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Anarchy At Thaxaria


Inactive Member
Alright I'm bringing back the Thaxarians strong, I've finally strung together a plot to overthrow myself!

Alright basically the setting takes place away from main Thaxarian plot and into the core world Thaxaria. However due to the meddling of Desthrull cult, has created a new faith to attempt to throw the Thaxarian's into a revolution. I figured this would make it more easy for new Thaxarians to fit in on the Thaxarian homeworld.

The new faith is commonly reffered to as Neodruidism, however has been altered to actually encourage destruction of wild-life and promote artiface.

The faith is also far more aggressive than Viashonism (Main Thaxarian faith) however they will not go down in a fight. Now the Thaxarians are stuck between the viscious claws of the Urthixian and the Blade of their own kind.
Sounds decent.

It might be about time to actually work out where Thaxaria is on the map though.
Are you just going to write all the posts yourself? There aren't a lot of Thaxarian characters.
I'm willing to help out in whatever way I can - especially if Dawn and Pete get brought in to the mix again. I enjoy RPing as them, so it should be great fun to do.

Perhaps if you go in to more detail about the current situation people might be able to create characters in order to RP with you and so you won't have to RP only with yourself?
Don't underestimate the ammount of planning needed.

You know all your secrets! Very hard to plan against yourself.
This plot is going to basically que the end of 'Thaxarian Immigrants' and keep them on the homeworld. I will also try and find a wayto tie in the other misplaced thaxarian into the plot. There will be a small platoon of Thaxarians possibly heading into battle in the glory of Thaxaria! However will they be completely loyal or be seduced by the Technological cultists will?
In short-

Thaxaria is under going civil war, All thaxarians *Should* return to Thaxaria to help quell the war however it may be too late.
That would be kinda cool to be involved in. Although I doubt either side would accept help from a human hehe.
Skhaal, if you want more PCs, you'll want to find all the players with Thaxarian PCs and contact them. Let them know that you're interested in starting a plot. Some of them have gone inactive in the mean time.
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