out here in this filth; that this whole world is sick.... The sooner you accept that the better"

She seemed only partly upset about the outburst, far more concerned when I had turned about and tread quickly towards the exit, her slender arm reaching to try and grasp the back of my legs but I then quickly evaded my older sister and decidedly sprinted off in rage, like an idiot... I understand now why perhaps it was that I had stepped away from her; because the root of all my anger, all my misguided nihilism. Was not actually the destroyed world around us, or what little remained of it, but instead the true sickness within myself. This dissonance... This sorrow, this hate, this darkness. Whatever it is that grips my soul, whatever name you might offer that which would shape the color of my world. Any chance I had at peace, at being contented died with our parents, when I watched my father get shot to death and ran away like a sniveling coward as our home; our community was descended upon by those malevolent raiders.

That in itself was to glorious a name for them, lazy broken vultures... Beginning to run past numerous trees

"Why do you always take the hard road Vincent?!"

God damn you, I thought, this is why I can't fucking look at you!

Why do you assume I see two roads?!
I can feel this incompleteness, the sensation which strangled my thoughts daily with recanted memories.
By what axiom of wisdom and knowledge do you think to retain such insight of that which compels my heart.
That you would judge me.
That you would mock me, with your gaze.

To allow hope to die, to extinguish the fire of such passion. I would rather embrace darkness for myself in the name of cowardice than drown in this quagmire of senses which deliver to me a truth far more bleak than that which you've chosen to accept. An elusive rarity in optimism...

Why is it that your love.. Your light, disgusts me while I feel this shame, this rage.

Don't look at me...
December 7th 2192 in the megalopolis that was New York city a young man sat in central park wearing his fathers wool trench coat, it was winter, all around him snow was neatly coated against the ground but unlike generations before the city didn't retain any hint of celebratory adornment or decor to fit the season which had usually been celebrated. Even with society rapidly changing and updating to smaller impact means of sustaining the current infrastructure the damage to the planet had been done and all around humanity was being punished for having expanded society with a key role in determining the future left to reprobates; gaia was angry.

Around the streets paper leaflets regarding martial law and a state of emergency told much of the story where the grossly mutated animal life on the shores of the waters failed to explain in brief images to grace main stream media; acknowledgement to both the challenge we faced and the sins of our fathers. And yet.... As the young man sat with a leg neatly crossed staring down at the computer pad within his reddening hands. His mind was filled with turmoil of another variety; it seemed uncanny.

But the young man was far more caught up with the fact that he and his girlfriend of several years were going through a rough patch, it seemed like the toll of what was happening all around them was starting to prove to much when coupled with Jacks desire to proceed in his petty deals by contrast to a legitimate slice of work in servitude. But what was the "real" american dream anyway.

Ever since that argument they had all he could seem to think about was his beautiful mutt of a german chocolate marine brat; she was busy at a university while Jack had been dealing dope in a time of high demand, something she wasn't unaware of but hadn't been endorsed the last year, her requests for him to stop went ignored. And just like she moved on as an intellectual as well as a woman...

"Please my baby don't you fret
There's no need to break a sweat
I only fear a foreign threat

On our love you need not doubt
Even when we scream and shout
Oh my dear now don't you pout

I swear I do not wish to bout
Nothing left unspoken to spout
Yet there remains desire to route?
But that would be a horrid clout

No my love stand with me strong
Even when I smoke my bong
With you I can't do wrong
Perhaps nibble upon thong"

Reading over what had been written once he chuckled to himself, leaning back in the bench he sat in as specs of snow began to weightlessly fall through the air silently all around him, almost completely silent anyway. As he sat there in the moments after sending the message he fell into a kind of trance of sorts, just listening closely. There were no cars on the road in New York anymore and barely anyone outside so it was easy to listen to the small barely audible wet crackles as it settles into the ground with the other massive piles of the substance, the earth was getting colder. But they knew that... They knew that since a few years back thought the young Jack, when they started putting everything into New Eden instead of fixing what was broken; if that was even possible it no longer mattered. Suddenly a thunderous roar could be heard as a deep male voice resonates through the core of New York, nobody really seeming to stop and listen but it sure snapped the young man out of his trance.

"Citizens, the FDA in combination with the FNS have administered 'new' food contamination protocol, find your LRC USC description to this item due to be updated in seven months time. Changes are effective immediately"

Jack wondered if his father would be home upon his return, they lived alone together in an apartment high above the desolation that was these streets but it was on the back of his fathers life of labor that they got to enjoy that much, the young man however preferences the short road to his triumph choosing to take short cut where applicable. While walking away from the bench and tucking the pad under his elbow he thought on the current situation, and the fact that his counties military was brazenly preparing to lash out at the other side of the world in the name of defense when it was anything but, that was part of their version of victory wasn't it; using rhetoric to weave a truth. Rallying others about their bloody republic and letting a false democracy glide between their digits.

"Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just" as he waved his right arm about lazily in a flourish before pocketing the hand in his fathers coat.

An armored column of LAV-40 roll through the center of the city followed by a trail of para military police officers in riot gear looking like a bunch of damn robots, carried automatic shotguns that could spew enough rubber bullets to pepper the first wave of a hypothetical crowds eyes out before they could turn a shoulder half way around in an agonizing flinch.

Jack knew to get home soon the curfew was going to come into effect. Even as defiant as the young man was he realized it was far preferable to the alternative.

Such was life in the free world. For those who were privileged enough to worry about these matters.
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December 12th 2192​

Rays of light appeared to rise from the corner of my vision as I stare curiously into space reality foaming to the surface of my mind, a state of consciousness unfortunately gracing me, fighting the sensation of awakening a moment longer only before thought starts to become more coherent, becoming aware of myself and my breathing all at once as I rested still against the side of the road; horror abruptly filling my mind as I remembered the accident. Trying to lurch forward and rise up off the ground but finding a sharp pain surge through my frame; like something ajar against my chest keeping me from breathing right, it felt sharp and painful with each desperate breath, probably a rib.

The tiny particles of gravel and sand were all that I could hear as I writhed across the ground apart from the distant sputter of an engine, a slick warmth pooling under my legs, looking down with a bolt of agony while becoming aware of my knee split open across the ground, small rocks over and under the flap of which which remained torn off nearly down to the bone. Crimson trailing off the limb in numerous separating streams of blood as I nearly lost consciousness again, nausea gripping me as a violent groan escapes unconsciously in shock. For a moment I wasn't able to feel the full depth of the injury on this cold snow coated street, yet as the pain started to grow more intense I wished that I had been able to stay knocked out.

I could hear foot steps start to approach from the near distance; thinking to myself as I remained still, probably made a good target with all this blood by the contrast of the sea of ivory up against the curb. Oh god this really fucking hurts... Oh just don't look down at your knee Jack. Just don't look... Fuck am I even going to be able to walk on this shit anymore. As if this shit didn't fucking suck already... I can't feel my lower leg, I... Can hear sirens now.
December 16th​

Remaining in the hospital bed I sat propped against the back of it with a dry sort of blank stare; no longer prevalent of much interest or curiosity. Beside him was his ex girlfriend who had arrived to speak to him for the second time now; their previous exchange had not been terribly favorable either and the air now lingered with tension, Jack seemed disinterested at that time, not even looking over towards her. She too was silent for some time before a hint of anger appeared to wash over her face. Tes spoke to him in a shrill tone with some prevalent fury, it was amusing how beautiful a woman filled with fury could be.

"I'm one of the only people who will look out for you, why do you do this; why have you turned so self destructive?"

Jack replied with the same course tone he spoke with the other day. "I don't know, I just don't care I suppose"

"That's probably bullshit.."

"Look babe I changed my mind okay just... Go"

Her eyes flared with rage and she stood up abruptly, beginning to scream now the rest of the floor became suddenly quiet and some female nurses even gazed into the room from the hallway. She began the rant with complete and utter fury; absolutely filled with pure rage but as she persisted and her boyfriends eyes began to grow slightly glossy she eased up towards the end and her voice broke into an almost nurturing emotional form of berating.

"YOU'RE A sarcastic, narcissistic, abusive, snobby, worthless, overconfident, arrogant, disparaging, patronizing, wonderful, imaginative, tender hearted dick. Who doesn't know how to live and doesn't know how to die! Don't ever fucking talk to me again Jack"

When she turned to stride out of the hospital room on her own volition instantaneously afterwards a lone tone coursed down one of Jacks cheeks.

He wondered if all people are at war with themselves, Jack reached over and grasped the pill bottle off the counter next to him; we are all each to blame for our own personal decisions thought the young man. Working the top open to the bottle he took just a few of the pills and then rested back on the bed without closing it, the pill bottle falling down into the blanket which rested over him.

"The drugs they offered me gave no solace I turned into an even larger unpredictable dick who shifted from happy to sad in point zero seconds and acted emotional, irrational. I tried another drug.. It didn't help, and then... I couldn't sleep.... For days at a time. It was hard to exist with it and hard to exist without it; I seem to remember the drugs I played with and passed along on the side to be much more fun. But the 'bottle' it is"
In the middle of the efforts to disarm the Iranian threat a young soldier barely twenty one sprints up along the side of a stone wall, reaching the end of it he crouches and peeks quickly in a blur of motion around the corner a couple times before backing off and then using displacement, peeking above the cover just once just in case their was anyone in anticipation trying to shoot him. Thanks to the taller building behind him peeking up in that manner wouldn't offer a sky lining or silhouette effect that could only make it easier for the enemy to spot you. Yet as he leaned back down the soldiers boot knocked against something beside him in the dirt, something metallic, the support gunner and the second assault rifleman started walking up behind their squad leader while the grenader took his time looking around them in all directions, a marine in the distance over the radio on a nearby water tank with an anti material rifle called over the radio just seconds before. "Contact, engaging" In the distance a wall was impacted with several anti material rounds next to a window and shrapnel audibly rippled through the structure, but at that same time too the explosive in the dirt rigged next to the squad leader exploded, the composite armor shattered and depressed into his sternum, the kinetic energy of the blast bleeding through the plate that was intended to protect him and crushed his sternum so much that it hit his heart; it stopped beating. He remained literally dead across the ground with one leg completely shattered into splintered remnants of the limb, the other was severely bloody. The support gunner and rifleman recoiling from the dust kicked up by the shock ran over and started screamingly wildly over the radio about their fallen team leader, the sniper covering them as they desperately attempted to resuscitate him. One tending to the leg while the other attempted to start his heart again.

"Don't you fucking die Bradley... Don't you fucking die, Brad listen to me man, you awake brother can you hear me? Brad just stay with me man. Come on Brad.... BRAD... BRAD!!!!"

Recovering after nearly ten minutes of death upon revival he suffered from seizure, after seizure, after seizure... Honorably he was discharged from his position as squad leader of his marines. Honorably, he was sent home and barely taken care of by his government. Honorably he was abandoned by all but his senior officer who took money from his own pocket, to buy an adequate medication; knowing that he would remain in this purgatory of suffering till his death. Willing to give the trite amount of money for his own brother in arms, the money those above him refuse to for the sake of convenience; for that of greed.
For in this world there are many kinds of men... Even if at heart we are all very much inherently the same person; there are degrees that separate us and individuality among the flock.

He only returned to New York to live another few months before his death, suffering from the same seizures albeit much less thanks to his officer and the expensive medication. He said that he would have rather stayed dead back there; that he would have been at peace with it without this hell afterwards, to stare at the diablo and slowly wither while you accept the gravity of your actions.

We were right weren't we?

Popping one of the pills into his mouth jack turned about with one hand resting neatly on the side of the wall, sliding down into the nearby seat he glances at his coffee table and quickly moved his digits to pluck a small square piece of paper from a tiny plastic bag neatly resting next to a glasses case. placing this carefully into his mouth much like those Christians might accept the dumb crackers; only this time it might actually provide a spiritual experience. Settling down in his couch Jack fell over partly and closed his eyes. It wouldn't grace him for a long time, and before hand he just relaxed and calmed himself down. He tried not to think about his leg, he tried not to think about his home, he tries not to think about his love, instead he sits intently in near perfect darkness beside the edge of the table and accepts ignorance.

For a while his mind trailed off to other things all together, memories of a life before this time.

The sound of rain foaming to the surface of his mind as consciousness trailed across a memory in anticipation of the drug to work in a few hours.

" Bradley was many things to many different people, a son, a soldier, a brother, a friend, a lover. When I first met him I instantly thought of him as my friend and kin; he was just that kind of fun outgoing guy, very blunt and filled with a great sense of humor. There was something I saw and could relate to under the composure he retained nearly every moment we had; a kind of pain under the surface. And it wasn't constantly visible or notable, we had very much fun together but I could see that something was hurting him. One day I asked why it was that he felt so upset and he started to tell me about what it was for him to be a Marine; what it was to feel that duty and accomplishment. To serve the United States among an elite group of soldiers. And how it felt when he could no longer do so due to a physical disability received during combat. He wasn't some fake warrior who hid behind key strokes and the foibles of this made up world; Brad was as real as any warrior can get. Over time I started to look up at him more like an older brother, I admired him and respected his mentality; his brazen attitude and bravery. He said that he would have done anything to just go back and join the Marines again. This is a man who literally had already died in service to his country and he was upset that he couldn't go back for more. I regret now, not having told him what a brother he was to me in these words; but a part of me now hopes that he knew all along as we shared those conversations and experiences. I couldn't of asked for a better friend or older brother than Brad; and I salute everything he was. Not as a soldier but as a man who had qualities that would far outweigh my own. He always seemed to have an upbeat attitude even with his consistent seizures, he always made me smile even if he knew death could have taken him at any moment. He was a fearless and loyal man, to the very end. And I can say now what I wasn't brave enough to say while he was still alive. I loved Bradley... And like he would've given up anything to fight for our flag again I would give anything just to share these words with him as a farewell on his way from this world to the next. They're all I have in place of a friend I cherished and will miss dearly. I'm grateful to have had the chance to be there for him, and would be content with my life; if I could be only half the man he was.

Goodbye Brad, I'll miss you bro.."

a hand reached out and grasped my shoulder and I turned to see the glossy eyes of Emily next to me, almost instantaneously I averted my gaze as a surge of sorrow gripped my soul; I could feel my eyes burn and my stomach grow tight. It wasn't anything like our childhood friendship, it wasn't anything like those stupid movies... If you could watch a man who was so well aware of what he died for suffering like that, if you could accept the fact that they wouldn't give him the medication that could have stopped the seizures; then go fuck yourself. No.. He didn't suffer for nothing; he didn't die for nothing damn it. This wasn't in vain I know it wasn't in vain there was a purpose there was a cause we're right aren't we?... Aren't we.... This wasn't just for garnering palpable value, we aren't just sucking off Israel, or assisting the Saudi... There was some moral ground to stand upon right... They didn't die for nothing we didn't kill them all for nothing it wasn't just for the sake of this shit it wasn't for greed or corruption.. We're in the right aren't we?.... Aren't we....

AREN'T WE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my shoulders started to shake and I turned to quickly walk away from the comforting grasp of her warm palm, something changed at that instant, the world fell from around me and I realized as I turned my head that I was seated back at home, in the apartment; what was happening to me anymore. I looked off into the darkness and the shadows appeared to squirm across the wall as colors shifted in waves of spirals and shifting, rolling, tides of abyssal shade. I suddenly became aware of my breathing and a soft smile graced my face as I rested back and looked now at the ceiling, it was filled with the sea of that umbra... Behind it I could see myself standing on an island of garbage out at sea, I wrestled with the plastic trying to get out but found my counterpart on the ceiling stuck; he reached over to palm a handful of the water from the ocean yet as it rises to his lips his reflection in the water decays away to nothing. Upon taking a sip my younger self spit it out abruptly, the water seemed toxic; my.. No. his facial reaction seeming to show the level of disgust at the flavor of the expanse of water rising up between the weaves of plastic to constrict and evolve each moment, changing on the edge of my vision. As I managed to open my eyes I realized I was no longer staring at the ceiling, not sure if I had at all...

No one color appeared to want to remain the same, where I was once confident that surfaces could entail a consistent visual representation of their hue, I now suspected that the world around me has been soaked in rainbow juice; or at least my brain stem has to the point where that impression is provided. For some reason each time I looked over at the plant in the corner of the room a fractal rises through my mind and consumes my prevalent thought, the outlines of changing shapes magnifying in on themselves rippling across my perception before I forced myself up from the couch and tentatively walked to the end of the room, turning the lights on as the shadows stopped playing with me. Dragging a backpack from the corner of the room now I decided to leave the apartment with a horrific limp. Limping all the way through the hallway I reached the stair way and spitefully fought through the pain of using my limb all the way to the top, opening the door and walking out onto the top of the sky scraper as the wind beat against my face.

Stepping to the end of the roof where I has spent quite a few nights with my girl just talking; I decided to open the backpack with an audible zip and pulled a couple roman candle free. Holding them both in a single hand, I pulled a lighter out of my pajama pocket and despite tripping, decidedly lit both of the roman candles at the same time before taking one in each hand and standing on the ledge, the fuses hissing into the air before the fireworks started popping off and I stood there and looked down over it. Every time one of the roman candles spit one of the balls down the hundreds of feet to the ground it appeared to be more than the color it remained, constantly changing along with the glow against the buildings as they fall towards the ground just like I nearly did.


The smell of it's oxidizing agent lingering in the air as I wobbled back and forth across the ledge, smoke trailing up all around me, my bad leg gave out and I fell backwards against the roof with a smile and a resonant thud while looking up towards the stars, open air mixed with a smell that reminded me of moments at the range; especially the ones he shared with his friend.

Goodbye my brother, I know your squad over there probably needed you more but your squad here missed you too man... Rest in peace.

I had chosen not to follow him into that battlefield because of how easy it was to measure bags.... How selfish of me, how child like, how cowardly. Had I done it would it be me in that grave, or... would I have saved him maybe? That's just being idealistic, perhaps all that would have happened is that I would been the one to watch him die the first time; as if the second time wasn't enough... I remember when he came back from his first tour, before he was squad leader. How he saved my life from those kings....


Walking past what appeared to me a small gathering on a stoop Jack paused and Brad did as well simply because, they were walking down the street a ways after the end of a party, with a slurred tongue Jack asked the men.

"Hey are you guys italian?...."

All three of them at once stood up and Brad appeared to instantly get a bit unnerved

"What the fuck did you just say gringo?"

Jack instantly got punched across the jaw by one as they lurched forward and attempted to jump him, a few kicks landing in his ribs before Bradley reached out and grasped one of the attackers by his nuts; lazily wrenching him off in a blur of motion before punching the second man square into the throat, his frame twisting sideways after the first two backed off just slightly in those two to three seconds, elbowing the third man in the face as blood spurt from his nostrils, Brad reached down grabbed jack by the shirt and started jogging back as he dragged him up to his feet. Behind them one of the men was getting their phone while the other one caressed his own balls in pain.

"Jack... There is about a hundred more, we have to go now or they're going to fucking kill you!"

Jack appeared confused as shit that whole time but did as his friend asked and ran with him to their destination as behind them other doors started opening and people walked out as if it was going to be a mob.

Jack stuck his tongue out like a drunk asshole shouting back "FREEEEEEDDDDOM"

Brad fought the urge to punch his friend in the midst of making good on their escape.


Back on the roof of the apartment building in New York, Jack remained laying on the roof as he now hallucinated a man crouching above him speaking in a course tone of voice with crimson red hues.

"Tell me brother, do you really think this is going anywhere? I mean, really"

"What's that?..."
"The jungle gym we live in"
"There's nothing wrong in trying"
"Even if you live with demons"
"We all have our own..."
"Even if this seems pointless"
"...I know that already It's just..."
"You should just die"
"Then use your freedom for death"
"I don't think I want to"
"Are you a coward?"
"It isn't that I fear death"
"What do you fear"
"I fear not being me"
"Who are you"
"I'm not a killer..."
"Kill all those who have taken it from us"
"I don't understand..."
"You can see as well as I can that they swallowed what we are as well as the truth"
"This land has been used and bastardized, it's the death of our fathers
"And... our freedom"

"The legacy that we were meant to carry after the death of our European ancestors, the true torch is lost"
"Our children confused as to the inherent meaning of their words and juxtapositions"
"It was once so free that upon the death of our past the corruption only grew with the individuals"
"Our enemies can no longer effectively counter how well our method of corruption works"
"People never fail to be themselves... And so the seed of chaos was sown yet again"
"The six nations have now finally fallen, the area around our true core is primed for the taking"
"Now it is time for the borders to fall; now it is time for their death and with it truth"

"Why would anyone try and unite the world violently, killing people vicariously?"

"You child, we nurtured your differences in the first place just so you might lash out violently in protection of all that is closest to you, you're all puppets and sheep, every single one of you. Lamb for the slaughter, especially between any measure of time you spend soaking up the rhetoric that is now called politics. Humans don't deserve to survive in these numbers regardless. Kill them; kill and die. You're a disease, an ameba that grew out of proportion, rebel child, if you wish to throw away all that is, you need only aim here. And here....."

The hand of the creature pointed first towards it's head before this moving silhouette gestured towards it's chest.

"I just want to listen to music, why are you in my head?"
Back on the roof top within the realms of what was actually happening Jack sat slumped over muttering numbers over and over again almost religiously in a low murmur while Emily in a worried bout of concern crouched over him trying to snap the wounded young man out of his trance. Snapping her fingers, slapping him gently, nearly ready to call emergency services before the end of it when he seemed to finally snap out of it. Realizing where he was all of a sudden voices lingered in the back of his mind but now all he could hear was numbers in place of words where they had sounded like voices moments before. He could now hear the woman making dull inquiry perfectly fine amidst a background of what sounded like his own voice in the back of his head recanting thoughts in the form of blank numerical gibberish. Jack was starting to get a headache and he then all at once passed out against the ground in the midst of her questions , Emily rises briskly and begins to raise a phone to her ear.

"I don't think it works as well on him for some reason"

A male voice on the other end of the phone speaking forth in an emotionless manner
"We need to figure out why, continue..."

Emily spoke yet again briskly "We never held a field like this around someone for longer than a few days before the desired results though; we don't know what it might do"

"And did their fate ever matter after it proved effective Katia? Proceed till he picks up the weapon at least"

"...Consider it done"

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Waking up the next morning all I could feel was my head pounding, opening my eyes the rays of morning light to scatter through the window only served to irritate me, I found myself turning over and burying myself once again into the pillow in silent hope that I might fall asleep once more. Though I wasn't so fortunate, in a deliberately sluggish manner I dragged myself up out of bed and limped over towards the kitchen, smiling as I got there my once wild and surprisingly large bengal cat greeted me by repeatedly ramming the top of his head into me between rubbing his cheek and shoulder against my leg. Finally taking a seat I found myself unconsciously giving the cat a pat on the head as I tried to remember the moment I fell asleep. I was supposed to be awake that whole night wasn't I... Or maybe, could that have been the night before? Surely not. How long was I sleeping?

The meow of the small creature next to me dragged me from that line of thought as I struggled through the routine of offering it some trademark horrible brand of cat food, for a moment as I watched the small creature I wondered if it realized exactly how shitty the food was; if he did would he even care? Probably not right; what's it like to be a cat. It's doubtless more easy than being a human right; surely.. They look relaxed all the time, and cats can tell if another cat doesn't like it through smell alone, although..

Peering down at the creature it stared back up at me in between brushing his cheeks against my hand now, cats retained scent glads about their face that marked things theirs. It was not only a sign of affection when feline did such thing it was also in effect claiming you. Amusingly enough where dogs were always well aware of the order of things and served intently regardless, the feline would assure itself that you were the one serving it. Perhaps that was the truth...

Maximilian never did really get along with other cats, I wonder if that's because I raised him next to the dogs for to long; he was so out of line; so very wild and unpredictable that he had to be kept away from others for a good long while, I don't even want to think about what happened to that poor veterinarian who tried to put the fluids back in his body, in doing so she lost quite a bit of her own in blood across the room. What a wild thing, surprised we kept him at all.

Moving my thumb across the cats left cheek I felt across the scar where another cat had scratched him horribly, recalling having to treat the stitch worthy wound and ensure it didn't get infected, though it did leave a notable scar. He was quite a bit older now though he never was quite the same animal since rain died, I don't know why he got along so well with that dog... But I imagine It's the reason he pays attention to physical cue far to much, can't socialize with cats anymore sadly; doesn't smell what they're feeling before approaching and consequently is mauled in the face.

Max sat purring by my side while I propped my head on my other arm over the table, idly patting him all the while. I witnessed it myself once even, how he was clawed by a while japanese bobtail and didn't so much as flinch as the other feline retreated with hiss, all the while he sat stunned and seemingly confused. It was then I felt abruptly guilty, realizing that after the incident with the woman it was probably not the best solution to just lock him away from people till he was used to living with a dog for a year and a half as if it were a brother.

Across the table next to a plate that had been there since the evening before was his tablet, reaching across the table he took it and opened it up to look over some of the poetry he had written, noting that all of it was before or enduring his separation. It depressed him slightly so he moved to slide a finger across the screen a couple times, opening up a new draft.

"So go the times, and with it age
We live our life it seems in cage
Now ring the chimes, they mark the hour
Now king are slime who clime the tower

Look away my brothers, as we're slain
I dare not pray their name in vain
It could only bring pain, never to sustain
Humans use of their brain, are they really so tame?

All they would do is feign through aspersions
More versions than carpets to Persians
Don't people still say enmity is skin deep?
Not trying to creep only wake up the sheep

So how, I ask did it go so wrong
While I sit by and just smoke my bong
People getting lit up half way across the globe
Sheeple getting lit up, laugh next to a strobe

Hindsight's a bitch and well the truth is too
If you're a little guy, don't get fucked by a jew

Stop investing in these banks
Instead go smoking danks

Dude. Following your nation doesn't mean no deflation
Those who schemed this up, need castration
You keep people down, head tucked over their desk
All the fuckers see It's George Orwell esque
Feeding cash cow or in debt we will drown
Tell all your friends I'm coming for that crown

Your freedom is slavery, peace now means war
Rights to be dumb, feign bravery, police turn whore
And we sit to watch, the age shift by the clock

For no one without power, can make it up that tower"

Smiling for the first time in a long while at what I had written down on the pad as I rested it down on the table I found in that time the cat had somehow gotten into my lap without my noticing. Glancing across the table I felt a curiosity and a fear grip me abruptly as I saw since waking up that a nine millimeter handgun was resting on the table with the slide locked back into place, the chamber empty; and a full magazine resting beside it. I hadn't recalled the weapon being there before, I only owned rifles and my fathers armory hadn't included a single handgun that didn't fire forty five acp.

Slowly reaching forward after a long moment I grasped the weapon and held the lightweight firearm, it was an H&K 39 with a threaded barrel for the use of a silencer, I could see as my other hand shifted the magazine that there were hollow point bullets loaded in it, sliding the magazine into the weapon and yanking the slide back with a rhythmic metallic snap and the predictable brief sequence of metallic clicks to follow as the first bullet is tripped off the magazine and accepted into the center of the weapon. Flicking the safety on I set the handgun back down on the table instinctively before hearing a sharp knock on the door. Gently pushing the cat off my lap he offered an annoyed meow in between batting at my hand before decidedly jumping off, dissatisfied with my performance as a glorified chair.

Another few sharp knocks on the door were heard and I slowly pushed myself up with a hint of pain, beginning to limp over towards the door, leaving the loaded weapon behind on the table next to the poetry. Maximilian moved to follow me limping around, bumping his cat head into my leg when possible.
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Jack had almost made it over towards the door of the apartment in the midst of his notable limp before a loud crack could be heard as the bolt of the door just a short distance before him was knocked forward and onto the carpet, following the piece of metal with his eyes, Jack not a second later stumbles backwards as a flash bang grenade was thrown into the room, barely having the time to impact the ground it exploded with a deafening bang and blinding light, stunning the young man as he remained confused against the carpet still recoiling, trying to see anything at all but a blur.


Three men rushed into the room at that instant, while two more stayed on either side of the door carefully propping their weapons against the frame. Each of them was dressed in the garb of paramilitary police, they all pointed their weapons while retaining a keen tactical approach, stride balanced as to not disturb the weapons they propped by very much, one of the three took a knee beside Jack before rolling him over violently onto his stomach without warning. Still apparently dressed in pajamas the young man seemed utterly confused before all of a sudden he could see what rested next to the small flaming spot on the carpet, smoke still rising through the air. Eyes widening in horror just then, though he wasn't struggling moments before as a zip tie like device was fastened about his wrists Jack started to thrash against the ground while beginning to cry out in a manic sob; the strength of the young man in that moment was almost enough to overwhelm the lone officer detaining him before the other two allowed their weapons to hang against their chests, faceless figures that were men seizing him and starting to drag him out of the apartment as he flailed wildly about, trying to thrash between them as much as he could; swinging his head and roaring from his depths.


Jack then got abruptly tazed by one of the officers, screaming and convulsing in pain as electromagnetic energy coursed, unable to control his body as they dragged him completely out of the apartment and out of view for the moment, the remaining officers proceeding inside the small apartment after the others had seized their target, they moved directly to the table to take the pistol that remained loaded. Lying on the floor next to the small charred and slightly flaming piece of carpet was the huddled frame of a small creature and a splatter of blood, the front of the once felines body seemed unrecognizable after the detonation of the flash bang, the cat was very apparently dead. It seemed strange that they hadn't done more intent of a job ensuring that the premise wasn't entirely clear however, almost as if the entire para military operation seemed far more relaxed than it should have been, like they knew exactly what to expect; even to the very instant the lone individual had picked up the gun.

This pistol in question after plucked from the table was placed inside a bag then neatly zipped shut before the two almost immediately turned about to stride towards the door, one of the men speaking to the other in a rather casual manner as they proceed back out of the apartment, paying absolutely no mind the tiny corpse of the pet that lingered blown apart and burnt.

"Seems like things are done here"

"They were starting to wonder if he was ever going to pick up the gun"

"At times the war against terror can become complex"

"I fail to see the purpose in seemingly framing such a large number of people"

"Believe me, they're all guilty. They're just not guilty of what you think they are"

"Please explain Sir"

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