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Applying SDR values to quantities of TNT.

So then not talking about the problem is the solution?

No one is going to post their ideas on how to change things if people are whining about not wanting change, and if you aren't going to help there are plenty of other threads you could be in. Compromise or no, the system does not do what it was intended to do very well and the first step towards fixing it is getting people talking about fixing it.

Of course when/if I do figure out the fix, I'll be posting it.
Then please make a new thread when you have the new system: We'll be more inclined to listen. At least I will anyway...
What do you think of a damage rating scale on an exponential curve?

If we have DR 1 be equivalent to, say, a 9mm handgun chosen as the standard, then divide up the scale between that and an aether shock cannon (those are supposed to be as close to "infinite energy" as the setting has, right?) as the upper limit then the difference between DR 3 (say, anti-vehicle) and DR 4 (maybe anti-tank) may not be much but the difference between DR 8 (the Hiroshima nuke) and a DR 9 (a moon-buster bomb) would be significant. And DR 10 of course being an aether tap gone "gusher".
Missing, we haven't used the 1-10 system in about a year and a half.

It's three tiers of 1-5 now. (should be four tiers but whatever)
The scaled 1-10 system had more complexity to it, accounting for things like armor and damage resistance. It was better understood by new players (examples were very visual and scaled progression gave more leeway in terms of where your weapon fit). The numbers are even far less arbitrary than the current system as they were paired with decent examples and left enough wiggle room to scale things without needing a lot of thinking about it.

It is pretty much better in every way, but it still has some of the same problems:

Damage ratings are still kinda arbitrary. For example if I make a weapon how would I determine where it falls on the DR scale? Examples give a very vague definition which is more useful than none at all but it still excludes easy judgment for a certain quantity of TnT. The best solution here would be to pair an energy released number to each DR rating so people could calculate DR based on the force of a shock wave, mass x speed of a bullet, or what have you. This also has the added benefit of stopping people from just putting in numbers they don't understand on their submissions which in turn would make for higher quality submissions.

Special cases also present a problem that neither systems ever really addressed other than 'use your best judgment'. Aether Shock Cannons don't really fit into the DR scale if you base it on damage done to a starship. It is a case of if you get hit by it and your shields are down, you die, simply by the nature of the weapon. The same goes for gravity based weapons and a few other things but basically a proper DR system would need to account for this in some way.

And of course in terms of game play, a fixed DR system would need to build upon the systems we already have in place instead of scrapping everything and starting from scratch. Regardless of the solution, in terms of roll out and upkeep, the more similar it is to what we have now the better it will be for everyone to use.
Doshii Jun said:
Definitely keep it as is. No changes, please.
Aendri said:
Honestly, New players SHOULDN'T have a problem. The only times it really matters are for GMs, or tech creation, neither of which should be something a new player is doing.
kai said:
Missing, we haven't used the 1-10 system in about a year and a half.

It's three tiers of 1-5 now. (should be four tiers but whatever)

Wow.... I am suprised at all emotional the replies. :shock: How did we get about making a new DR System anyways? :? I mean I honestly what trying to figure out what TNT was on the current DR system. I wasn't asking for DR System to change.

SSharp said:
Then please make a new thread when you have the new system: We'll be more inclined to listen. At least I will anyway...
Yeah from here on out I recommend you guys make your own thread if you guys are going to continue on the DR System discussion.

This perhaps was the best answer the true question I am asking.

Let me make sure I understand this Exhack and MissingNo.

While you guys where debating DR values, I first found at least part of the answer I was looking for when I found Nam Grenades and Star Army Explosives. Basically all grenades used by personal have Personal Damage Rating or an Armor Damage rating depending on weight.

So looking at the quote above and the articles together, it seems to me that when used as weapons in combat explosives should get a DR rating. However, when they are use to breach starships walls, break down blast doors, and mine for ores, it is the GM of the plotship that determines the DR value.

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