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RP Angel Step Up

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
4th month, YE42
RP Location
Sirris VI - Obsidian City - Guardian Hospital
One Month After Lord Jack Pine's Assassination

While the events were still fresh in the minds of the NDC citizens, outside the window it seemed like nothing had happened. Sanctum was calm, sunny and a soft breeze got into the room. Packing her bags, Sareash sighs and looks outside the window while holding the bag, it had been quite some time since the pirate raid on the NDC fleet that got her into this situation. The hospital personnel were friendly to her, though they sometimes complained about the amount of gifts that Alice kept sending to her room. But she was glad that Alice came to visit her, she had not spoken out the words that echoed her feelings for her, but in a way Sareash knew that words were not needed. She was finally going to leave the hospital and get back to the frontline where ISD needed her agents, thought since the successful assassination of Jack, things have been tense in the NDC.

There would be a knock on the door frame from said giver of gifts, a small smile on the Geshrin’s face as she took in the sight. “You know, you definitely look good standing up. Maybe it’s that strong will showing.”, Alice said in greeting.

Hearing Alice voice, made her roll eyes “Maybe, might also be bored out of my mind here” She looked at Alice that had walked into the room “I ...I’m almost done here, ready to go back to work” She sighs a bit as a relief and yet her body still showed that it needed time to recover from the impact. She placed a shirt into the bag and walked to the closest to grab some more clothing.

“That you are, though…...maybe not as you might think. If you accept the offer anyways.”, Alice said somewhat hesitant, not sure how the offer would be taken. She cleared her throat a little as she oddly for once decided to lean on the door frame. “I’m sure you saw the broadcast, and what...h-happened to Jack. The department head resigned from the ISD after.”

The Geshrin let that hang for a moment, wanting to let that sink in that her boss had basically quit. “You are next in line, so I was asked to extend the offer for the position. I wanted to wait until you had time, you know...to slow down and take a break. But, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see you ready and raring to jump into it again.”

“Slow down? Next in line? What are you talking about Alice” She blinked for a second at that, was it normal to go first name base? It felt natural? Sareash shook her head a bit “I believe with the whole shit show that happened with….Jack now ...you know, I think the ISD needs agents in the field as soon as possible” Looking at Alice “And I can handle myself…”

The woman frowned, shaking her head, “Ash….you just got out of a bed, from being in critical condition for weeks. You’re barely able to stand straight, so do you really think you should be running around battle fields right now?! There is no one leading the agents right now, but the Blades, until a new head is chosen. If you don’t accept it, you’ll have to pick another one. Either way, you need to take a desk job, at least if not to fill the position…...but for me, please.”

She grabbed the side of the door from the closest, Sareash hated to admit to the fact that her body was still in this cursed fragile state “You know very well that I am not a desk job person, I am a field person. I did so for many years and that battle is just a sit back….NDC can’t take that away from me…” She felt the frustration in herself as she slams against the wood “Are you going to take that away from me….?”

“You know very well I’ve always been of a similar mindset, and that I have never been able to sit back and let things be lead by others who I know don’t have as much experience. It isn’t my choice, or my want, to take this from you. It’s yours, but at the same time, I don’t want you to push yourself because you feel you have to. I want you to do what you can, as you can, safely and not brashly.”, Alice answered, seeming pained by what felt like an accusation. She never averted her eyes though, never stopped looking her in the eye, so that the Elysian woman could see her genuine feelings.

“If I’m honest, I’m afraid, and torn. Afraid that I might almost lose you again, and torn at whether I’m fit for my job anymore. Even though I know it wasn’t my fault, a man I have worked beside for years, and one of the few men I have ever respected. Was killed while I was on duty, in an army I have seen him build from the beginning.”

Sareash knew that the burden of Jack’s death laid heavy on Alice “That….is not fair Alice, you know that I have had you in my arms many times in the past almost dying. We both know that it comes with the package and the duty towards this nation. Jack….” She looked away as even herself had a hard time with the topic, Alice might have had the possibility to do something, yet Sareash was stuck in that bed when it happened and pretty much powerless to do anything “...knew the risk” She looked back at Alice “By the way it makes zero sense that they make me a director, is it like temp job until they find someone for it?” That idea only got her more frustrated and she shrugs pushing herself away from the closest and placed her hands on her hips walking to the window “Freaking degraded to a damn pawn.. sit down and be pretty piece”

Alice gave a small sigh before answering, “You were suggested as the next by Vanessa herself actually. I would assume, and hope, that is because she saw you as the person she believed best to fill her place. Again, the choice is yours, you can choose another if you wish. But it is a seat on the council, I would hardly count that as a pawn position. You’d essentially be becoming who you were tasked with protecting.” The 7 foot tall woman set the pad with the offer document aside, before walking over to Sareash at the window, gently wrapping her arms around the woman. “I’ll support whichever choice you make on this, I was only asked to pass the offer along. I’ve missed you, goddess knows the staff here are annoyed with how many times I’ve shown up asking to see you.”

Feeling the warmth from Alice calmed her down, yet her mind was still at the whole situation. Vanessa wouldn’t do such a thing without proper consideration about the given situation. She had to step down for the moral sake of the people and yet the package of problems was laying on her desk for the successor to pick up. Leaning backward into Alice's arms and chest as she could now also feel her injuries in her wings “You were annoying to them yes…” Times changed and this was one of them as Sareash looked at Alice and gave a surprise soft kiss on her cheek and looked back outside “I… can try to do it”

The amazonian of a general returned the kiss, giving her more of an embrace, “I’ll be there to help along the way as needed. Together, we can make a change, and hopefully prevent this terrible event from happening again. I’ll pass along your answer, and I’m sure the council will be happy to know their security is in good hands with the coming coronation.”

The frustration was there, yet a growing warmth was also there as they stood there and Sareash nodded while looking outside where life continues calmly “ You still have not answered my question, why me? I am a ward officer, the director is at least a knight or a blade? This is rather unusual for them to do”. It was a valid concern in her eyes.

Alice rested her chin against the side of her girlfriend’s head, “Vanessa was never a blade, and Blades are knights more or less. You’ve also been here since the beginning, when all this began. The days in that desert, the journey we both struggled through to get here, and the banner we helped this nation make. You have experience, and knowledge of our history, most people don’t have anymore. Sadly, not many of us have survived that long.”

The Geshrin woman slid her hands from Sareash’s arms, to her hands to hold them before continuing. It was clear the topic of all those gone was a soft one for the Admiral, even more so all they had been through. But it added weight to just how much experience the two had, and the history they could claim to being part of. “That is likely the reason she chose you, as rank can only progress so far at a time, it’s not always accurate or just exactly we’ve all done in our line of service.”

There was truth in her words, their history did speak for itself and Sareash should know the answer before Alice even had to say it out loud. The times changed, but it felt for her that she would only be a mere dent in some better. Taking comfort in the arms of Alice she closed her eyes and sighs “A wounded soldier that got chained to a desk job” She turned around and let her and slide over the face of Alice “And a brave general that doesn’t admit to her inner wounds…” With that she gently kissed her lips “When are you going to talk…”

Alice gave her sad smile, “You know I’ve never been much of a talker. Enjoying having you in my arms, and not sure what to say...other then I love you. I’ve lost a lot of people, but I could not bear to lose you.” With that admission she held her tighter, drawing Sareash into a deeper kiss, doing what she should have done before all this. She had deserved for their first kisses to have been in much more enjoyable time, where neither were so shaken with sorrow.

As their lips finally parted, she sought the words she should have found long ago, “You are a strong woman, and one whose been there for me at every turn. I was a fool for not saying it sooner, or failing to give the person whose been by my side my earnest feelings I’ve always kept hidden. That day of the party in the park, I wanted to say it then, but had not the nerve.”

Letting off a slight blush, she smiled softly as Sareash might be emotionless on the outside, she was feeling warm and cozy on the inside and that actually made her smile, even if it was just a small one. She placed both her hands on her shoulder “I kinda...knew back then, but I didn’t know how to respond to that. Times changes, but feelings actually don’t and I was not honest with myself either” Looking into her eyes Sareash nodded to herself “But we have to face the facts, we will see more dangers, we will be facing more obstacles on the route and trust me” She bold a fist and puts it softly on Alice chest “If I ever get fired, I will be back in the field in no time…”

There was a huge task ahead of her, most likely bigger then she had predicted to be “NDC is a mess, security issues will be everywhere and the naval forces need your strength as well” Sareash pointed out once again “But...come back to me and don’t go do some hero crap”

“Don’t worry, I won’t have the chance to for a while, the battles are over for now. Now is the paperwork….and making sure to pay respects on my way home later. I’ll drop off your answer, I know the new queen will want to see you at the coronation tomorrow too. But tonight, I’ll make dinner, even preen your wings for you tonight to celebrate your release.”, the admiral added before giving another kiss, and giving a playful seductive tone to the mention of dinner and preening. Alice gave a fuller smile, “As much as you hate it, I’m half tempted to pick you up right now. Is there anything you want me to get you, I still have some time before I have to head back.”

Shaking her head as she smiled at the plans of tonight and walked towards her bed grabbing the black bag that had the ISD logo on it “The queen, right need to get used to that idea” She pointed out and lifted the bag feeling a surge of pain in her left wing dropping the back down “Fuck...I guess lifting things is still not my strongest feature”Looking at Alice “Coronation, that soon I get send off to duty?”

Alice leaned down to pick the bag up for her, “Neera is the one taking her father’s place, and a familiar face would be helpful. We’ve fought beside her before, I think it will comfort her even in her morning, to know we are there to support her as we have been before.” She had picked up the bag, but hadn’t handed it back yet. “How about I help you, let me carry this to the car for you. You're the one who decided to rush getting out of bed as always, take it easy luv, actually need to heal.”

Wanted to make a fuss about it, she admitted to this defeat and waved her hand to let Alice take the lead in this. She placed her hand on a cane that was made for her to support her legs as they were not fully back to strength. Sareash doubts for a moment and grabs it as she walks behind Alice out the door of the room where she was stuck for the last few weeks. Sareash gave a few friendly nods to the nurses and doctors that had helped her in these difficult times. “ Neera you say, I believe I met her a few times while she was at the side of her father. How is the Pine family dealing with the great loss of their father?” Sareash asked, keeping her wings in check as it hurts like hell.

“Not well, his widow hasn’t spoken since his passing, but she’s continued to work. I worry, Izzy has been a good friend for years. The children have had a hard go of it as well, Adria locks herself away now, Adi hasn’t left her fiance’s side, Nyx demands that those responsible be found, and Neera is trying to stay strong. I don’t know about all his siblings, I do know Mr. Rykiel hasn’t been seen in a couple days. A lot of disheartened people right now, and a lot of questions flying about the people, and the council.”, Alice answered as they went, however she did not remain in front. After they had left the room, the taller woman fell back to Sareash’s side, and slid her arm gently in to link with her arm, lacing fingers.

Sareash could only wonder what it could feel like to lose someone that important. She would herself break the heavens and drag anybody to find those responsible that had wounded or even worse killed Alice. Sareash narrowed her eyes a bit, just thinking about it made herself angry and it now answered how Nyx felt “Neera is holding the fort then, understandable…” She said calmly as they stepped into the elevator and as the door closed she spoke again “What about the council, what did they say or react? The people want some resolution of what has happened”

Alice looked unsure how to put what she was about to say, “There have been...murmurs…..I haven’t heard anything solid other than a memorial service, but there have been whispers of possible reforms thought to be proposed. As far as I know, no investigation has been enacted as of yet, other than having Ryzka look into the matter after his recovery. Some have said that a change in policy with our cloning facilities may be made soon.” She was quiet for a moment, not liking having to say any of this, as to her opinion…..well it certain felt uneasy on topic for her. “Lord Oaklen and her new majesty will be making an address on the matter, from the safety of the government building to the public.”

Oaklen, that name rings a bell, the man that stood at Jack's side for so many years. It made Sareash wonder as to why he let Jack’s daughter become queen and not take the power all to himself. The door slides open as they walked to the main hall “With other words there is a lot of work waiting or me at my new office” She sighs “With Vanessa stepping down, I bet the whole ISD is a total mess if not a wreck as they get fingers pointed at them” Sareash noticed that Alice felt uncomfortable about the whole situation and shrugs “Sorry..”

The amazonian woman shook her head with an apologetic smile, “No it’s fine, I know you’ll keep them on the straight and narrow. I also have faith that Oaklen will make sure his niece doesn’t get overwhelmed. I just have to hope it will all work out, and that this nation will keep going strong even without it’s founder.” Her hand laced in ash’s giving it a comforting squeeze and a rub of the thumb softly, “I’ll have my work cut out for me as well, as Lord Oaklen wants to establish a better security net in orbit, so we can keep track of anyone coming down, or heading off world. This is twice someone has known how to slip into our defenses, and I don’t like what that implies.”

Nodding to that as they walked outside feeling the breeze of wind passing through her white hair and black wings “Missed this…” She mutters a bit to herself and looks at Alice “Trust me that ISD will be there to provide the same security, I heard by the way that a portion of the NDC fleet went to Nataria?” She looked ahead towards the car that they need to travel towards the next destination “That alone is going to be a party for the council to deal with, unauthorized entry into Yamatai space, while they might be thankful, they don’t like sudden entree even with good intentions” She rubs the back of her head “But for me is important, did everyone return safely?”

“Mostly, we lost two ships. Don’t worry, we smoothed things over and they were thankful for the help. I was glad he was here to at least see that small bridge of the gap with our ally Yamatai. I just hope we can close the gap some more.” Alice placed the bag in the car before opening the door for Ash, then getting in herself. They pulled out of the drive, Alice sure to drive smoothly, giving a bit of small talk as they went, “So, heard we have a new transport line that has started operating in our territory. Think we could take a vacay someday and take a stellar cruise?”

Blinking a bit at the news “A new transportation line? Didn’t know that we had a new company under the NDC flag that did that” Sareash leans carefully backwards into the seat and shrugs as she could feel the pain “But it might be awhile before I get a free day off, though a stellar cruise sounds great.”

Alice kinda shrugged awkwardly, “Actually they’re not, they’re an outside company, but they have a contract with our government, one of the only few to do so. It’s an appreciated service, and we’re happy to give them the business. They do transport of course, and shipping too, so freight.”

She laughs a bit “So we are going in boxes and being shipped to our paradise are we?” Sareash smiled a bit teasin “I’ve heard of such a company, Su...Sunovi...no Sunavi right? A company that got founded on the funds of both NDC and Nepleslia...I think” She tried to recall the report that she used to read while being chained to the medical bed “I wonder if that going to pose a security issue” Sareash was already thinking way to much on ISD issues.

“Hopefully not, but it will be my job to ensure port authority is maintained. They’ve agreed to co-opted security checks at ports in our territory they travel between, but they’re less of a risk then freighters that take passengers, and don’t document, or even track who their passengers are.”, the admiral said with a smirk before adding, “If we get shipped in a box, me and you are going in the same box.”

She shook slightly her head with a grin on her face “I am the deluxe edition, I get my own glorious box with some fancy foam in it” She pointed out as Sareash tried to lean back again and felt the pain getting less “Are we going to be okay? So much has happened that we have seen so much change and impact our lives. Yet I still have no clue what has happened in my own past, where I came from and who I truly was” Sareash was now only open minded, because Alice was there and only her.

A giggle was given at the flaunting joke, but her grin became melancholy as the past was brought up. “I don’t know Ash, I really don’t, some days I wish I could forget mine. I know I am not the same loyal soldier I once was in those days long ago. I fought because I believed in an empire, but that empire didn’t believe in me. But what I know, other than family, the past means nothing other then something to learn from. As a lesson on mistakes that can be avoided from repeating.”

Taking a moment to pause at a turn, she continued as they were on the main stretch through the government district, “What matters now, is the present, what we’re learning from it. Most importantly thought, how we can prevent the future from becoming like our past, and what we want that future to be. I know what I want to for the future, I want a home, and a nation that cares for its people, and I want a future for us. You and me, sharing that home, relaxing in the hard work we’ve done to make it feel like one.”

“Do keep in mind that you are soon back to the stars defending our home, while I go to these council meetings and be bored out of my mind by talking to stubborn people that have a mind of their own” Sareash leans a bit back in her chair “When are we going to retire from all this madness and just let the next generation worry about it all” Sareash kinda agree with the fact that they had fought to many wars, to many battles and lost to many friends. A person gets tired after a long period of time.

“When we know our experiences have been passed on, when we have those ready to reliably take our place, and this nation is safe as a united people. It isn’t quite here yet, but it will some years from now soon I feel. Then I’m going to find us a nice beach side property, with a nice sized house, someplace with room to grow a family. There, we’ll set down roots, and find our peace that we deserve.”, Alice answered as she followed along with her Elysian lover. It seemed like an idealistic dream of a happily ever after, but wasn’t that what they had fought for, the reality it could be? The Geshrin added after a moment with a small grin, “Yeah, you’re right, I will be. I will be fighting tooth and nail if I have to so I can come back home to you too. So don’t worry about me, and show those politicians how real governance is done.”

Looking outside her window as she could feel her broken body still recovering. She would not see any field work any time soon and only see piles of paperwork as she softly nodded “You better, it gets dull when you are not around” Sareash smirks and looked at Alice placing her left hand on that of Alice “Fight for our own paradise, sounds like a good plan”
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