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Antimatter Production

The usual Yamataian method is to draw energy from the aether and then convert that energy into the (anti)matter. Positrons are a favorite because they take minimal effort to make (whole molecules, especially big ones, take longer and more effort).
I prefer the use of solar particle accelerator farms myself. I think that's the model I would try to follow in the future. Makes for a resource which can be depleted and that must be refined to be able to be used.
I updated the article. Any issues before I approve it?
I am wondering about the need for the subjective material in paragraph two at the top. Not so happy with the wording there. :|
Actually, I think it makes sense. It acknowledges that we know we are shooting ourselves in the foot and that our interpretation might not be entirely accurate... but that were going with it anyways due to us having a dynamic setting with a playerbase to accomodate.

It's honest, at least.
:| Don't worry about it. It is truthful--however, it is my opinion that things like that are a given. If we suddenly start including that on everything it is going to look odd. This is just my opinion on the matter, nothing needs to change on that accord.
Cleaned up and APPROVED
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