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Laz Public Network [Anonymous] UMC Ship Order


Inactive Member
To: United Manufacturing Cooperative
From: Servant of Ash

A wonderful day for commerce, isn't it?

Please excuse the droll sobriquets, but the leadership prefers these sorts of poetic names instead of using the real ones. All very troubling. In any case!

I represent a combination of interests that desires an abundance of ships to capitalize on exciting new business opportunities on the frontier! Many regions of space in the region surrounding Yamatai space have not received adequate aid in reconstruction and a number of colony worlds have been relatively isolated despite the increasing ease of interstellar travel now that those fiendish NMX are gone.

Naturally, we have no desire of being exterminated like many people who have demonstrated backbone against that most aggressive of authorities that considers themselves central, so our order may involve some special requests.

To profit!
Servant of Ash
To: 'Servant of Ash'
From: United Manufacturing Cooperative - Transactions Department

It is indeed a wonderful day for commerce. Your interest in our product line is quite welcome. Your order seems to be rather straight forward for the most part, and most of it has been put into production for order fulfillment. However, while it is usually our policy not to ask questions, it unfortunately is also our policy to refrain from selling certain equipment to unknown parties, especially in the quantity requested.

Your order of Nir-Class, Hikari-Class, and Paa-Zem pods have been put into production, though, the problem comes in the form of the Medical Evacuation Shuttles, and the Wh'ki. We would like insurance as to the fact that we will not be delivering these items to a party which has interests which would be directly opposed to peaceful economic growth. For this purpose, we request that you submit to a credit assessment, 'show us the color of your money'.

Once credit assessment is completed, we will put the remaining portion of your order into production.

United Manufacturing Cooperative - Transactions Department
From: United Manufacturing Cooperative - Transactions Department
To: Servant of Ash

That is not unexpected given recent events. As I understand it, there have been some unpleasant vibrations from the Yamataians of late, because of the unknown group that attacked Asura III made use of UMC technologies, yes? I represent a humanitarian organization that desires these resources to encourage economic growth and infrastructural development in these often-ignored fringe colonies.

Regardless, as your goods alone currently fit our specific needs, I will forward account information for an account with the New Bank of Halna for the credit check as well as inform our account managers to give your auditors access to all non-private information.

NBH Account: #****-****-****-****

If these credentials are insufficient, I will meet with your representatives personally. Does the UMC still have its offices on Jiyuu III? My physical body is presently located there.

Servant of Ash
From: United Manufacturing Cooperative - Transactions Department
To: Servant of Ash

We regret to inform you that your point of origin has produced a Red Flag on our evaluation process. This has prompted our legal analysts to recommend a course of action which can be beneficial to your situation, as well as preventing repercussions which will be undesirable on our end.

It has been determined by our legal team that the most suitable accommodation will be to proceed with sale, however, the Medical Shuttles will be stripped of controlled technologies which could be used for the production of contraband and potentially harmful substances, these technologies will be replaced with their nearest equivalent, which will still be entirely capable of meeting the same criteria as the equipment that will be replaced. On the matter of the Wh'ki, we can provide the shipyard, however, we will maintain a live datalink with the shipyard to keep a manifest on what is produced, and will include technical advisers to support your personnel in operation of the shipyard.

If these conditions are not suitable, we can indeed arrange a meet with your physical representative on Jiyuu III for further deliberation.

United Manufacturing Cooperative - Transactions Department
From: Servant of Ash
To: United Manufacturing Cooperative - Transactions Department

While your terms are appealing for their convenience, they are presently unacceptable. Removing the ability to synthesize complex compounds of various types also limits our ability to respond to medical crises as many fringe societies remain incapable of addressing toxins and diseases manufactured by the NMX, though the concern is well-understood. Nanotechnological compounds with the complexity and versatility as seen in the Lorath's permutations would be disastrous in the wrong hands and cause you undue trouble if used in such a manner.

Constant external surveillance will likewise be too restrictive, although we can consent to oversight and advising by your own members. Very few of our number have experience in heavy engineering, so their expertise will be welcome.

Presently, I believe a meeting would be most desirable at this time. Some of our number have raised the possibility of seeking affiliate status in the future, although as a civilian non-profit organization we will be unlikely to meet those criterion, or of seeking some sort of preferred customer status.

In any case, I have an abundance of free time and may meet with your representative on Jiyuu III at any point within the next week.

Servant of Ash
From: United Manufacturing Cooperative - Transactions Department
To: Servant of Ash

Findings deduced during the meeting have confirmed that your organization is not a hostile military entity at this time, despite your origins. This has permitted us to lift the RED FLAG status from your account, we have instead established your account status as PROBATIONARY. While we will fill your order, we will send technical advisers and supervisors to monitor the use of sensitive equipment, note, these personnel will be legally obligated to report all malicious or suspicious activity to not only the UMC, but also to affiliated government agencies. Additional supervisory actions will be explained upon product delivery, however, they are within the bounds of previously negotiated terms.

Servant of Ash, your order is filled, and is en route.

United Manufacturing Cooperative - Transactions Department
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