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Approved Character Araan Vis'Thraugh

Wolfe Whitehorn

Inactive Member
My first character entry here at Star Army. I hope to enter it into Nashoba's YSS Aeon Plot Ship.

Araan Vis'Thraugh

Not really a whole lot to say. Not really my best RP example, kind rushed for time, bed is looming, calling out to me. >.>
Welcome to the SARP, actually not a bad start for your first character.

Here are a few items that need to be addressed.

Ok, even though he may not know much about his parents. They should be listed at least their names, and whether or not they are alive.

occasionally warned against by his superior officers. <- SAOY has no rules against facial hair.

Please take a look at the standard skills a Star Army of Yamatai soldier has and put that on the sheet. I would also suggest that for a starting character you replace the Leadership with something more fitting.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wr ... r_s_skills
Fixed, decided to leave the bit about the goatee because, well, maybe they just thought it made him look rediculous, and in my brief time with the Marine Corps. they grilled me into getting rid of mine, which I grew back, so it just feels natural for him.
I'm not a character mod so take all that I say as suggestions. Heck, you can argue or ignore them if you want as long as you do it politely.

How does he appear more Nepleslian than Minkan? A Minkan is created to look like whatever the user wants it to look like. Though, how much alike a Minkan can be made to look like a rough and tough Nepleslian, I do not know. Nashoba made them so it's his call.

Also, considering his Nepleslian past the name is very strange. Nepleslia can, essentially, be viewed as neo-America with mainly Anglo-Saxon roots. Can't say that I know of any culture with such a strange name. And I'm from South East Asia. Suggest changing it to something more Anglo-American. Vis'Thraugh is not a very Nepleslian name.

Actually, I cannot tell if he was formerly Nepleslian or you just want him to look Nepleslian. Because if its the latter, why not just make a Nepleslian? If the former, why? Why not make himself look like the people he admires so much?

It's Yamataian, not Yamatarian.
He is formerly Nepleslian, but chooses to look largely like his older self because he was proud of himself, not his race in general. He was comfortable, albeit dying, in his own skin. As to the naming convention, looking over time and space variations or even radical shifts in naming conventions would not be unheard of. Potentially a name like Vis'thraugh could come from variations of common family names that combined over time, perhaps even to keep the viability of a dying family name in a child of a family's last female after she marries. Think of the two converging families as the Visil family, taken from my friend Christian's family, and Thraugh as a variation of my own father's last name, Straughn, given decades of traveler's influence.

Both of our families come from Anglo-Saxon and Germanic descent. Though another point of influence to be mentioned is 'Americanized' considering we are the cultural meltingpot any combination or range of naming convention would not in truth be a rarity, even if a bit unique.

I do, however, appreciate your input and value that you've given me the chance to explain my views and conventions. And Aendri, I've got the skills in listing now, perhaps a bit out of order, but they're there. If necessary I will adjust after work.
Minkan's like Yamataian's tend to look Japanese, but their appearance can be altered to match the original form.

Issues have been resolved,
