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Antimatter - Can I drink it?


Inactive Member
Or, rather, what forms can antimatter actually take?

Looking over the wikipedia article about antimatter gives the example that antimatter as we know it can be, say, an antielectron or an antiproton. Considering that electrons and protons make up atoms which make up, basically, anything, this has left it very much up to interpretation as to what kind of form (solid, liquid, gas, other?) antimatter can actually take.

Couple this with the fact that I've heard on several occasions that "a gram of antimatter can kick the Hiroshima H-Bomb all around the schoolyard" terminology for the damage it does, the "gram" part seems to imply (to me, anyway) that it can be in a powder, or a solid form.

Now, I haven't poured over the wikipedia article in its entirety (I know, right, I should be a science major so I can understand it all, completely my fault), but certain sciences have been bent or even broken in the SARP universe before.

So my question is, in the Star Army setting and universe,, what forms can antimatter take?
The article is referring to the basic elemental components. It is theoretically possible to combine them to form molecules. Which would probably be easier to store than just particles.

For example you could make "Anti-Hydrogen" which would be combined with Hydrogen in a reactor.
Antimatter can, theoretically, take as many forms as matter, since it is simply the perfect opposite of matter. So you can have liquid antimatter, solid, gaseous, and so on. It all depends on the type of anti-atom you're referring to. Now, I don't know if we want to go into this, since it's something that we have no real precedent for in reality, so we can't say for sure what would cause anything antimatter related to happen, such as the changing of states, but in theory, we know that much.
A bit off the topic, but if what you two said is true, then would it be possible to have living entities made out of anti-matter?

Wouldn't that just be a barrel of laughs.
A Nobody?

Ignoring that, antimatter doesn't mean "anti-everything" (meaning states -of-existence, concepts, and so on), just matter. So, yeah, if you put it that way, it is only logical.

Maybe there is a universe where we are the ones made of antimatter. That might be fun to play. For years they have been trying to contact anyone from our universe, but signals won't cross and anyhing they send explodes. Their EM containment fields won't work here, so one something crosses it fails...or not. Just brainstorming, now ^_^
A universe of anti-matter life forms could exist, but meeting them from our universe would require a special meeting place to meet where each could stay safely or a way to shield yourself from exploding in their universe.
Well, although that wasn't the goal of my question it certainly is an interesting concept.

All in all, though, I'd say my original question has been answered quite nicely. Thanks a bunch folks.
Darn and I was hoping to expounded maybe a little bit about

I just go with the short version XD:
1. Like the wikipedia article should suggest always think of "antimatter" as the opposite of electric charge and not the opposite in mass "charge" or quantum color "charge".
2. When we say that photons, gravitrons, or some other bosons with 0-charge have "no anti-matter particle opposite" , it would be more politically correct to say the "particle is it own opposite". In fact there is a idea in physics that bosons are practically indistinguishable from any anti-matter pair because the charge conjugation of something with 0-charge is something with 0-charge. (the charge conjugation of something with + charge is - charge like in the case of the proton and antiproton.
phacon said:
Darn and I was hoping to expounded maybe a little bit about

I noticed this about a couple of your posts in other threads, but that first line seems to be cut off (and there's a sudden shift in tenses, but that's something else entirely). It lacks a period so I'm wondering if that's what happened. Just thought I'd give you a head's up there, you can catch them if you read your posts before clicking the "Submit" button. The "Preview" button lets you see what your post looks like before putting it up, it's quite handy : )

Oh yeah. Before I forget, have you posted in the Contact Information thread?