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RP An Unlikely Pairing (Hanako + Neera Love Day JPs)

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Neera waited outside the starport terminal as she watched for the cab, her excitement and eagerness apparent to any on looker as the wolf anthro woman was peppy, and smiling. She wore a red shirt with black leggings, a t-shirt for a band foreign to this world, modified sneakers, and grey short hoodie that only went as low as the abdomen. Her long snow white hair which matched the color of all her hair, was pulled around one side of her neck to be draped over her shoulder to the front. Her long bangs which were dyed red like the color of her eyes waved as the wind blew slightly. They framed her beautiful wolf anthro face, her features soft and kind.

She had entered a blind date event at the suggestion of her adoptive father Jack Pine, given her recent sadness with Beaumonts departure. It was a love lost, but not one that would deter her from finding happyness, and with the excitement of going somewhere new to boot.

Hanako was dressed in a cream-colored sweater and a black miniskirt. She had teal hair and big golden eyes that looked around the area and spotted Neera. She walked over. "Excuse me, are you Neera? I am Hanako."

"Why yes, I am Neera Pine. Are the one I am supposed to be meeting here?" Neera said answering cheerfully as the woman approached, "I was beginning to get worried that I had come to the wrong place, this is my first time to this world."

"Pleased to meet you," Hanako bowed. "It seems you won a date with me! Did you have something in mind or do you want me to make suggestions?"

"I've never been here before, so I don't know of any popular hangouts, or points of interest. The only location I know of here is my aunt's micro apartment where I'll be staying while here. So if you know any places we could have our date, I'm open to suggestions.", Neera said slightly shy with embarrassment at her lack of local knowledge.

"I happen to have twp coupons for one professional massage at a Kagayaki Cosmetics Day Spa," Hanako grinned. "We could go pamper ourselves."

"I would like that. To be honest I come from a crazy family who works together, so this trip was a much needed vacation. A spa sounds like the perfect idea. Shall we take a cab, or do you have your own means of transportation?" Neera asked her tail having started to wag slightly before she caught herself.

"I can summon a cab," Hanako said, doing it all wirelessly, The cab was there in just a couple of minutes and they were on their way. While they were moving across town, Hanako said "So, are you from Yamatai or somewhere else in the universe?"

"Well my family and I live on 188604, my father and his brother are the Directors of Section 6. Unless you referring to my birthplace, which is a long story." Neera said answering while inwardly marveling at the usefulness of a digital mind, it was not unlike the Geist, but there were still differences. She was hoping it wasn't the latter, but she was prepared if it was.

"I actually do not know much about 188604 or the Uso's Organization," Hanako admitted.

(OOC: To be continued - Joint post with @Jack Pine )
"Well, it's a desert planet and basically still a frontier world. The only city is Osman, which sits next to the planets biggest body of water. Originally there wasn't much of an education system, and a lot of the equipment used by the government was purchased. Section 6 has created a school in the city, and developed new equipment to correct this. Other than that, I can't think of much more I can tell you." Neera replied hoping her nervousness wasn't showing in how she prattled slightly on information.

"How does one end up working for Tasuki Uso?" Hanako asked. "If I remember correctly, she took over the planet, probably in violation of international law, but no one has come after her for it. Do you you think the USO is a criminal organization?"

"Hmmm, true that she is a Dictator, but it also depends on which part you're talking about. Not everyone everyone employed by her is out for power, or wealth. I can't speak for those of Ragnarok, or FSC, but those like the Skyguard and Section 6 care about the people. To be honest I don't know, I've seen how conquering a planet was wrong in the first place to do, but I also see the good that has come of it. Not everyone has a good past, but it's what they do now that counts. So, if we're criminals, I'd have to say we're pretty bad at it." Neera said honestly pondering the question. It was true that Uso had less than benevolent intentions when she took over, but in recent months she had just stopped caring, and now sat back to reape the rewards. But in her inactivity, others had risen to make the changes need to give the population a better life.

It wasn't long before the pair arrived at the Kagayaki Day Spa. Walking through the doors they found themselves in the reception area where there were some couches, a fountain in the center of the room, and a reception station is along the back wall to the left of an archway to the inner area. On the right side of the wall is a series of wall shelves displaying the various Kagayaki Cosmetics products. Soft music played from hidden speakers. Hanako led the way and gave her coupons to the receptionist, who informed them that the services included a facial, massage, a lunch, and a mani-pedi. First, they passed into a sort of locker room where they could shower first and switch into plush robes before entering the spa area.

"This place is so elegant, much nicer than anything at Nath tower. This will be a treat.", Neera said barely able to hide her excitement like before.

Hanako undressed and stored her clothing in a locker. She looked over to Neera. "What is it like being covered in fur?" she inquired. "Have you always had that body? I started as an Elf."

"Hm, oh, well I actually started out as a modified wolf. I was created with a higher intelligence so I could speak and so on. I only got this body late last year. It was a personal choice, one I made so I could protect those I love. As for the fur, it gets hot on a desert, and if it gets wet I generally can't do a thing with it. What's it like being an elf, I've only met one in person, but they're a beautiful race.", Neera giggled slightly as she joked about her hair, which during her talk had done likewise in removing her clothes and stowing them. The light highlighted her snow white fur, and her long hair that had been draped over the shoulder, now hung loosely down her back.

"I am not an expert. I have not been an Elf since I was six years old. Since then I have been switching bodies and living with Yamataians and Nekovalkryja," Hanako answered.

After they finished their showers and got in their robes, they went on to the next area where they ended up sitting back in comfortable chairs with facialists putting some sort of mud-goop on their faces to clean their pores. "I have actually never done this before," Hanako chuckled as the facial mask started to be applied. She wanted to look at Neera but her eyes were now covered in cucumber slices.

"That makes two of us, with work and five siblings, it's hard to find free time to relax like this. Other than Uso and a few others, I haven't seen too many nekovalkryja in person. Never seen any Minkans come.to think of it. My aunt is Geshrin, and my mother is a Caelisolan. What's life like here on Yamatai?" Neera said cheerfully, glad her sitting position kept her tail from wagging around.

"I think the people here generally have good lives. Things here are better than much of the rest of the galaxy because peole are safe, and financially secure. The Star Army protects them and the government provides housing and funds for food so even non-working people can live a basic life. Because I am in the Star Army, I tend to spend much of my time away from home, on starships or on other planets. My ship, the Eucharis, has been my main home for the last ten years," Hanako answered.

Neera thought for a moment, "wow, sounds like a paradise. Hmm, isn't that the ship Wazu is aboard? Uso talks about him constantly. But I've never met him.", She said remembering her mention it. "My, uncle.Mark was on a Star Army ship for a while, a YSS Kaiyo II.", She added as if an after thought.

"Yes, Wazu has been with us for over a year. I brought him aboard to help figure out the Rixxikor invasion with me. He helped us as we discovered their Kuvexian origins. He is a sort on Renaissance man inventor type but he has his weaknesses too. Wazu is one of the most complicated men I know," Hanako told Neera.
"I wouldn't mind meeting him someday, I've seen his inventions widely used, he seems be quite an intuitive inventor. His inventions are used widely back home. Father looks up to him, taking notes on his inventions to use in the design of new projects.", Neera said thinking over the description, "Though doesn't everyone have weaknesses?"

"They certainly do," Hanako replied. "Wazu has some unhealthy dependencies and unresolved trauma," she vaguely elaborated. After a few minutes they were able to peel off the facial masks, which cleared out their pores but not their hair. Next they went to the massage tables.

"Well I suppose everyone has personal issues too. No one is without a few cracks. Even if they hide it, there are scars unseen.", Neera said thoughtful.

Hanako hung her robe up on a hangar and laid down on one of the massage tables with her face looking through the hole on the round head area so she could keep talking, albeit a little awkwardly, to Neera. One of the massage experts poured a small pitcher of warm oil on her back and began rubbing it on. "I suppose they use different products for people with fur?" she commnted.

Neera disrobed and did likewise, but draping her long hair to the side. No oil was applied to her, instead the therapist using the natural oils in her fur as she rubbed. "So what's it like being famous?", Neera asked casually relaxing.

"Being famous opens doors that would normally be closed," Hanako explained. "I do not really care for fame but it has its benefits. On the other hand it is an unplesant feeling to have so much attention directed at you and to feel like every move you make is inevitably watched, documented, and criticized. This creates a pressure to present the right image at all times. Sometimes the isolation of being on a small starship out in the frontier is a welcome thing for me."

"Sounds like any leader, though I don't imagine it leave much room for a personal life. Do you have anyone, special, in your life?" Replied Wondering what that kind of life would be like, even not a possibility for someone like her.

"No. Years ago I fell in love with someon but her promptly moved off my ship and into the Scientific Studies Service. I basically have not seen him since. So I am single," Hanako told Neera. "I generally stick to just doing my job these days. I considered getting out of the military but with this Kuvexian War heating up, it would be a waste of my skill set."

"We've seen some of them out west, and has been close on a few occasions. So I can see why every experienced person is needed. I believe it is important to have moments of reprieve like now and someone to turn to. War should be fought with a sound body and mind, a light heart and not a heavy one burdened by solitude and stress. That is my opinion anyways." Neera commented after listening curiously to this bit of the woman's past.
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