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Laz Public Network [APPLICANTS WANTED] Construction crew seeking CAMIE pilots


Inactive Member
OOC: This is for Project THOUGHT, though there is a construction project that the job is actually attached to...really good applicants may just be diverted into the better job.

CAMIE-equipped construction crew in Nishitama City seeks pilots for construction as well as testing and providing feedback on job-specific third party hardware modifications.

Due to the sensitive location, Honorably Discharged SAoY Veterans or actively serving SAoY Personnel with favorable records who want extra money on the side are favored for this position. LAMIA mecha or Power Armor experience is highly favored on top of this.

Pay is monthly, and dependent on rank. Please be ready to submit to a background check and standard drug screening, and signing a non-disclosure agreement may be needed depending on tasks assigned by our clients.
Re: [APPLICANTS WANTED] Construction crew seeking CAMIE pilo

To whom it may concern:

I am Yaiba-Jôtô Hei, formerly of the 3XF. Currently on Leave of Absence.

I am a SAoY Infantry member and proficient in power armors. I am interested in meeting with your organization regarding this opportunity.

Re: [APPLICANTS WANTED] Construction crew seeking CAMIE pilo

(OOC: Go here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5907 )

To: Yaiba-Hei

After looking at your situation, we feel you to be a prime candidate, and possibly in need of a task with which to distract yourself from the last year of your life. We are interested in meeting with you, and wish you to come to Nishitama's Civilian dock. Someone will meet you and guide you to our office at the attached shipyard.

In light of your situation, we are willing to start your pay at 1328 KS -- twice the monthly rate for your rank and matching that of an Itto Heisho. This is to make up for the money you'd earn from the Army, any relocation costs, and a bit extra because of the sympathies of our employer.

Nishitama Northern Shipyards
Re: [APPLICANTS WANTED] Construction crew seeking CAMIE pilo

To Nishitama Northern Shipyards

I am a civilian doctor and former employee of Origin Industries and the Jarilo Medical Foundation. With my contract with Origin current terminated, I am currently seeking new employment. I have extensive expertise in the medical profession and experience with a test flight environment where a degree of secrecy is required.

Should you be in need of a skilled medical professional, I am currently traveling in the region and may arrive within 1-2 Standard Yamatai Days.

-Irene Ceres

>>incoming\\ATTACHMENT :::: RESUME.ndf


To Nishitama Northern Shipyards

If you're looking for a professional security officer outside of the usual military hierarchy who can keep things quiet and provide top-quality service, I'm current for hire. I'm familiar with high-tech industry and know how to keep a test site safe and secure for your crew.

If you need any citations or proofs of competency, I've worked as a security officer for the flagship of the Origin Industries corporate fleet for over a year and a half and am a registered high-level licensed member of the Nepleslian Rifle Association.

-Sergio Langley Plissken

>>incoming\\ATTACHMENT :::: RESUME.ndf
Re: [APPLICANTS WANTED] Construction crew seeking CAMIE pilo

To: Dr. Irene Ceres

You seem more than qualified for an opening we have for an on-site doctor, and your record seems to be very positive. You will be required to treat Yamataian and Neko personnel in all likelyhood, which is likely something Origin prepared you for.

We invite you to come to Nishitama's Northern Shipyards section B1-14 for an interview, and a deeper discussion on your abilities to perform this role. If we are satisfied, you may expect a monthly salary somewhere between 750 and 1000 KS per month, dependent on our degree of satisfaction.

Nishitama Northern Shipyards


To: Sergio Langley Plissken

While you would normally be considered overqualified to monitor construction sites, your experience seems to be right up the alley of what we are looking for -- especially given our sensitive location and clientele. We are most certainly interested, and are glad to hear about your NRA membership. You may be provided with a fire arm to aid you in providing security to certain sites. We are interested in an interview with you, and will discuss pay in more detail then.

While a monthly total of 500KS would be the probable minimum for someone with your skillset, we will require an interview with you as well -- I hope I'm not too blunt in saying that a particular physical appearance may in itself act as a deterrent and be worth a little extra compensation. Please come to section B1-14 when you arrive.

Nishitama Northern Shipyards
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