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YE 44.8
To: You know who you are - or are you a ghost? (@Soresu )
From: Airwin Caeyara

Dear Iali (Uncle),

A little lull in the flow of a crazy river of action made me notice you. Yes, we detected your aged transponder out there in the depths of the deepest south of this Sector. Are you alive or are you in the belly of a beast? I do have not the means to check for myself because a lot has happened in your absence. You have eyes just like I do, surely you can see me here among the Ostarae (Yamatai). We have so much to be thankful for, but I bet the universe seems quite distorted from your perspective. You were forgotten here? The work of my father in action. Bravo. I wonder if it was ever a thought in his mind that Rin and I would be the ones to lead the people to safety. My words are not the warmest of greetings, because I feel pleasantries would just prolong the fact that we must meet face-to-face and debate the Phaloam of separate time and values.

I invite you, to come to meet me in person Iali (uncle). Surely you miss having a home, I regret to inform you ours is but dust and debris scattered from all corners of the Yirune Arm. Now we're here among friends, safe with refuge and a future. My invitation to you, my dear Ysi, even if you're out there using such a dated rendition that gives honor to a man that was mad with paranoia and as selfish as they come, is a conditional invitation. If you intend to mouth words about Cli'cha and bent ideas, try to lower my late wife or the greatness my son has achieved then instead of coming to my invitation perhaps you should consider some more distance? Forgive my tone dear Uncle, for you do not know what suffering has been laid upon us. I feel you would see the need for change by now? Surely you've learned in that dark corner of yours.

A cup of tea would be nice, perhaps a meal. Come and I will share the tale of the end of our home and the loss of our way.

With love,
Your Nephew, Airwin Caeyara.
An apt name to call one who had been left behind by my dear brother. I have persevered despite the turn of events leading to my abandonment here in this universe.

I have endured the pain and anguish of being left behind by those I love most, and I did so with few regrets in the end. Despite it all, those under my command have survived and thrived. All the while we thought we were the last hope, a shadow of what we once were. A spirit of the old world that still lives on.

You ask of me a difficult task—blood of my blood, and I am from a different period of time and experiences than you. While you and those with you may have outgrown what you may consider the old ways I am still a product of such an upbringing. You have asked me something that is difficult for me to understand. And it would seem our culture has become one that has left me behind in many ways.


If only to see a familiar face and member of my Ysi, I will adhere to the conditions you've set. I merely ask for patience. I would also like to hear tell of your late wife, and my kal baedaern (Grand Nephew) if you are willing. I know nothing about either, but perhaps over a cup of tea in your residence as you've offered. I will bring a bottle of Chaclle with me as well. A small taste of a home now lost. To toast in knowing we are no longer alone.

With love and respect,

Your Uncle, Cýrion Eitan
To: Cýrion Eitan
From: Aestaesys Airwin Caeyara

Dearest Uncle,

Action will have to do in lieu of lengthy explanations. It appears there has been a weather pattern developing over everyone's favorite vacation destination. Please come to Saleloria immediately, and if you would mind an errand of trust please report your level of asset readiness. It appears we might be headed back into the dark clouds of a violent storm. I question if we're going to be able to diffuse a tempest, especially with all the egos that have risen in various holds. I will try to keep in touch as things develop.

With all my love, and with renewed vigor.
Your Nephew, Airwin Caeyara.

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