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Arachni Drone


Inactive Member
Arachni Drone

Price: 12,600 KS

History and Background: NovaCorp, unsettled by the sudden introduction to Emrys Industries to the security market, quickened the development and release of there newest offensive/defensive drone: the Arachni. However in their speed up they brought in one of their best scientists, a rather eccentric (to be polite) Elysian scientist; it was he who introduced the anti-sound system, the plasmonic shielding, and the vicious legs and spikes, not because they fitted its purpose, but because he wanted to put them on something. It is designed to be a drone that can travel fast, fire faster, and be a serious opponent in both mêlée and ranged combat, as well as being co-ordinated by a central computer. It is perfect for patrolling duty, however it is also capable to be used as an offensive strike force or an covert attack unit.

About the Arachni: The drone stands two feet tall, and walks on four spider like legs. It has four other leg-like protrusions standing upright, which are used in mêlée, using their razor sharp edges and blinding fast movement to rip opponents apart. This same speed allows the Arachni to move a very impressive speeds. It also has four small spike protrusions, equally spaced around its round torso which can extend instantly, up to a length of three feet, their monomolecular tip impaling itself through one or more creatures. Its body also has an array of eye like devices, and other sensor, well protected and made to survive most hits that wouldn't destroy the drone, which feed back information to a central computer which controls the drone. The drone has a central processor that can simple decisions if not connected to the central computer, but this usually amounts to patrolling and shooting anything that moves. This leads to the most notable feature of the Arachni drone: the guns. On the top of the drone there are two twin-linked reavers, capable of firing ten packets of maser energy every second, each. This quickly cuts through most objects, mauling through the sheer number of packages. The entire top of the Arachni can rotate; the reavers are able to fire in any direction on a 360o arc.

Statistical Information:

Government: Will be available to all organisations, especially peacekeepers
Organisation: Currently NovaCorp, used on ships
Type: Offensive/defensive drone
Class: No-AD-01 Arachni
Manufacturer: NovaCorp Production section

Appearance: Spiderlike, four legs on floor, four raised in strike position, four small spikes around the round body, eyes and other sensors hidden behind dark steel-glass. Two reavers on the top of the body.

Length: 2.5 ft.
Width: 2.5 ft.
Height: 2 ft.

Speeds: 80 kph
Range: Can go through a 12 hour shift without recharging
Lifespan: Lasts five years without maintenance, less if in combat

Weapons Systems:

Reaver, twin-linked (2) These two weapons, found on the top of the Arachni, fire ten packets of maser energy a second.

Location: On the top of the drone, one on each side
Primary purpose: To kill armoured hostiles
Secondary purpose: To destroy objects, doors, walls etc.
Damage: Moderate. Sufficient to easily kill a armoured man, destroy a normal wall etc.
Range: 2250 metres
Rate of fire: Ten packets per second
Payload: Infinite while batteries are still functioning

Attack Legs (4): These legs are not used to move, but to attack, moving with blinding speed and dealing significant damage with their monomolecular edges.

Location: Four equidistant around the body of drone
Primary purpose: To maim targets, fight in mêlée
Secondary purpose: To climb up walls, break through objects
Range: 2 feet
Damage: Enough to cut through steel using the diamond-fibre tip
Rate of fire: Two strikes a second for each leg

Spikes (4): When in rest these look like four inch long spikes on the drones body, however they can instantly shoot out as an up two three foot long retractable, telescopic, spike, with it's diamond-fibre monomolecular edge dealing significant damage, puncturing through steel and impaling most normal substances and creatures.

Location: Four equidistant around the body of drone
Primary purpose: To maim targets, fight in mêlée
Secondary purpose: Puncture through heavy armour
Range: 3 feet
Damage: Has enough power to puncture through steel-titanium plates,
Rate of fire: Near instantaneous, half second withdrawal time

Systems descriptions:

Armour: One inch thick titanium-steel alloy. High endurance ceramic coating and interior shock resistant material.

Slick capsule: Small capsule at the bottom of the drones body contains a high density solution of ‘slick' a liquid create by NovaCorp which has extremely low friction, causing people to fall over and be incapable of getting up. It creates a patch typically 5ft. by 5ft. The drone usually leaps just before releasing the capsule, meaning it is not in the capsules are of effect.

Sensors: The Arachni has reasonably advanced sensors capable of seeing into all of the electro-magnetic spectrums, record extremely sensitive sounds, hear far of conversations, see up to five miles with precision, detecting heart beats, and with some detection detecting neurological activity.

Anti-sound: The Arachni produces antisound for every noise it makes, cancelling it out. This combined with its already near silent nature means it is next to impossible to hear. The antisound effectively is generated ny thousands of tiny speakers which detect the noise before it has time to spread to the air, the vibrations in the materials, and releases the coresponding countersound.

Plasmonic shielding: The drone has a plasmonic cover which prevents light from scattering by resonating at the same frequency as the light striking it, thus making it invisible. The theory behind it is more complicated, it includes the fact that when the light strikes the metallic material waves of electrons called plasmons are generated, and in the shield the frequency of plasmons is the same as the frequency of the light hitting it, which cancels each other out, reducing the amount of scattering to such a level that the human eye, or even a Neko can not see it (although a sensor would be confused about the trace scrambling). The same principal works for ultraviolet and low leval inferred.


Radio: Allows the armours wearer to communicate with other peace enforcers or with central command. It uses quantum state encryption to make sure that it can't be hacked into to and controled.

Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam.
YaY! I can safely say this is the best new item on stararmy in a very long time.

The only real problem I see with this is that the Slick capsule does not nessisarily fit with the devices role in combat but that isn't really something that needs/should be changed.

You might want to add something better than radio or at least add some sort of sophisticated encrypting modual in the things computer so that it can't be remote controlled by an opponent.

Elaborate a bit more on the anti-sound system.

3 inches of armor would be a bit on the heavy side for a drone who, in combat, would probably focus on stealth and speed. Against the weapons it is likely to come up against 3 inches probably wouldn't be much protection anyways.

As for your maser weapons, I suggest adding more discription on what the weapon looks like ontop of the drone, how armor is placed around it and how it is mounted. The kind of things you'd want to know when RPing in a situation where your being attacked by one.

But ya, I'm really just nit-picking.
Alright I've made some changes. Thanks for the warm reception. Keep the advice coming. Would heavy armour include a new metal (real life mind you) that is 100 times stronger than steel? Would that be reasonable? It's actualy quite basic, surprised no-one else has used it.
No perfect iron whiskers, or monocrys iron. 100 times stronger than steel, but with the flexibility of iron meaning it can survive blows better. It's also just as light as iron. It's not hard to make either, it just needs a condensation principle. Can NovaCorp trademark it or something and do you have any objections to it being on this drone?

To quote from a good website:

Perfect iron is roughly one hundred times as strong as common steels, and four times as strong as the very best, super-exotic steels. Yet it retains much of the elasticity of wrought iron, enabling it to flex and absorb impacts without damage.

Whiskers (to the materials engineer, a whisker is a fibre with no imperfections) generally are made by assembling atoms into a perfect matrix in a liquid or vapor phase deposition process. Now that I've explained my units, I can report that the figures for perfect iron are 4,600,000, 4,600,000, and 660,000 in Newtons per square centimeter for tension, compression and shear, respectively. The values for a typical mild steel, such as is normally used for structures, are 46,300, 46,300, and 38600. An excellent commercial steel would have typical values of 463,400, 463,400 and 380,000.

What do you think of the drone in general? Any advice?
Can't find it - sorry. I took those quotes ages ago and put them in a word document. I'll try and find it but I'm not promising anything. Do you think the drone should have that armour and would it be posisble for NovaCorp to copyright the process (or the nearest thing possible in the Yamataian legal system).
Oh Okay then. Anyone that nicks my idea will have a hord of Arachni drones pouring down their necks mwahahahaha. (Unless someone wants to buy the process of course, then we can talk).
This combined with its already near silent nature

Its a machine needing many complex moving parts and power systems so does your machine have frictionless coatings on its parts or what?

And delete the word Laser under communications if your not going to put anything there.
Thanks Zack, necesary alterations have been made. I really don't mind your nit-picking, it helps. This little babies going to come on the market after I finalise the price, make any alterations and possibly get it onto the new NovaCorp pages that're being designed. Any more nitpicking, sugestions (those I like) or aproximations of price (I need them) would be helpfull. Thad, any thoughts?
Laser: Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam.

Ok, we already know its a laser you don't need to tell us twice ;p

You might want to also give some discription on how the machine powers itself and how it gets rid of excess heat. A advanced radiator would be good because this thing is going to be picked up on infa-red quite easaly. Insulation in the armor would also be a good thing to have, metal armor won't help you any if the machine overheats or freezes.

medium and low end power armors typically run around the 25,000 credit mark. Assuming I'm making a video game out of this and resource management needs to be balanced, I would assume this is a unit you would need a group of to take down a basic power armor. Something like a group of 2 or 3 to each suit. I would place this around 12,500 credits which is around the cost of a high end power armor weapon.

Keep in mind novacorp (from what I understand) Has complete vertical intigration going on at the moment so it could charge whatever it wanted for this product without having to worry about hurting itself or anything like that. Consider a very low price in order to try and undercut your compitition.

On a different note, the KS isn't really used and is bearly what you could consider a circulating currency. Your not going to sell many of these in single units so your best bet is reaching a deal with a large buyer based on their needs at the time.