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Approved Character Araxie Serai

Looks good! The only thing is I'm not really sure about her motivation for leaving home.
It all looks great to me, I think her motivation was the bad treatment of elysians where she grew up.
Hey Arbles, your character is looking good. My suggestion would be to finish filling out that top chart, like date of birth, organization, etc etc. But otherwise i think she looks pretty good
She wasn't really finding things to be all that interesting on New Elysia. So she left!

She's technically not part of any organization though?

Nor does she actually have an occupation at this time...
I think I'm ready to approve this character.

I think we talked a bit about what Araxie can do on 188604 but I don't think we spoke about how she is going to get there. I kinda assume that Uso has some ad in space-craig's-list that people have been responding to. Perhaps we could start with an interview JP?
Yeah regarding an introduction... I honestly have no idea how to get her in. Like, zero ideas of about basically infinite possible...
Well would she be looking for a job? I think that'll be the easiest way to get her involved with 188604.

Otherwise we could find some other method for getting her stuck there.
Yeah, she's been in space freelancing for a few years, as of right now her motivation for joining is, of course, money. Come time she might end up properly settling down here for a while, but if there's a sort of local-area bulletin asking for people to work in planetary operation, fleet command, logistics, etc. She might check it out, especially if the deal' better than other stuff she comes across at the time.
This character was approved and is currently in roleplay. I have relocated this thread to the approved forum.
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