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RP: Section 6 an USO wedding

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
//===two weeks after operation roach hotel===//
Jack was nervous, he'd never had a girlfriend before which was the closest to any semblance to family he had ever been. Now he was getting married, he confided so much in Isabelle, and thing escalated from there. He for a moment chuckled to himself as he put on his dress uniform, as the thought at how people would react to a Nep marrying an Elysian. Of course he never had shared in old grudges, or had ever felt like a Nepleslian since most of his childhood had been spent in orphanage and the streets. Jack looked down after finishing getting dresses at the case that held two rings made of tungsten. One black with red edges and a engraved shield and sword, as well as Isabelle engraved on the interior, and another ring that was black with cerulean blue edges and a pair of blue wings of the same hue engraved on the face of the ring. He took the case and left his quarters, looking forward to the future with Izzy going to be by his side. @Zack @EhWha @White Wolf @Alex Hart @Arbitrated @Air Admiral @Malefic
Sasha was in a black tuxedo, with white gloves on. She didn't had no suits or dress for this occassion, so she had to borrow it from somebody she didn't even knew.

Sasha tapped Jack on the back then spoke.

" Alright, you better look good. 'cause I just putted on this thang just for this. "
"That's why I'm wearing the dress uniform that I had tailored for our diplomacy venture. The only nice clothing I have to be honest." Jack said as they made their way down the corridor towards the large room that was used for operation briefings. It seemed like he had been in that room a lot in particular lately with everything going on. Though he tried not to show it, Jack felt nervous, was this really happening? He would finally have the one thing he had never known, family, and he felt like he should have found something a bit more appropriate than a military uniform.
Uso was waiting infront of the door to the briefing room, ready to walk Jack in and say a few words,

"Seriously guys? You're doing this now?" She asked, tossing her datapad aside and letting it float-off somewhere on its own. The NH-7 was wearing a green dress that matched her hair. The clothing was simple, and intentionally non-distracting. It even came down below her knees as if she could practice modesty. "I bought a whole clothing store just for situations like this and you aren't bothering to go get new stuff when you need it?"
"I really need to work at breaking my military habits, I really need to work on dressing nicer as part as that, but it's not something that can be helped right now." Jack said to no one in-particular. He had looked back for a moment at Sasha before saying that, giving a raised eyebrow to her current outfit. "Who did you get that from anyway?", Jack said finally asking the question the tuxedo raised.
" We have clothing store? "

Sasha spoke as she looked at Uso, completely surprised about the fact that they actually had a clothing store.

Then, as she heard Jack, she turned then andwered his question.

" I do not knows. He was just nice 'nuff to let me 'borrow' his tuxedo. But hey, it fits nicely 'n we ain't gonna see him 'no more'. "
Izzy was nervously standing in her quarters in her red dress that went down to her knees, black flats, and her alexandrite necklace, she didn't have anything nicer. She sighed and hoped it would be nice enough. She took a deep breath to steel her nerves, Jack was the first person she had ever truly loved like this and she honestly didn't think she would ever truly be with him. She smiled down at the necklace, her one reminder of home. She had no desire to go back of course but she couldn't help but wonder what was going on there now.

Izzy looks toward the door of her quarters before heading out, to the briefing room. Her wings fluttered nervously and she didn't dare fly, just in case she destroyed something in her nervousness. She stepped into the room quietly, out of character for her but it was only due to nervousness. She could see that Jack was already there and she smiled softly, that was a small comfort. She looked surprised at the information being shared and blushed, she may have been able to find something nicer if she'd known before now.
Jack fiddled with his collar a little, needlessly trying make it neat, even though it already was. He finally gave up after a moment, and took a deep breathe. "She is more than a man like me deserves. She'll be the only family I've ever known, the only woman I've ever truly loved. And I have barely anything to offer her, other than my life." he said looking more nervous than before. Jack looked back down the hall, and saw Izzy making her way to the briefing room, and it brought a smile to his face.
"Yeah, don't be so eager to die for things. It tends to be a very one-way process...." Uso said, before adding, "... For most. I mean. Do we need to put up signs for the clothing store? We can get just about anything we need made or shipped here with enough lead time...."

Uso then frowned at Jack when she saw his nervous fidgeting,

"Come on, it's just a wedding. I'll make you do much more scary stuff in the future I promise."
" Well, of course we need a sign for clothing store! How am I s'ppose to know if it was a clothing store or not? "

Sasha answered Uso, with kinda joking way of speaking. She then turned to Jack then tapped her gently on his back.

" C'mon...It ain't gonna be bad...After all, it's what both o' y'all wanted, right? "
"It is what both of us want, and I can't think of a better person to spend the rest of my life with," Izzy said, looking at Jack with a soft smile. "I'm more worried about not being enough for you Jack, not being able to help you no matter what."

She was smiling softly the entire time she spoke and looking straight at Jack. He was perfect to her, and nothing could replace him. She truly did love him completely.
Jack was taken aback by this admission, when here she was the one who had pulled him back together, helped him keep the inner dark chained and secured, and to move towards becoming a better man for it. To think she would think that she wasn't good enough, was just something that he could never have believed, and it opened his heart to her all the more. Jack took her into his arms and brought her close, "You are more than I will ever need, you are everything to me, and all that I will ever need. You are my guiding light in the darkest tunnel, the other half I never knew I needed, the living key to unlock my heart, and the greatest thing worth protecting to me. I give you everything I am and ever will be, and I can never hope to repay such vast kindness that you have given me. You will always be home no matter where I go, the family I have never known, and the greatest love I will ever have."
"Thank you Jack, it means a lot that you say that," Izzy said resting her head against his chest. She was already close to crying with his kind words and the wedding hadn't even started. She smiled softly, she kind of wanted the wedding to start but she also wanted this moment to last forever. She looked toward Uso without moving her head much to see what to do now.
"Well come on, not all of us are gonna last forever. Lets get you two married!"

Uso looked around for a moment... and realized that this was probably on her,

"UH, By the power vested in me by my own force of arms......" Uso would quickly move away from the couple, opening up the doors around the briefing room to give everyone who was around a good view of what was going on,


"JACK! Do you promise to keep her, have her, hold her, take out the trash often, do chores around the house and give her foot rubs when she wants them?"
Sasha almost burst out a laugh as she heard Uso's speech, but managed to stay on her serious face.

But something inside her triggered her to say it out loud, from the back.

" Don't forget the kisses 'n hugs! Three times per day! "
"I do." Jack said as they finished taking their places with heart felt smile now that all his nervousness had been replaced by certainty.
"Cool, He's willing to give foot rubs... So you gonna do this Izzy? Promise to have, hold, and put up with that scratchy beard?" Uso asked, "He's offering foot rubs. I'd go with I do."
Izzy managed a weak smile, not really liking that Uso made a joke out of this seemingly but it wasn't too bad and kept things from getting too serious. "I do," She said, smiling more warmly at Jack.
Uso, of course, kept on going.

"I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride!"
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