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Approved Submission [Animal] Tairolen

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I changed the links that direct back to the wiki, but I want to teach you. If a wiki page does not have one of these links, it may be automatically deleted (though this system could have changed don't quote me) so I want you to know ^^ There's also a button on the wiki search bar for it!

A link may look like this [URL]https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:species:animals:tairolen[/URL] simply take everything before wip out and surround it by brackets, like this [[wip:species:animals:tairolen]]
Since we're educating, I fixed the header levels - only the title one gets the H1 ( ====== Big Title ====== ) so section headers should be H2 ( ===== Section ===== ).
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